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Less accuracy

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I would think havin less accuracy in ofp2 would be nice. The soldier in ofp is too damn accurate and not realistic. Games such as americas army, vietnam and counter strike all have a certain random bullet flight path instead of 100% right on. I wouldnt want it to be too inaccurate but just enuf so that you have to calculate for your aiming and recoil meaning seeing where your bullets  are hitting  and adjusting your shot. Maybe having some certain conditions to be 100% accurate like only in prone position or when in kneel position, a time limit to steady the gun then being dead on target. In ofp 1 you can shoot 300+ some meters and hit some one in the head , not in scope mode either just the cursor... i kinda like it but its not realistic.

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OFP has more realistic bullet physics than any of the games you mentioned. The only thing is that you don't sway enough when standing. You do have to adjust your aim in OFP at ranges, although it could be tweaked a little.

I REALLY do not want luck to be a factor in determining hits, like it is in counter-quake.

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But it is true that even in a prone supported position soldiers are not able to hit a man-sized target with an M16A2 with iron sights more than 15% of the time...

Add a red-dot and you've got a totally different situation, because you then only need to put the dot on the target, instead of having to line up both a rear and front sight on the target.



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One plus side to counter-strike is you can be accurate, and completely incccurate.

I've I'm trying to get a temmate to advance, retreat, or trying to get myself to do that, I can spray at the corner the enemy is standing. I don't necessarily care about hitting him, just scaring him into not coming out.

In OFP every shot is a B line to the crosshairs. Being able to spray someone accurately at a target or area would be nice.

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Uziyahu - at what range?

Prone I expect to hit a man sized target at 400m at least 80% - more if I've zeroed recently

(not with an M16 but apparently M16s are more accurate ... )

@ harnu

I don't understand. I can suppress an area in OFP, you just move the mouse around, like moving your point of aim in real life.

The bad thing about CS is that it rewards luck.

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Doh!  Sorry... Meant to add the words "at 300 meters".

Yep, at 300 meters the average soldier in the prone supported position hits a man-sized target 15% of the time with iron sights.  Believe it.

That's why the H&K G-11, with its super fast 3-round burst mode, was designed.  3 rounds leaving the barrel before the muzzle began to flip from the first round's recoil was meant to increase chances of one of the rounds hitting the target at 300 meters.  Too bad it didn't make it.

And soldiers certainly couldn't lead a running/driving/flying target as accurately as OFP's A.I. can.

Oh, are you shooting at pop-up targets on a timed qualification range, or static paper targets? The stress of pop-ups makes a big diff. "America's Army" portrays the Basic Rifle Marksmanship qualification range about 95 - 98 % accurately, according to my own experience at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Those 300 meter pop-up targets are not so easy to hit with iron sights.



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On an ETR and an IBSR (yes, 'pop up' target ranges)

I'm not really an 'average' soldier though - I've been in my units shooting team for four years and got the highest scores overall for my team at Bisley every time we went smile_o.gif

The way I'd like to see the accuracy done though is to have the sights waver around (like the sniper rifle does currently) - not to make the actual rifle less accurate. Rounds go where the barrel is pointing, and the sights are attached to the barrel... This would have the effect of making all weapons less accurate while not being unrealistic like a huge dispersion.

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Quote[/b] ]@ harnu

I don't understand. I can suppress an area in OFP, you just move the mouse around, like moving your point of aim in real life.

What I mean is the randomness you can get from your gun. Like if you loosen your grip on your gun, it will decrease it's accuracy if I'm not mistaken.

In OFP, there is no randomness, the bullet goes where you fire, everytime. Even if you move your gouse around, maybe it's just me, but the same effect of suppresing fire doesn't come.

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At least when standing and crouched, there should be less accuracy. The way it works in OFP is kinda okay, if you fire off single rounds with a certain delay inbetween to reaim on the target, but no-way could you manage to fire that accurate in a combat-stress situation. Few single shots maybe, but in OFP you can empty mag after mag on an advancing foe up tp 500 metres away and hit them dead-on.

Sure it shouldn't be about luck, but at least you should have to wait until you aimed long enough at your target before you get dead-on accuracy, simulating how you concentrate on the target.

To compensate for a certain inaccuracy, it would be great to implement bi- tripods, especially for machineguns.

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