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About IntruderDZ

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. IntruderDZ

    Latest screenshots available

    It looks like command n conquer's 3-D levels but in this you can be the little tiny soldier or fly the chopper and go anywhere. Just look at the rich urban enviroment; kinda like Somalia in BlkHwkDown. I just hope those buildings are not "prop" ones so we can hide in them !
  2. IntruderDZ

    Character Ragdoll and more

    If you play America's Army you know how cool and realistic ragdoll is.
  3. IntruderDZ

    What is this game officially

    Is Armed assault a continuance of OFP:Resistance or is it what was once called "operation flashpoint 2"?If it is OFP2, is there a major difference in gameplay, or the same lacking OFP1? By lacking I mean: no leaning around edges,no jumping or even a hop over objects, and will the issue of the Scope misalignment with the character model not being seeing around a corner be fixed (clipping). These are my concerns for my support of this new game.
  4. IntruderDZ

    Fog cheat

    Can any BIS member confirm or dismiss a possible way for people to turn off fog or increase thier visibility in a game with fog . Maybe tweaking a video card setting or some modified files, if so dont disclose how it would be done. Just want to know.
  5. IntruderDZ

    Less accuracy

    I would think havin less accuracy in ofp2 would be nice. The soldier in ofp is too damn accurate and not realistic. Games such as americas army, vietnam and counter strike all have a certain random bullet flight path instead of 100% right on. I wouldnt want it to be too inaccurate but just enuf so that you have to calculate for your aiming and recoil meaning seeing where your bullets  are hitting  and adjusting your shot. Maybe having some certain conditions to be 100% accurate like only in prone position or when in kneel position, a time limit to steady the gun then being dead on target. In ofp 1 you can shoot 300+ some meters and hit some one in the head , not in scope mode either just the cursor... i kinda like it but its not realistic.
  6. IntruderDZ

    Scripting help

  7. IntruderDZ

    Scripting help

    anybody there? ?
  8. IntruderDZ

    Scripting help

    "i will not fall till my legs go from underneath me i will stand strong"
  9. IntruderDZ

    Scripting help

    that is just a snippet of the scripts. There is  at least 15 objects per script and in multiplayer it never runs correctly ever. All the object either never make it  get misaligned or other objects in the place of the intended ones are moved. It runs perfectly in single player as i said in the first post of this thread. But lag or something in the multiplayer F***'s! everything up. So someone said i need to use public variable to make it run correct for each player.
  10. IntruderDZ

    Scripting help

    ok im having trouble using this public variable. I have 2 scripts one for the host (server) and one for the players(clients). I attempted to add Publicvariable"Blahblah" and @(blahblah) but with no luck. The host's scripts runs but the clients doesnt. I have a trigger where i exec both of them the one for the host and the clients. here are both of them without my publicvariable attempts </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;;;Server Script ?!(local server):exit _origin = _this select 0 _distance = 1 _xpos = getPos _origin Select 0 _ypos = getPos _origin Select 1 _angle = getDir _origin ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 Goto "Offset" #offset _xoffset = (sin _angle) * _distance _yoffset = (cos _angle) * _distance _obj = NearestObject [_xpos + _xoffset, _ypos + _yoffset, 0] ? ((_obj == _origin) && (_distance < 2)): _distance = _distance + 1.5; goto "offset" ? (_obj != _origin): goto "Move1" #move1 _obj setpos [(getPos p) Select 0,(getPos p) Select 1,26.8] Exit <span id='postcolor'> and this is the client script </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;;;ClientScript _origin = _this select 0 _distance = 1 _xpos = getPos _origin Select 0 _ypos = getPos _origin Select 1 _angle = getDir _origin ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 Goto "offset" #offset _xoffset = (sin _angle) * _distance _yoffset = (cos _angle) * _distance _obj = NearestObject [_xpos + _xoffset, _ypos + _yoffset, 0] ? ((_obj == _origin) && (_distance < 2)): _distance = _distance + 1.5; goto "offset" ? (_obj != _origin): goto "Move1" #move1 _obj setpos [(getPos p) Select 0,(getPos p) Select 1,26.8] <span id='postcolor'> where am i supposed to put the @(BLahblah) and the Publicvariable "blahblah" within both scripts in order for it to activate and work together? and... do i have to do that for each execution say if i wanted to add more than one setpos line??
  11. IntruderDZ

    Insert houses?

    http://armyhelo.com/resistance/Resisthouses.htm thx to 14th hoot for compiling this
  12. IntruderDZ

    Scripting help

    publicvariable "blahblah"  and   @(blahblah) for multiplayer scripts ?? will this solve my problem for inconsistent results throughout all the players machines.
  13. IntruderDZ

    Scripting help

  14. IntruderDZ

    Scripting help

    whisper ?? Bn880 ?? anybody ??
  15. IntruderDZ

    Scripting help

    Ok forgive me cause i dont know really what to do but im sure someone does. How to sync all players script executions so that the data is identical on each machine. I have some understanding that a Server has his own script and the clients have thier own scripts, but how ?