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Group link ii

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In an humble effort trying to give something back to this great OFP community I finalized the readme.txt and just put the ZIP-file up on my site... The original Group Link Script was written by toadlife so credits should really go to him!

Group Link II is an heavily modified version of his script and the main goal is to provide an "generic" and easy way make the enemy AI a bit more challenging and unpredictable in missions since the AI groups now call for support from each other. Group Link II is tweaked particular to be used in co-op multiplayer missions and used wisely it can really make you feel "hunted" by the AI!

Below is a list of some of the things added to the original script:

- Verified to work in multiplayer.

- Enemy infantry will unmount their vehicles ~200 m prior to the last known location. They will proceed the last bit by foot.

- If enemy infantry is in a helicopter they may paradrop over the target area else the helicopter will try to land and they will be unloaded.

- Enemy AI may call in artillery support at your location if they spot you, but will only do so if no other enemy AI groups are in the target area.

- If the support group don't find you and the alert is canceled they will relocate and get back into their vehicles (if any) and resume to their original waypoints (if any).

- At daytime if enemy vehicles is engaged (or spot you) en route to the conflict point enemy AI may pop smoke while all infantry soldiers rapidly unmounts the vehicles.

- If it's dark enemy AI will most likely use flares at the conflict point to aid their search for you.

- The script randomly sets formation, speed, behavior and combat modes for each support group individually when they are called for.

See readme.txt and example mission for more details...

Group Link II 1.15

Since this is my first public script feel free to post questions, spelling errors tounge.gif  or general feedback in this forum.


/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

PS: If toadlife is lurking I just want to say thanks for the original Group Link script that inspired me.

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Cool, I looked it over. Looks like you added a bunch of neat stuff. I'll have to try it out.

A modified version of my original grouplink script is featured in the coop version of Operation LoJack, and also the single player versions of Operation LoJack.

I originally wrote the script specifically for LoJack.


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Glad you both liked it!

As expected I found some minor spelling errors in the readme.txt that now is fixed, also added another advanced example mission.

To get the feel of it try this in the advance example...

1. Order your AI group to stay put, hold fire, and lay down in the woods.

2. Then jump on the motorcycle and drive slowly north and after a few seconds the Russian V-80 chopper will have spotted you.

3. Notice the list in "Occupied groups" grow with other groups starting to hunt you down as the chopper keeps requesting for backup. Also if you run into other AI groups on the road they may/may not hook up in the hunt.

4. Give it a go and try to shake them... As long as you have the chopper on your tail they will hunt you across the whole island if they have to tounge.gif

5. If you manage to hide long enough (be patient and still) they will get back into their vehicles and return to their original patrol rounds.

The new version with the updated readme.txt and the new example mission can be grabbed here....

Group Link II 1.16

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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Hey KeyCat, nice that you did this, I may use it for an old misison of mine when I give it an overhaul. It is exactly what this mission was designed to behave like and more. biggrin.gif

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Nice work Keycat, I think I will use this in one of my missions as well. Would be good to have to use your brain to get passed the enemy.

@Bn880, it would be good to see a mission made with this and the CoC mod.


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Would be nice indeed RED. I will pass it on to the CoC, maybe it is doable maybe not. smile.gif (and added to that EnemyStack... too bad saving/loading game will probably not work with all these AI and scripts wink.gif )

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Be sure an update your submission in the OFPEC Ed Depot, if you make an updated version.

You can update your own submissions, by opening it up on the pending list and clickin on the little pencil icon. biggrin.gif

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Would I have any problem at all using Bibmi's African militia with this?

And I'd like to request that the NO Mi-2 Hoplite be considered for the script. smile.gif

Thanks... I'll give it a whirl later on. This script may just make my mission super cool.

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@ toadlife, I found the little icon at OFPEC so the submitted file was updated to latest version yesterday.

@ Hellfish6, the script should work OK with Bibmi's African militia but don't think he includes pilot and other crew class for them? If not you will have to use east crew and pilots in BMP's/tanks/helicopters.

Regarding the Mi-2 my plan is to add support for all OFP:R standard vehicles first. Next version will be available in a couple of weeks and adds support for  the west side and all (standard) west vehicles, after that it will be the Resistance turn.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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This script would be good for a vietnam mission biggrin.gif where your a pilot been shot down or somthing and u must then try stay alive as long as possible till rescue or somthing like that.

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KeyCat, someone will contact you from CoC if we are making a new mission where this could be used. Currently no mission like this in the works, mission designers busy. biggrin.gif

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@ bn880, np... just have them contact me with a PM or via ICQ and I will be happy to help him/her out. By then I've probably released the updated version that supports west standard units/vehicles as well.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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Looks neat man. I'm eager to sit down with it this weekend and conform it to some ww2 missions I've made.

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