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Mission editor

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In the mission editor there should be an possibility to make the briefing and overview incuding pictures instead of adding them manually (wich also still should be possible).

An script editor would be nice to so you can try the scripts out while ingame.

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Along those lines I'd like to see briefing and overview editing without using third party text editors.

Also, it would be handy to have some pre-loaded, commonly used scripts that can be easily edited and renamed for custom use. Maybe a "scripting library" of sorts?

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Yes, I would love to see an all-in-one official mission editor program. Internal script editor, briefing creator, and maybe something specifically designed to help create cutscenes.

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I would like to see a 3D editor with the game engine...It would make making islands;missions a hell of alot easier...

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An even sweeter tool would be a sort of "de-bugging window" like that in Visual Basic of Powerbuilder.

For example, you could execute a script, watch the game result in one window (say, off-loading a helo), and in an adjacent window watch the script itself run though. So that, you can instantly see where a flaw in the script exists (they off load and run the wrong direction or something), and make the correction right then and there without the need to leave the editor, test, and return.

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I wish the mission editor as almost the same, but with a few things making it easier:

- A 3D Preview camera of the object and how it will look in the enviroment.

- This SetPos [...] should be easier. You should be able to type in the initial height

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Ye your right inm__somthing we should have a manually installed briefing notes and stuff. I'm tired of creating a html file. You have to exit your editor then come back agian, waste of time mad.gif

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The ability to turn things 'off' so that the screen doesn't get so cluttered.

And how about an Overview editor that will actually add pictures? I can never get the pictures to show up.

Hell, once I even copied and pasted an overview from someone else's mission, but the picture wasn't there!!! crazy.gif

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The ability to join and split groups and conditional "dynamic" waypoints.

I'd love to be able to split my squad (or <grin> platoon or company) and send units to different places without setting an entirely seperate waypoint path for them.

I'd also love to be able to set two waypoints, with condition statements attached to them...if "A" is true, go to waypoint 1, if not, go to waypoint "B"

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Here's few things i'd like to see in the future editor, some have already been mentioned. I dont know if these things are possible, but it would be nice, and allow for creation of great ofp content:

* An "all in one" editor, where things like o2 and visitor and built into one system, as well as sound encoders/decoders, pbo encrytption/decryption (with some option to "Secure" the pbo from opening, like binarize for .p3ds), texview ect.

* A text editor and file browser in the editor for general editing task.

If a briefing maker could be made that allows for as much flexibility as doing it by hand in a text editor, it would be nice to have a preview of it as you type, so you can see exactly what it will look like ingame as you write it.

* A 3d file browser for ingame objects / units. So as you scroll thru lists in the editor you can view the object in 3d before putting it on the map. An extension of this, a idea of Tigershark, is to be able to select camo, faces ect in the browser before plaing the unit on the map.

Being able to assign identities while placing the unit would also be nice (with entry automatically being written to description.ext)

* A "real time" 3d preview window for placing objects. Eg, like the preview in wrpedit, but you can easily drag objects to their desired postion in the 3d world, setting the height of the object if you desire.

A right click interface could be nice too, eg. drag unit1 to position, then click to bring up menu with behaviours, stances, combat mode ect. Things like being able to set animation loops too would be great, like "light cigarette~15checkgun~30dropcigarette~15scratchself~60loop"

* Control of weather. It not always require to set a date for a mission, so being able to move things like the moon to exact positions (within its arc for sake of navigation ect), eg, set a bright full moon over objective horizon.

Also full fixed and random weather cycles, like anim loops.

* Just a thought, but being able to make a "temp" alteration to the main world maps for a mission would be nice. Eg, raise and lower terrain, add / delete / move objects for the purposes of a mission.

They are just a few ideas, all would both expand mission making options and make for much, much less alt-tabbing and working outside of ofp.

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Something very elementary:

The mission editor should have a built-in PBO unpacking function, that allows you to unpack a PBO from any subdirectory into the MISSIONS folder.

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