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Very nice but i just noticed a bug you can push it by yourself with the pilot, and make it blow up by pushing it

otherwise great job

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Independence day.... ahhh great movie.

"I have got to get me one of these!" biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (2stoned2kil| @ Mar. 09 2003,12:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Is it already Released ??<span id='postcolor'>

Erm.. yes

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Solid Snake:-

thanks snake for downloading and giving it a spin. As an addon maker i had to consider and decide on the mass, should it be solid and heavy to keep it on the ground or lighter so that as least it can fly...and i chosed the latter as airplanes are meant to be kept in the air, on ground they are sitting ducks anyway. Perhaps i should have worked out a better balance.....


Hmmm.......after spending weeks and effort experimenting and constructing and then upon releasing my addon, the first pic i see displayed here is the addon getting shot down. ....sigh....lol! anyway all addons are supposed to either shoot or get shot, no addon is invincible and guess thats where the fun is.

This craft is actually a DEPLOYMENT VEHICLE, not a fighter. It is meant to transport troops and equipment to a hotzone quickly and effectively. Since it's a hot zone, this craft's armaments are meant more to saturate and clear the area of enemy troops, tanks and choppers before landing own troops. Usually such emergency deployment will be escorted by light and fast single seat fighters to provide air cover.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (philcommando @ Mar. 09 2003,15:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Lee:-

Hmmm.......after spending weeks and effort experimenting and constructing and then upon releasing my addon, the first pic i see displayed here is the addon getting shot down.  <span id='postcolor'>

First time it shot me down.

This was revenge! wink.gif

The "Independence Day" feeling is great, just set 3-5 of your dropship in the editor and defend mother earth from the "Alien Soviet Invaders from Mars(near Moscow)!"

MfG Lee biggrin.gif

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Hmm. I love it and all but is there away so I can like see the whole craft cause I only get the back of it and i wana see all of the back.

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to see the whole aircraft:-

1. make your craft as player, with u as pilot.

2. press NUMERICAL PAD's 'enter' button.

3. then press NUMERICAL PAD's 'Del' button.

4. Use the NUMERICAL PAD's - or + to zoom in or out.

( this method u will get to see the whole craft but you will not be able to fly it unless u already have set a waypoint for it)

I should have set camera fov further back, sorry guys...next one will be better.

If u have the time, perhaps u might wanna read the readme.txt. It comes with basic moves to help enhance your game play.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ Mar. 09 2003,19:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">@War have it smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

thanks placebo! smile.gif

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Congratulations, you have won the prestigious award for "2003 most misleading thread topic title"


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i really like your add on and think it is very oringinal . I just have three minor gripes

1. i cant open teh cargo door from the back, or in the gunner or pilot's seat, i have to be physically on top of the middle of the craft.

2.in some add-ons when u get out of the vehicle ur still inside it(like you can room around the insides and walk out the back ramp. I think that would be cool in your add on too. I just dont think too many people would like it.

3. As already stated, please move the camera pack so we can see more of the addon.

I can see myself having some fun times with this add on in the future.

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I wanted a low key affair so i played it down and came up with that topic for the addon so that only those that are interested will go to download it.

As to developement of such crafts in real life, rest assured that such crafts already existed on research papers years ago. Major universities worldwide and R&D defense corporations are in the race to produce next generation propulsion units, (eg, plasma propulsion, nuclear fuel for Nasa rockets,PodkletnovAnti-gravity device),light weight materials, eg-metal alloys that not only able to withstand impact and it absorbs the molten core to become one of its metallic properties. Some info will be avalible through peer reviewed scientific papers but most are closely guarded national secrets brought to light only when some scientists defect. What man can dream as fiction can be created in real....only matter of time, eg...Issac Asimov and satellites. smile.gif

Sgt elias:

Thanks for your kind comment. Hope i can help-

1. Opening of cargo door is built in through the menu by using user action animation. Sometimes u dont see it in the menu, but u can animate the ramp by using a trigger:- ship1 animate ["theramp", 1] and to close : ship1 animate ["theramp", 0].

2. Once the ramp is open, you can go in and have a view of the interior. If it's night, u can turn on the lights in the cargo hold through the menu if u are the pilot or just place a waypoint over the craft and set the behaviour as 'safe' if u are just visiting the craft.

3. Will try but in the meantime u can press del button from the numerical pad to view 360 degrees

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