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Inventory click and drag not working since update

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Like it says, i cant for some reason double click or click and drag on any of the items in the inventory, either in my gear in the box or on a dead opfor, X does work but none of the click buttons do, i have reset my controls to default many times and verified my game, no improvement at all


It has previously worked fine for me


My friends and I did some minor testing and the 3 of us that are having the issue have joysticks and button box interfaces while the ones its working for do not, they just have normal setups


It doesn't matter if it's played mp, dedicated server, sp or even the tutorial the whole system doesn't work, I can click to select the item but I can click and drag, or double click items, I also can't open up items on the ground like backpacks, me and the other 2 players have exactly the same issues 



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I am on a pc, as are all my mates


Had the same thing last night,  "works fine on mine" got sick of hearing it, so we eventually stopped what we were doing as each of us tried it, 7 were on the game (Inc me) 4 had no issues with click and drag, 3 had issues as described above

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Check the Reforger feedback if the problem has already been reported. If not, create a feedback ticket so that BI can look in to this issue (and have you teammates add to that ticket as well).

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I had the same problem, if you have any controllers like a HOTAS plugged in, it conflicts with the mouse axis and prevents you from using the mouse properly in the inventory. Just unplug whatever controllers you have, if any, and that should fix the issue.

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ok, thanks for the info... and are they adding HOTAS capability like ARMA 3 at any point ?


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Thanks for the answers, i have the same problem and i dont find any solution.

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On 8/13/2023 at 7:10 AM, O404deej123 said:

I had the same problem, if you have any controllers like a HOTAS plugged in, it conflicts with the mouse axis and prevents you from using the mouse properly in the inventory. Just unplug whatever controllers you have, if any, and that should fix the issue.

Than you so much ! I had the same issue until I red your comment lol

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Sorry this is not a fix.or a work around, 


No other program let alone game that i have requires me to unplug anything to use its basic menu interaction, not to mention you can fly things in this game, guess what I use to fly, I bet you can't guess


I posted this a year ago and I've even posted in the official bug tracker thing, still nothing, just "unplug the controllers"


no just no


I'll also add in that I've been paying arma/bi games for close to 20 years now and this is the first game that has this issue and not only that but we are now in v1 and still no fix 


How about just fixing the issue instead of people having to unplug stuff to play


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Yes, this needs to be addressed. I, and lots of others who would be interested in sim style games like Arma, am also a flight sim enthusiast and if I have to unplug flight stick, rudder pedals, two throttle quads, a custom build button panel, TrackIR, and a game pad every time I want to play Reforger, I'm just not going to play Reforger.


Not to mention this game includes flying and driving as a main component! Please fix this.


EDIT: Oh, and just in case there's the thought that this represents a small portion of the player base, this part of the player base is very important to have testing the game and engine precisely because they have all that gear. They can test as you implement all the different pieces that will go into the program. And also report on all the bugs that happen (like this one) to ensure they don't hit the final Arma 4 product. Unless of course, BI is planning to do away with support for all these things in which case I'd suggest you make that statement official and see what response you get.

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100% agree, none of the other arma games have had this issue


I also worry there trying too much to capture the Xbox market, just pick pc or Xbox, there too different when you get down to it, arma is special and unique and it's what keeps me still playing after all these years, we barely play reforger due to issues like this and the fact that it very much feels at the moment that they are going away from what makes arma great and more towards just another generic FPS game, I hope I'm wrong I really do

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For anyone looking to see if there's a change, 1.2 out today, Inventory system was singled out as getting an update but still drag and drop doesn't work given the same setup 


However another user spotted this and reported on it, I have just verified it for myself,


Make sure all your switches are in the off position 


You do not need to unplug your controller, just go around and make sure each switch is off and the click and drag works. I just verified this minutes ago! It's not a fix but it's a viable workaround 

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