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Hi guys so i found this:

  and i wanted to recreate it. But i have a problem with setvelocity of a object. So if the cannon is stationary on a truck then its easy to have setvelocity of a Projectile but  i want to be able to drive the vehicle and  shoot the cannon to a direction that is pointing at. Right now  the projectile is not effected by velocity it just spawn at position and falls. Also i would like to have a projectile to look like its beaing fired from a truck. Any help would be nice. This is my code so far:

[] spawn {

    veh = "B_G_Van_01_transport_F" createVehicle position player;

    cannon =  "Land_Fortress_01_cannon_F" createVehicle position player;

    smokeeffect = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle position player;

    cannon attachTo [veh, [0,-3,0],"",false];

    cannon setVectorDirAndUp [[1,0,0],[0,0,1]];

    smokeeffect attachTo[cannon,[3,0,1],"",false];

    veh addEventHandler ["GetIn", {

        params ["_vehicle", "_role", "_unit", "_turret"];

            player setVariable ["clickVic",_vehicle];


    waitUntil{!isNull findDisplay 46};

        (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["MouseButtonDown",{


            if(!isNull veh && {_button == 0 && driver veh == player && player getVariable ["clickVic",objNull] == vehicle player}) then {

                //hint "BOOM!!";

                //_Ammo = "APERSMine_Range_Ammo" createVehicle position smokeeffect;

                //_Ammo setDamage 1;

                _Bullet = createVehicle ["Land_GasTank_01_khaki_F", position smokeeffect, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

                _Bullet setVelocity ((vectorDir cannon vectorAdd velocity cannon) vectorMultiply 20);

                _Bullet setVectorDir (vectorDir cannon);





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//_Ammo = "APERSMine_Range_Ammo" createVehicle position smokeeffect;
//_Ammo setDamage 1;



Detonating a mine to create some smoke - now that's authentic scripting 😄


Looks like a fun project. Here's a couple of issues in the script.

1. When you run setVectorDir, it resets velocity back to [0,0,0]. Move it up one line, before the setVelocity.

2. The bullet velocity calculation is largely dominated by the velocity of the vehicle so the orientation of the cannon has very little effect. You probably want to multiply only the part representing cannon direction.

3. (vectorDir cannon) is not necessarily pointing along the actual barrel


Good luck!

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12 minutes ago, dreadedentity said:

There is also setVelocityModelSpace that can (hopefully) eliminate any required trigonometry

Yea i know about that i was trying orginaly trying with that but it seams i need some math trigonometry to figure this one out. closes i got is this. But now cannon shoots always sideways and i dont know how to make it shoot from the front.

[] spawn {

    veh = "B_G_Van_01_transport_F" createVehicle position player;

    cannon =  "Land_Fortress_01_cannon_F" createVehicle position player;

    smokeeffect = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle position player;

    cannon attachTo [veh, [0,-3,0],"",false];

    cannon setVectorDirAndUp [[1,0,0],[0,0,1]];

    smokeeffect attachTo[cannon,[3,0,1],"",false];

    veh addEventHandler ["GetIn", {

        params ["_vehicle", "_role", "_unit", "_turret"];

            player setVariable ["clickVic",_vehicle];


    waitUntil{!isNull findDisplay 46};

        (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["MouseButtonDown",{


            if(!isNull veh && {_button == 0 && driver veh == player && player getVariable ["clickVic",objNull] == vehicle player}) then {

                //hint "BOOM!!";

                //_Ammo = "APERSMine_Range_Ammo" createVehicle position smokeeffect;

                //_Ammo setDamage 1;

                _Bullet = createVehicle ["Land_GasTank_01_khaki_F", position smokeeffect, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

				_Bullet setVectorDir (vectorDir cannon);
				_Bullet setVelocity ((vectorDir cannon vectorMultiply 20) vectorAdd velocity cannon);






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Those global variables make me nervous.

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This most interesting part of that video is when the shell lands, then skids and hits the wall, bringing it to a stop and then explodes after a few seconds.


Is there was a way to do this with bombs on planes?


That would be awesome.

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2 hours ago, Harzach said:

Those global variables make me nervous.

I know i need to touch up on the variables front i am still learning  about that. if you have any example how could i make those variables local that would help so mutch.


1 hour ago, rowdied said:

This most interesting part of that video is when the shell lands, then skids and hits the wall, bringing it to a stop and then explodes after a few seconds.


Is there was a way to do this with bombs on planes?


That would be awesome.

I beleve that is done with timer or somekind a check where you wait for x amount of seconds or check istouchingground, create explostion where that object is and then delete object.

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18 minutes ago, Stormmy1950 said:

I know that but then i cant use _veh and other variables inside the EventHandler witch is used for cheking if player honk a horn.


A few solutions here: 



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Can this be used to set a speed limit for a player-controlled vehicle like a drone? The K-40 Ababil seems to be broken and can reach speeds of up 900+ kmph with its engine off.

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1 hour ago, SharpieMate said:

Can this be used to set a speed limit for a player-controlled vehicle like a drone? The K-40 Ababil seems to be broken and can reach speeds of up 900+ kmph with its engine off.


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