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Bas again

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Well i was watching www.flashspoint.ru and i saw somthing about BAS and some nice smooth pics with cool things:

I cant read or write russian so i dont know what they where saying ( if you dont know already it was a Intervieuw with TigerShark and Flashpoint.ru )

But here is the TXT and the pics but any 1 that can read and write Rusian can you translate it please to USA? because i cant vind any translate that acept Rusian ( Shame )


Flashpoint.ru: Ěîćĺňĺ Ã«Ä Ã‚Å± đŕńńęŕçŕňü î ÄńňîđÄÄ Å„Ã®Ã§Ã¤Å•Ã­ÄË™ ĚÎÄŕ Ä Ä™Ã®Ä›Å•Ã­Ã¤Äº ĚÎÄŕ?

Tigershark: BAS áűë ńîçäŕí íŕ áŕçĺ Tigershark/Jellybelly Productions - TJP. Jellybelly Äĺđâűé ÄÄ‘Ääóěŕë ńîçäŕâŕňü đĺŕëÄńňÄ÷íűĺ ňĺęńňóđű äë˙ ŕääîíîâ. ß áűë î÷ĺíü áîëüřÄÄ› ôŕíŕňîě ŕâÄÅ•-ňĺőíÄÄ™Ä Äîýňîěó Ë™ íĺçŕěĺäëÄňĺëüíî Äîěîă ĺěó. Âńęîđĺ ěű Å„Ã®Ã§Ã¤Å•Ã«Ä Ã­ÄºÅ„Ä™Ã®Ã«Ã¼Ä™Ã® őîđîřÄÅ‘ ŕääîíîâ íŕÄÄ‘Äěĺđ - Pavehawks ęîňîđűĺ Äîëó÷ÄÃ«Ä ÄîÄóë˙đíîńňü â Ä›Äđĺ ÎÔĎ. ÄšÄÄ‘ ÎÔĎ ÄÄ‘Äí˙ë Ã­Å•Å™Ä Å•Ã¤Ã¤Ã®Ã­Å± Ä Ã®Ã¶ÄºÃ­Äë ÄÅ‘ ęŕ÷ĺńňâî Ä Å„Ã®Ã§Ã¤Å•Ã¢Å•Ë™ BAS Ë™ ÄÅ„Äîëüçîâŕë ňîňćĺ ÄÄ‘ÄíöÄÄ - ÄÄ‘ÄíöÄÄ Ä™Å•Ã·ÄºÅ„ÅˆÃ¢Å•. ß ń÷Äňŕţ ÷ňî ěíîăÄĺ Äç íŕřĺé ęîěŕíäű ń÷Äňŕţň ňŕęćĺ ęîăäŕ Ã®Ã­Ä Ã·Å•Å„ÅˆÃ¼ őîđîřî îđăŕíÄçîâŕííîé Ä Å„Äëî÷ĺííîé ęîěŕíäű. ÃÅ•Å™ ÄÄ‘ÄíöÄÄ - ęŕ÷ĺńňâî Ä Ë™ óâĺđĺí ÷ňî íŕř ĚÎÄ çŕđŕáîňŕţň ňó ÄîÄóë˙đíîńňü ÷ňî îí çŕńëóćÄë çŕ íŕř ňđóä.

Flashpoint.ru: Ãóäóň Ã«Ä Ã¢Å„Äº âűÄóůĺíű âńĺ ŕääîíű ÷ňî âű ÄëŕíÄđóĺňĺ íŕ âŕřĺě ńŕéňĺ?

Tigershark: Ěű Å‘Ã®ÅˆÄºÃ«Ä Ã¡Å± çŕęîí÷Äňü ÄÅ‘ âńĺ â ëţáîě ńëó÷ŕĺ ěű âűęëŕäűâŕĺě ÄíôîđěŕöÄÅ£ î íÄÅ‘ ňîëüęî Äĺđĺä âűÄóńęîě. Ěű íĺ âĺđÄÄ› â "ÄóáëÄ÷íűĺ áĺňű". Ěű őîňÄÄ› âűÄóńňÄňü ęŕćäűé ŕääîí ňŕę őîđîřî ÷ňîáű íĺ äĺëŕňü Äîňîě Äŕň÷ĺé Ä Ã¤Ã®Ã¡Å•Ã¢Ã®Ä™ Ä™ íĺěó. Ďîýňîěó Ã­Å•Å™Ä Äđîýęňű çŕíÄěŕţň ěíîăî âđĺěĺíÄ. Ěű ÄëŕíÄđóĺě ěíîăî Äđîýęňîâ Ä Äîńëĺ âűőîäŕ Ranger/Delta Äŕęŕ(÷ňî áóäĺň î÷ĺíü ńęîđî) ěű ÄëŕíÄđóĺě âűÄóńňÄňü ĺůĺ ěíîăî Äđîýęňîâ.

Flashpoint.ru: ŃîáÄđŕĺňĺńü Ã«Ä Ã¢Å± ńîçäŕâŕňü íîâűĺ ŕíÄěŕöÄÄ Ã¤Ã«Ë™ ŕääîíîâ?

Tigershark: Ěű ńîçäŕĺě íîâűĺ ŕíÄěŕöÄÄ ÄƒÃ¤Äº ěű ěîćĺě ýňî ńäĺëŕňü íŕÄÄ‘Äěđ íŕě áű őîňĺëîńü ÷ňîáű ńîëäŕňű Ä›Ã®ÄƒÃ«Ä Å„ÅˆÄ‘ÄºÃ«Ë™ÅˆÃ¼ Å„Ää˙ â MH-6 Littlebird íî ęŕćĺňń˙ ÷ňî íĺęîňîđűĺ ÄÃ¤ÄºÄ ÄîőîćÄÄ Ã­Å• ýňó íĺëüç˙ îńóůĺńňâÄňü Äîýňîěó ěű äîáŕâÄÄ› ŕíÄěŕöÄÄ ÄƒÃ¤Äº ěű ěîćĺě. Deadmeat íŕř ŕíÄěŕňîđ âű ěîćĺňĺ Å„ÄđîńÄňü ĺăî Äđî ÄîäđîáíîńňÄ.

Flashpoint.ru: Ãóäóň Ã«Ä Ã¢Å±Äóůĺíű îáíîâëĺííűĺ âĺđńÄÄ Ã¢ÄºÄ‘ÅˆÃ®Ã«ÄºÅˆÅ• MH-47E Ä Ä›Ã®ÅˆÃ®Ã¶Äęëŕ Kawasaki KLR250 âěĺńňĺ Å„ Delta/Ranger Äŕęîě?

Tigershark: Ěű âęëţ÷ÄÄ› íîâóţ âĺđńÄÅ£ Kawasaki KLR250 â íŕř Ranger/Delta ÄÅ•Ä™. ĚîňîöÄęë Äîëíîńňüţ Äĺđĺäĺëŕí Ä Ä‘ÄºÅˆÄºÄ™Å„ÅˆÃ³Ä‘ÄºÃ­. Ãŕń÷ĺň MH-47E Chinook ěű äóěŕĺě âűÄóńňÄňü íîâóţ âĺđńÄÅ£ â ýňîě ěĺń˙öĺ, íî ěű íĺ ěîćĺě ăŕđŕíňÄđîâŕňü ÷ňî âĺđňîëĺň ńěîćĺň ÄĺđĺâîçÄňü ňđŕíńÄîđň â ăđóçîâîě îňńĺęĺ, íî ěű äîáŕâÄÄ› îńâĺňÄňĺëüíűĺ đŕęĺňű, îÄöÄÅ£ ÄÅ±Ã«Ä Äç Äîä âĺđňîëĺňŕ ÄÄ‘Ä Ã¢Ã§Ã«ÄºÅˆÄº\Äîńŕäęĺ Ä Ã­ÄºÅ„Ä™Ã®Ã«Ã¼Ä™Ã® äđóăÄÅ‘ äîáŕâëĺíÄé. ß äóěŕţ ÷ňî MH-60L Blackhawk ňîćĺ áóäĺň âűÄóůĺí îí íĺ áűë âűÄóůĺí ňîęŕ Äç-çŕ íŕřĺé Ã§Å•Ã­Ë™ÅˆÃ®Å„ÅˆÄ Ã­Ã® ňĺÄĺđü ěű ěîäĺě çŕęîí÷Äňü ĺăî.

Flashpoint.ru: ×ňî ĺůĺ áóäĺň âőîäÄňü â Ranger/Delta ÄÅ•Ä™ Ä Ä™Ã®ÄƒÃ¤Å• îí áóäĺň âűÄóůĺí?

Tigershark: Ěű Ã§Å•Ã¤ÄºÄ‘Ä‡Å•Ã«Ä Ã¢Å±Å‘Ã®Ã¤ Äŕęŕ äë˙ çŕěĺíű ňĺęńňóđ íŕ Äš249 SAW, çŕěĺíű ęŕńîę, äîáŕâëĺíÄĺ ęŕěóôë˙ćíűő ëÄö äë˙ ŔČ ňŕęćĺ ěű äîáŕâÄÃ«Ä ÄÄńňîëĺň SOCOM Å„ ăëóřÄňĺëĺě Ä Ã¡ÄºÃ§ íĺăî Ä ÄÅ„ÄđŕâÄÃ«Ä Ã­ÄºÄ™Ã®ÅˆÄ‘Ã®Äº Ã¡Å•ÄƒÄ Å„ LODÅ•Ä›Ä.

Flashpoint.ru: Ęîăäŕ ĚÎÄ áóäĺň çŕâĺđřĺí âű áóäĺňĺ Äđîäŕâŕňü ĺăî ÄÃ«Ä Ä‘Å•Å„Äđîńňđŕí˙ňü ńâîáîäíî?

Tigershark: Ěű îňäŕäÄÄ› ĺăî â ńâîáîäíîĺ ÄîëüçîâŕíÄĺ. Âń˙ íŕřŕ đŕáîňŕ íŕÄđŕâëĺíŕ íŕ Äîëüçó ÎÔĎ îáůĺńňâó.

Flashpoint.ru: Ěîćĺňĺ Ã«Ä Ã¢Å± đŕńńęŕçŕňü î âŕřÄÅ‘ Äëŕíŕő íŕ áóäóůĺĺ?

Tigershark: Ěű Äěĺĺě Äëŕíű Äđîýęňîâ äë˙ ńňîđîíű East Ä Resistance. Ãî ńíŕ÷ŕëŕ ěű őîňÄÄ› âűÄóńňÄňü ţíÄňű Talibana Ä Al Qaeda. Äîęŕ ÷ňî Ë™ íĺěîăó ńęŕçŕňü äĺňŕëĺé. Ěű ńîáÄđŕĺěń˙ íŕ÷ŕňü ÄÅ‘ đŕçđŕáîňęó íî Äîęŕ ěű őîňÄÄ› çŕęîí÷Äňü íŕ÷ŕňîĺ.

that was it but so as you see its Rusian.


Amazing Ranger Pic

The Amazing Delta Jump from the Litlebird

And a Nice Delta pic

Srry Guys that i only post a link but the pic's where way over the 100KB and i dont want to get trobels tounge.gif

Here are some pics from the BAS Hompe page ( well they are Backgrounds for your PC biggrin.gif )


A nice Ranger Action Style

Another Ranger Action Stile

And yet a nother

And here are the Deltas

Cool Landing Delta

WoodLand Ranger Kwel

New Acog Scope

New M21 Scope


Well that where the pics biggrin.gif well I got a Idea ( i hope its great tounge.gif ) if we use this Post for all the New/Old BAs addon pics and all the New News then BAS dont need to make evry time a New post the can post it right here and if we do that with DKM/TOW ( you know all the good making MODs ) then its time saving and remmebr dont post pics that are over the 100KB !!!!!!!!!! if they are over 100KB post only the link ( what i did )

Greets Dennis

BAS: http://www.concept-5.com/ballistic/

OFP.RU: http://www.flashpoint.ru

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The text you have pasted is wronlgy-coded and untranslatable tounge.gif

Flashpoint.ru: Can you tell something about the history of creation mode and the command mode?

Tigershark: BAS was created on base of Tigershark/Jellybelly Productions - TJP. Jellybelly's first devisewas to create realistic textures for addons. I was a very large fan of aviation engineering so without delay I helped him. Soon we have done several good addons, for example - Pavehawks, which gained popularity in the world OFP. OFP-community accepted our addons and it estimated their quality and creating BAS which had a principle - principle of quality. Many of our command count also when they the part of the well organized and solid command. Our principle - quality. I'm confident that our OF MOD will earn that popularity that it it deserved for our labor.

Flashpoint.ru: Will be all addons planned on your site released?

Tigershark: We would finish them all in any event; we are posting information about them only before the release. We will not believe in "public betas". We want to let out each addon so good so that it would not have to make any patches or additives to it. Therefore our projects take much time. We plan many projects and after output Ranger/Delta pack (which will be released very soon) we plan many more projects.

Flashpoint.ru: Will you create any new animations for addons?

Tigershark: We create new animations where we can, for example to able the soldiers to shoot while sitting inside MH-6 Littlebird but it seems that some ideas cannot be carried out; therefore we will add animation everywhere we can. Deadmeat, our animator, is the person you can asked about the details.

Flashpoint.ru: Will there be released the renovated versions of helicopter MH-47e and motorcycle Kawasaki KLR250 together with Delta/Ranger pack?

Tigershark: We will include the new version Kawasaki KLR250 in our Ranger/Delta pack. Motorcycle is completely altered and retekstured. About MH-47e Chinook we are thinking about letting out new version in this month, but we cannot guarantee that helicopter will be able to transport and hold the cargo; but we will add flares, optional raised dust from the hearth of helicopter and several other additions. I think that Mh-60l Blackhawk also is almoust good to be released, but it was not to be released currently because of our employment; but now we can finish it.

Flashpoint.ru: What does still hangs the release of Ranger/Delta pack and when it will be released?

Tigershark: We canceled releasing of the pack for replacing the textures in M249 SAW, replacing the helmets, the addition of the camouflage persons for AI also we added SOCOM pistol with the silencer and without it and repaired some bugs in LODs

Flashpoint.ru: When the MOD will be completed will you release it freely or take some money for it?

Tigershark: We will release it freely. Our entire work is for OFP society

Flashpoint.ru: Can you tell something about your plans for the future?

Tigershark: We have some plans of projects for East and Resistance. But first we want to release Talibans and Al-Quaeda. But so far I cannot deal any details with you. We already began it's development, but firstly we want to finish what we have began...

I hope I haven't done many mistakes, my russian knowledge is poor. If any mistakes - notice me, I will correct it through edit smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Johann "onn" Bitsoenn @ Feb. 11 2003,16:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The text you have pasted is wronlgy-coded and untranslatable tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Actually, in MS IE, under View, you can select Encoding/Cyrillic and view it correctly.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ Feb. 11 2003,15:32)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Johann "onn" Bitsoenn @ Feb. 11 2003,16:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The text you have pasted is wronlgy-coded and untranslatable :p<span id='postcolor'>

Actually, in MS IE, under View, you can select Encoding/Cyrillic and view it correctly.<span id='postcolor'>

MSIE and Windows coding is incompatible with ISO standard, should not be supported, should be boycotted. :]

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Guest BratZ

Nice Interview,thanx Johann

Thats our BAS Team!!

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I think silencer or supressor would be a better choice, a muffler is the part of a car that makes it less noisy. I dunno, maybe you can attach one to a gun? biggrin.gif

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I think it was the translation thing (eg babelfish) interpreting 'silencer' as 'muffler'...

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Blackdog there is a very nice tomcat in your signature. Where and when is it coming out? Its not the hellden tomcat.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PFC_Mike @ Feb. 12 2003,02:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">erm..."muffler"?

I think silencer or supressor would be a better choice, a muffler is the part of a car that makes it less noisy. I dunno, maybe you can attach one to a gun? biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

True, silencer, thanks for correcting :]

Repairing cars, not being the soldiers, makes people (me) thinking in some stupid ways :]

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (peanuckle_00 @ Feb. 12 2003,02:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Blackdog there is a very nice tomcat in your signature.  Where and when is it coming out?  Its not the hellden tomcat.<span id='postcolor'>

That doesn't look like an OFP addon. It may be from a different game or just a graphic from a website.

*hopes Blackdog will prove him wrong by revealing that it IS an OFP addon* biggrin.gif

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