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One loot and no campers!!!!!

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Only one loot location seams like an agressive attempt to force combat in a stealth based looter shooter.... it de-incintivized players to even join encounters and I find it to be a negative dynamic in the whole point and strategy of the game. Please add back all 3 loot locations.


Also. Morters on campers has to be the dumbest idea. This inactivity is already punished by detectors and the chance that your "deer stand" yealds no prey. Iv had many encounters that I left with nothing cus of camping or where a signal detector forced me to move. And games where playing over agro ended cus of a well placed camper. This is a thinking game. And you are trying to turn it into a battle royal. 


Let us camp. Let us loot 

It's not all about the combat



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Please stop using that made up word camping is not a thing please use the current terminology stealth based combat strategic placement  im sick of cod players thinking this is a video game win its a combat simulator based in reality in war there noone no blm movement no government none of your mother going to help you when you're pine to a wall by real warriors that bottle neck you to your death 💀 but that's 1000%Why i love this. Simulator love it when i kill 3 out of 5 players and my bro hunt down the last two  when that was a thing i like cheeky men that think like i Do  that this simulator mayb REAL by next week mouth year years?!?!!!!!! WANT A NO HOLD FIGHT OR STOP ALL THE SILLLY BOMB MORTORS AND STUFF THAT THERE NO WAY IN THE APOCALYPSE YOU COULD MAKE ???BODY ARMOR MORTOR SIGNAL. DETECTOR LIKE OK WHATS NEXT DRITY BOMBS DART GUNS TO TBAG MY SLEEPING OPPONENTS AFTER STILING HE STUFF JUST LET ME BREED DOG FOR ATTACKS I COULD KEEP GOING BUT IM AFRAID THE DEVES MAY USE MY IDEAS WITHOUT PAYING ME FOR THEM🤣😁🤦‍♀️or they use them at all cry 


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  On 2/8/2021 at 8:46 PM, ShinigamiEater said:

Please stop using that made up word camping is not a thing please use the current terminology stealth based combat strategic placement  im sick of cod players thinking this is a video game win its a combat simulator based in reality in war there noone no blm movement no government none of your mother going to help you when you're pine to a wall by real warriors that bottle neck you to your death 💀 but that's 1000%Why i love this. Simulator love it when i kill 3 out of 5 players and my bro hunt down the last two  when that was a thing i like cheeky men that think like i Do  that this simulator mayb REAL by next week mouth year years?!?!!!!!! WANT A NO HOLD FIGHT OR STOP ALL THE SILLLY BOMB MORTORS AND STUFF THAT THERE NO WAY IN THE APOCALYPSE YOU COULD MAKE ???BODY ARMOR MORTOR SIGNAL. DETECTOR LIKE OK WHATS NEXT DRITY BOMBS DART GUNS TO TBAG MY SLEEPING OPPONENTS AFTER STILING HE STUFF JUST LET ME BREED DOG FOR ATTACKS I COULD KEEP GOING BUT IM AFRAID THE DEVES MAY USE MY IDEAS WITHOUT PAYING ME FOR THEM🤣😁🤦‍♀️or they use them at all cry 


Yeah it's really annoying how pay-to-win they're making this game. You can't even earn plans anymore without needing an obscene amount of crates per plan. 

And they love making it worse, they're going to whether we like it or not.
Because it makes them money, and they don't seem to realize that in pissing people off by adding and removing things over and over and over in the long run people will hate Bohemia for being so greedy, and they won't want to play the game anymore. 

The antenna used to give 20 crowns per day, daily challenges used to give at least 130 crowns sometimes if I remember correctly and even special issue crates. 
Almost every crate roll used to give you a plan of the type you didn't have yet, now I'm through 36 military grade crates without another plan.
They once said they weren't adding armor because it added too much of an advantage and here we are with armor because they know the game was pay-to-win from the start.
Loot in buildings also used to be way better and they made that terrible too, barely any loot in entire buildings. 
And they still dilute crate pools with shitty ammo and common/plentiful weapons or knives and parts, including high tier crates. 

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Yes.  Agree.  It's frustrating cuz the concept is so cool.  I really enjoy the change of pace from Apex and Cod.  I like the stealth, tactical, slower, thinking part of the combat and survival... but then so many crashes and other irritating game mechanics.  I hope they fix all this stuff or another developer comes along with the same concept.

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Um, quit crying and blaming people who spend money on the game, because if they didn't, you cheap bastards wouldn't have the game. However, I do agree with your other crying about the new bullshit mortars that get dropped on you for playing stealth. I pay LOTS of money playing this game, at least a couple hundred $$ a month and if I wanna "camp" I should be able to.  BUT, it isn't even that, if you have someone shooting at you and you want to hide and bandage up and then wait for the dude to move on, they're dropping mortars on you after a couple of minutes.  AT LEAST, if they are going to do that shit, they need to extend the amount of time you can hide before they blow you up!  

I think they made excellent improvements on the crashing issues, but if they don't get rid of the "camper crush" BS, I am done.  Kiss THESE hundreds goodbye!

As for you babies crying about pay-to-play players, get out of your mothers basement and get a job.  Most of us who spend the money, do it because we don't have all day every day to play the game.

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excellent improvements on the crashing issues


Playing on Xbox one S, I NEVER had that many crashes than now ...

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  On 2/11/2021 at 5:35 AM, c00ster said:

Um, quit crying and blaming people who spend money on the game, because if they didn't, you cheap bastards wouldn't have the game. However, I do agree with your other crying about the new bullshit mortars that get dropped on you for playing stealth. I pay LOTS of money playing this game, at least a couple hundred $$ a month and if I wanna "camp" I should be able to.  BUT, it isn't even that, if you have someone shooting at you and you want to hide and bandage up and then wait for the dude to move on, they're dropping mortars on you after a couple of minutes.  AT LEAST, if they are going to do that shit, they need to extend the amount of time you can hide before they blow you up!  

I think they made excellent improvements on the crashing issues, but if they don't get rid of the "camper crush" BS, I am done.  Kiss THESE hundreds goodbye!

As for you babies crying about pay-to-play players, get out of your mothers basement and get a job.  Most of us who spend the money, do it because we don't have all day every day to play the game.

Bah, you're just another person manipulated into spending a large portion of your hard earned money on a game that wants you to spend ever more.

I have spent money on this game, but I'm not going to spend hundreds of dollars on a game that focuses more on battlepasses then bug fixing or crash fixing.

Don't give me the argument that the game wouldn't exist if people didn't spend hundreds of dollars on the game like you. If the 1,200,000 people who played spent that kind of money on the game they'd not only have over 500 million from that but they'd keep pushing for more money, this is how capitalism works, no amount is ever enough. 

I can guaran-goddamn-tee you that they probably give the developers of this game peanuts too so you're mostly just lining the pockets of rich management who don't give a flying fuck about the game at all. Billionaires "can't afford" to give their workers in most businesses a decent wage.

Just wait till you'll have to spend as much money (or more) for virtual guns as you would for real guns lol, and you'll wonder why it got to that point. 

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Ok guys if this thread just bitches about buying crown or not buying crowns then the ACTUAL shit that pisses us off will be ignored. LOOT and CAMP. The weapon plans will come in their time. Learn to use a new gun. Learn the broken crouch aim of heavy weapons. Go in with nothing find a crate and walk out with threat, weapons, and the drop. That's an easy work around. I'm pissed about LOOT AND CAMP. not the damn money

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Don't give me the argument that the game wouldn't exist if people didn't spend hundreds of dollars on the game like you. If the 1,200,000 people who played spent that kind of money on the game they'd not only have over 500 million from that but they'd keep pushing for more money, this is how capitalism works, no amount is ever enough. 

What I was saying is that if nobody paid anything to play the game, broke bitches like you wouldn't have the game to play.  They'd have no reason to provide the game if they weren't making any money.  The point was that it's STUPID to bitch about people who do spend money on the game, which is what I see an awful lot of in every forum of every game.

It's also shitty business to listen to a bunch of whiny bitches over the people who put the bread on their table.

I agree with you, that spending money to play a game only makes it more expensive because people in commie countries are greedier than the capitalists they always criticize, but I digress.  Those who pay should have more say, otherwise those devs will find they wasted a lot of time tweaking a game that is no longer profitable.  Then as all socialists do, they'll stop coming to work and the crybabies won't have a game anymore.

I'm also with you on the loot and "Dead Hand" stupidity.  I just came back here to bitch about an encounter where there wasn't a SINGLE piece of loot, NONE, anywhere and I paid 90 crowns to 3x the loot!  Not a piece of glass, nothing.  Shot 2 people and their cases were empty too!  WTF???

One thing is for sure, if they don't get rid of the 'Dead Hand" BS and they don't stop being so stingy with the loot, I won't be the only one who spends money on the game to tell them to stick Vigor up their asses. Punishing people for playing smart is the kind of thing commies and Nazis do!  Why would I bother spending anymore money on the game if all I am allowed to do is play kamikazi style?

And why do they need 1000 guns and knives in this game, when everyone uses one or two of the same 10 (more like 5)?

end of rant (for now)

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By the way, I do not recommend everyone stupidly blowing their money on this game like I was.  I didn't really intend to spend so much, but that $49.99 every few days adds up quick!  I'm going on a Vigor diet. I'm not spending any more money at all until the next season and ONLY if they get rid of that camper crush shit.

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  On 2/13/2021 at 4:33 AM, c00ster said:

What I was saying is that if nobody paid anything to play the game, broke bitches like you wouldn't have the game to play.  They'd have no reason to provide the game if they weren't making any money.  The point was that it's STUPID to bitch about people who do spend money on the game, which is what I see an awful lot of in every forum of every game.

It's also shitty business to listen to a bunch of whiny bitches over the people who put the bread on their table.

I agree with you, that spending money to play a game only makes it more expensive because people in commie countries are greedier than the capitalists they always criticize, but I digress.  Those who pay should have more say, otherwise those devs will find they wasted a lot of time tweaking a game that is no longer profitable.  Then as all socialists do, they'll stop coming to work and the crybabies won't have a game anymore.

I'm also with you on the loot and "Dead Hand" stupidity.  I just came back here to bitch about an encounter where there wasn't a SINGLE piece of loot, NONE, anywhere and I paid 90 crowns to 3x the loot!  Not a piece of glass, nothing.  Shot 2 people and their cases were empty too!  WTF???

One thing is for sure, if they don't get rid of the 'Dead Hand" BS and they don't stop being so stingy with the loot, I won't be the only one who spends money on the game to tell them to stick Vigor up their asses. Punishing people for playing smart is the kind of thing commies and Nazis do!  Why would I bother spending anymore money on the game if all I am allowed to do is play kamikazi style?

And why do they need 1000 guns and knives in this game, when everyone uses one or two of the same 10 (more like 5)?

end of rant (for now)

My point is (partly) that spending too much money is setting the standard for everyone else to also have to do to have a fair chance; with them making plans so much harder to get it makes you have to buy and grind the battlepasses. If you didn't you have to go through a ridiculous amount of crates now to get plans. 

  On 2/12/2021 at 10:37 PM, Tyler-Scully74 said:

Ok guys if this thread just bitches about buying crown or not buying crowns then the ACTUAL shit that pisses us off will be ignored. LOOT and CAMP. The weapon plans will come in their time. Learn to use a new gun. Learn the broken crouch aim of heavy weapons. Go in with nothing find a crate and walk out with threat, weapons, and the drop. That's an easy work around. I'm pissed about LOOT AND CAMP. not the damn money

Also you talk like everything on these forums aren't ignored 99% of the time anyways lol. At this point I pretty well know nothing gets through to them so it's to make sure everyone who plays knows how little they care about the consumer. If enough people got together maybe it'd work but admittedly lots hated the removal of the map select and here we are with a bad 3 map at a time thing.

And yeah I have every plan before the seasons that brought out the 44 magnum and new lmgs, but the armored plates are meta and the fact it's taking over 40 military grade crates to get another purple plan is a tad ridiculous lol.
The loot is garbage and the camping mortars are excessive; if they brought back more points of interest it'd help a bit with camping. 

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All I have to say about this and other topics..


I've been a true fan and supporter of this game since day 1. Version 0.5.

This was before you could even see who went into an encounter with you, when there was no indicators on the map for signal, etc. and when the safe was the only big loot.

Every encounter I go into now, I can clearly tell people are just greedy, only going for the big loot, hello people, the entire map has loot! you just have to look! Your laziness is trying to ruin this game!

Many times going through a house that someone already has been to, I can guarantee  there is still loot in the house for me


Every single one of you in this topic are the reason the game plays how it does now, and you are all to blame. All ya'll do is bitch, bitch, bitch. From what I've seen no matter the changes in this game, ya'll will always have something dumb, unconstructive to say about it! 


Also, the term camping shouldn't be used in this game, it's stealth and survival, "camping" does not fit into this..

HOWEVER, if it takes you more than the 4 minute timer on the God hand mortars, then you deserve it!

There is absolutely no reason to lay in one spot for an entire quarter of the encounter... which are about 10 to 15 minutes in length.


 And the guy talking about commies and nazis, get the f outta this forum, and this game..you political piece of s..., don't taint my church, my place of relaxing, with your bullsh.t political add ins, leave politics out of games!! Plus why would you support something you clearly have such negative views about? Cod will gladly take your money.


Last thing.. Bohemia has done a great job not listening to every bullsh.t request guys you have, just because you just got killed in an encounter and can't handle it...

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Thanks 🙏 so very much for understanding how i feel when i call out cry babys because i don't care how i die it makes me a better adversary knowing there's players that's KNOW combat IRL IS LIKE 89% stealth they understand real guns and tactics i want what your had to be in the dark because that's realistic not knowing you're  adversary the map or location IMO that keep Me AND THE SIMULATOR MORE VIGOROUS 

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