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Mod visibility in Zeus

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Hi, people!

I've made a mod (just some static buildings, objects, etc.), but i cant see it in the Zeus when im in it at my server... Though it is present in EDEN editor... I've even placed my objects from this mod to my mission, so my mod would become required... but still it didnt show up in the Zeus(( (zeus module is configured properly! some another 3d-party mods are visible there...)

In the mod's objects confs:

scope = 2;


Any ideas, pls?


Maybe there is something like "scopeZeus"???

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By the way i've found this parameter in some other addons - scopeCurator

And then here it is - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Characters_And_Gear_Encoding_Guide - 




scope = 2; // 2 = class is available in the editor; 1 = class is unavailable in the editor, but can be accessed via a macro; 0 = class is unavailable (and used for inheritance only).

scopeCurator = 2; // 2 = class is available in Zeus; 0 = class is unavailable in Zeus.

scopeArsenal = 2; // 2 = class is available in the Virtual Arsenal; 0 = class is unavailable in the Virtual Arsenal.



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