We Butter 1 Posted June 20, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR2DK5DCCNY&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XviOgVn0Jgg&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eo32BkDGaE&feature=youtu.be Всем привет, собственно самый важный вопрос. Как можно доказать что ты не юзаешь софт и прочие читы? Дело в том что меня забанили на одном из серверов, а в доказательство администратор показал вот эти видео. Администратор настаивает на том что у меня нет отдачи оружия. Есть ли способ доказать свою невиновность? Возможно скинуть какие-то логи компьютера или Arma?Так-же прикрепляю видео собственной съемки. Переведено в гугле. Hello everyone, actually the most important question. How can you prove that you do not use software and other cheats? The fact is that I was banned on one of the servers, and as a proof the administrator showed these videos. The administrator insists that I don’t have a recoil weapon. Is there a way to prove my innocence? Is it possible to drop some computer logs or Arma? Also I attach a video of my own shooting. Translated by google. my videos https://drive.google.com/file/d/17lY86CVI1aLo88gbQ54T6CcjUIiBcRIv/view Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2727 Posted June 23, 2020 On 6/20/2020 at 8:00 AM, We Butter said: The administrator insists that I don’t have a recoil weapon. Yeah, would say the same after seeing these videos. On 6/20/2020 at 8:00 AM, We Butter said: Is there a way to prove my innocence? Unless you have your own recordings of the exact same time that show that you indeed had recoil. no. On 6/20/2020 at 8:00 AM, We Butter said: Also I attach a video of my own shooting. Thats not the same mission though, but same gun. Maybe the admin who banned you doesn't know how little recoil that gun has and he should check for himself. On 6/20/2020 at 8:00 AM, We Butter said: Is it possible to drop some computer logs or Arma? They wouldn't show if you are cheating. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
We Butter 1 Posted June 23, 2020 What can you advise me to do in this situation? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted June 23, 2020 24 minutes ago, We Butter said: What can you advise me to do in this situation? Find another server to play on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
We Butter 1 Posted June 23, 2020 This is a good answer, but if I want to play on this and no other? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted June 23, 2020 11 minutes ago, We Butter said: This is a good answer, but if I want to play on this and no other? Well if you're banned, and can't be un-banned, you're screwed. Have you tried contacting the server admin(s) further? If they're unwilling to un-ban see above... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
We Butter 1 Posted June 23, 2020 I contacted the administration and created the topic of the unban, where I explained all the claims against me. However, the administrator is sure (!) That I am using software. And as a proof, he cites these videos. Here's the actual test of the administrators themselves on the return. on timings 2:50 + 3:10 the same as on video evidence. Sorry if there are grammatical errors in the text, I just use Google translation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
P.P 11 Posted June 23, 2020 да, обращался. но по причине того, что читы типа WH и mouse macros технически не могут быть замечены сервером или каким либо античитом - нам необходимо полагаться только на опыт игровых администраторов. и на запись сделанную игровым администратором через режим спектратора https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR2DK5DCCNY данная запись не точно указывает на использование стороннего программного обеспечения для игры. однако вызвала очевидные подозрения не только у всего состава игровых администраторов, но и у ряда игроков сервера. --- yes, addressed. but due to the fact that cheats like WH and mouse macros cannot technically be noticed by the server or any anti-cheat, we need to rely only on the experience of game administrators. and for the recording made by the game administrator through the spectator mode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR2DK5DCCNY this entry does not accurately indicate the use of third-party software for the game. however, it caused obvious suspicions not only among the entire composition of game administrators, but also among a number of server players. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
We Butter 1 Posted June 24, 2020 https://drive.google.com/file/d/17lY86CVI1aLo88gbQ54T6CcjUIiBcRIv/view Т.к. Я не могу ничего предоставить что доказаывало бы мою абсолютную невиновность, прикладываю эти видео от первого лица, в котором вы можете посмотреть мою игру. Возможно вы увидите какие-то зацепки которые мне помогут доказать администрации сервера свою невиновность. Because I can’t provide anything that would prove my absolute innocence, I am attaching these first-person videos in which you can watch my game. Perhaps you will see some clues that will help me prove the innocence of the server administration. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leg two 1 Posted July 2, 2020 I would personally unban if I was an admin of something and you took the effort to show you want to be unbanned from the server, clearly not disrupting anything or being impossibly good. BUT probably they won't care. Frankly I think you are innocent. It's a good thing if you decided you want to learn how to reduce recoil and become better at the weapon firing, rather than simply make the absurd evidenceless claim. It shows willingness to learn and get better. Mouse adjustments are not illegal. Aiming better is not illegal. You can already tell the rule maker are hypocrites or dumb if they are trying to check in a laggy game and guess if there's some 'mouse script'. There is a trend among mil-sim retards that you are 'breaking their rules' by being better at their own game without trying as much, and/or saying words they dislike is simply being toxic, so thus they want to protect the retards they already have rather than invite competition. Thus why also these groups tend to not do PvP (and there's fewer PvP groups other than the king of the hill game mode which is about the only thing in the game). It also shows you were better than the 'admin' who was not smart or good enough. But BI and the community they endorse are at times notorious for the leftist style censorship. As you see officially they don't have to provide reasoning; but that should only apply to real scripting or cheating ofc not just guesses and 'uhoh i waited 3 days and someone said the n-word racism', time to ban him. It is not so far-fetched to see why some players can legally get insanely higher KDRs, like 3:1 or higher, or just be more efficient when you see the other players sometimes. It is relative to how well the others do (hilarious then.. last month I got 21 kill streak on koth). But that's also just one crap server. You have to realize the unskilled and retard people gang up on you on games, so you have to make your own group or try to act dumb when around them. I think you're innocent but it's up to the retard group that owns the server. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
We Butter 1 Posted July 3, 2020 Thank you very much, you helped me a lot. (Without sarcasm) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
We Butter 1 Posted July 5, 2020 Here is a new ban on a new key. From admin P.P. He shot a video of his entire game and after killing the player "Full Metal" he asked me to drop a video to him as I killed him. I threw off and he sent the admin P.P. and they banned me. "Leg Two" Was absolutely right about the administration. Any attempts to talk with this administrator were unsuccessful, he just started to be rude and rude to me, claiming that I was cheating without giving any more arguments other than the guesses and assumptions of other admins. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stanhope 412 Posted July 5, 2020 Their server, they can do with it what they want. Complaining here about them isn't gonna change the fact that you're banned there. Find a different server to play on. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
We Butter 1 Posted July 5, 2020 18 minutes ago, stanhope said: Their server, they can do with it what they want. Complaining here about them isn't gonna change the fact that you're banned there. Find a different server to play on. I understand this, but I bought the game only for the sake of this project. And like that sense of justice haunts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beno_83au 1369 Posted July 5, 2020 This game and what many other players offer is so much more than them anyway. Whatever they're doing on their server, I bet you it's been done better elsewhere. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
P.P 11 Posted July 6, 2020 разработчики, пожалуйста, внесите хоть какие то изменения в память игры, что бы ее не можно было читать так просто. читеры одолели. --- developers, please make at least some changes to the game’s memory so that it cannot be read so simply. cheaters overpowered. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4082 Posted July 6, 2020 2 hours ago, P.P said: разработчики, пожалуйста, внесите хоть какие то изменения в память игры, что бы ее не можно было читать так просто. читеры одолели. --- developers, please make at least some changes to the game’s memory so that it cannot be read so simply. cheaters overpowered. Make sure BE is running on the server, you have verify signatures on, and add additional scripting functions to the server: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg#Server_Security Theres also a number of various tools you can use, see my Server & Administration Guides & Tutorials Compilation List which at the bottom of the list has many various tools you can use to secure your server, either by monitoring, banning, ect,. BI has already setup and establish things in the game, its up to the Admin/server owner to utilize those functions and or tools to better secure and set it up how they wish to run the server. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
We Butter 1 Posted July 8, 2020 I honestly don’t know whether you play on the server yourself, but if you played, you could see my game and there is nothing supernatural there. You stated on the forum that the main thing on the server is the players, and there you go. I really do not want to say that you are not a good person, you just spoil your reputation and the reputation of the project being led by someone's incompetence and rumors. Cheaters have nothing to do with it, Admins simply ban players who play better in the opposite team. Accusing cheating that you cannot prove, and I went to meet you in all matters, threw off all the video games, explained all the moments on the video, and you just refused to listen. As a result, they banned my video, which I myself threw off to a player who doubted my game, in order to confirm that I play honestly. It was said that I cheated because I did 44-3, then I don’t have a return, now you say that I’ve gotten along too well and killed the player. Я честно не знаю играете ли вы сами на сервере, но если играли то могли видеть мою игру и там ничего сверхъестественного нет. Вы заявляли на форуме что на сервере главное это игроки, и вот. Я нивкоем случае не хочу сказать что вы нехороший человек, вы просто портите свою репутацию и репутацию проекта ведясь на чью-то некомпетентность и слухи. Читеры здесь не причем, администрация просто банит игроков которые играют лучше в противоположной команде.Обвиняя в читерстве , которое вы не можете доказать, а я шёл к вам на встречу во всех вопросах, скидывал все видео игры, объяснял все моменты на видео, а вы просто отказывались слушать. В итоге забанили по моему же видео которое я сам скинул игроку который усомнился в моей игре, дабы подтвердить что я играю честно. То твердили что я чит потому-что сделал 44-3, потом что у меня нет отдачи, теперь вы говорите что я слишком хорошо соориентировался и убил игрока. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2727 Posted July 13, 2020 As you were told, its the servers choice who they ban, we here have nothing to do with that and can do nothing about it either. If you want to discuss with the server owner you can do so in private. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites