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El' Rabito

Disappearing Magazines

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I guess everyone knows the bug where you pickup vests/backpacks/weapons and your primary weapon loses magazines sometimes. (They just disapear).
Does anybody ever found a reason for that or maybe even a fix ? I always said *#arma but some players are really annoyed by it.

How is your experience as admins and players with this bug ? Do you know it ?

GIF of it happening: https://gyazo.com/18f902af3a44e62b1f731b70ae0000d7

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mmm, I never had this or never actually noticed (because it happens on a very rare occasions? )

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Do you use infistar ? And if so do you have fix_uniform_and_vest = "true"; in your EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.hpp ?

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For an survival server to often yea. Mostly while looting

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Hmmm, interesting. I definitely never experienced this. Tho, I only used CUP's Weapons/Gear. 

Hard to tell, man. I assume you have a heavily modified exile mod, have you edited anything related to "pickup" action or some code related to the number of magazines on "pickup"/looted? Keep monitoring, try to find the exact scenario that reproduces this bug (not randomly caught, but reproduce exactly when & where you want it). Try to rebuild the exact steps & pay attention to the weapons/ammo/backpacks (mods) used. I also wouldn't scratch out an option of some gear mod that causes this (TRYK ?).

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I to have never had this happen either in exile or vanilla Arma, maybe this could be down to a mod or script you're using?

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I have never noticed this problem on our server. Like Sgt Smash said maybe a mod or a script that cause that.

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Hello @El' Rabito - One thing you could do and it should work is to do this:


1 - Create 2 LOCAL (player only) event handlers:

A - InventoryClosed

B - InventoryOpened


2 - Create a script for the EH that when the inventory screen is opened, it counts the number of mags and their names.


3 - When the inventory is closed, count the number of mags again.  IF the number from #2 >= than the new count, do nothing.  If not add back those mags that are no longer there.  Or you could verify the mag array from #2 if you desired so instead of a count.


It is a 'quick and dirty' method, but it SHOULD (my opinion) work without a hitch!


This script HERE may help you with a starting point.




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