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I got following problem:


I finally got my new computer setup und freshly installed arma3 after 5 years without any video games, but Arma3 just wont start. When i click on "Play" in the lower left corner of the arma launcher it seems to start the game but it gets stuck "initializing addons" while loading and then gives me following information:




Details are:

  Reveal hidden contents


but i startet it without any mods and dlc's.. I didnt really found any helpfull support on that, this may be the result of my poor englisch skills so please be nice to me. 


Thanks for your help.

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Hello! Welcome to BI Forums!

Couple of things:

1. Post your computer specs including if you have HDD or SSD

2. Verify integrity of Cache for the game if you dont know how to do that, see here --->  https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335&l=english


Lastly review this below, as it pertains to the error you received:




  • This error is very generic. It may be caused by many issues, such as a hardware malfunction, a virus in the computer, but also an error in the game itself. Possible solutions:
  • Try changing the Memory Allocator you are using (default: "tbb4malloc_bi" - try "system" on Windows 7 and later)
  • Try joining another server, then rejoin the previous one.
  • Update the graphics card drivers to a newer version.
  • Rollback the graphics card drivers to an older version.
  • Check the temperature of your GPUs and CPUs.
  • Verify the integrity of the game cache using Steam.
  • Re-install DirectX.
  • Uninstall the Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable package (both x86 and x64 version), restart your computer and install the package again (do not use the Repair function).
  • Run a Windows System File Check tool to repair corrupted system files.

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Thanks for the answer!!! It seems like step 2 did the job.. I wonder why no one mentioned this in any video.. Beside of that it will be helpfull for other games too! Big thanks!!! 😄


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Oh nice!

Glad to have helped, and you got the issue sorted!

At least we hope we did, but if the game is starting and no issues then give it a couple of days of playing and we can probably fully confirm that, that fixed the issue.

  On 2/29/2020 at 6:05 PM, Erwinator said:

I wonder why no one mentioned this in any video

Hmm cant say for sure depends on the video, but in my mind if the game is not starting, and failing to initialize then to me the base game files to me are either corrupted

which means they are missing parts, for example when you upload a file to a host site, even a server, and you then go to download that file/play and it wont

you then to me want to compare notes with a full version vs what was uploaded.


   Then if the uploaded version is not the same in terms of file size as the base or full version then you know that the uploaded version was either corrupted (not fully uploaded)

and or had intermittent installation, somehow interrupted in its installation.


That to me was kinda of the gist of what happened, basically the game didn't fully install and was missing parts in order to initialize and launch properly.

    Thats the thing with Arma its that type of game that is that much complex, and what you dealt with is but one minute aspect of all the things in terms of errors or issues you can deal with

and those would be based on what your working with, be it mods, configs, scripts, missions, code, controls, and graphic settings.

  On 2/29/2020 at 6:05 PM, Erwinator said:

Beside of that it will be helpfull for other games too

Most definitely, something to definitely keep in mind!

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