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Vilas addons in A3 w.i.p.

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new verion on old link, changes:
- fixed technical LODs, hitpoints, firegeometry, configs for hitpoints - fixed some firefight performance of vehicles, breaking windows etc. 

- added Rosomak recon (looks funny but still ground radar is not working as it should be, rather "observation post" vehicle for missions like "protect the border" etc) 
- 2 pieces of artillery - WR 40 Langusta, NSM as arty (big boom)

this is to fix previous bugs, mostly with hitpoints (windows were not breaking in trucks, engines were not hidden under armour enough) 



what next: 

- some fixes to T72/PT91 commander post (NSV, observation , some problems with engine limitations and unrealistic turret , which in real life has either commander looking forward or NSV manually operated from outside)

- maybe Krab howitzer

- maybe AA systems, maybe, cannot promise 😉 

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Hey Vilas, I'm writing to ask for permissions to re-upload this mod to the steam Arma 3 workshop as a unlisted mod for my unit. Naturally the description and title will reference your name and all credits will be directed towards you. This is just to make the process easier and to make the unit appear more user friendly. The unlisted status will make it so that the mod can only be found via direct link.

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On 6/15/2023 at 12:59 PM, Miller7271 said:

Hey Vilas, I'm writing to ask for permissions to re-upload this mod to the steam Arma 3 workshop as a unlisted mod for my unit. Naturally the description and title will reference your name and all credits will be directed towards you. This is just to make the process easier and to make the unit appear more user friendly. The unlisted status will make it so that the mod can only be found via direct link.


i will put some things to workshop myself 

only what worries me is steam/valve policy - some time ago there was discussion , that anything what we publish - than copyrights start to own to valve, i must re-read this again if i really loose copyrights than or not , probably they changed their policy so it is safe to put addons to workshop 

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Vilas, do you have any plans for far future to add animations of opening doors or animations of entering and leaving vehicles?

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On 7/28/2023 at 1:18 AM, Boberitto said:

Vilas, do you have any plans for far future to add animations of opening doors or animations of entering and leaving vehicles?

but is this really necessary??? ???

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nowa wersja na starym linku...

Przepraszam że pytam . Który to jest ten stary link ? 

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1 hour ago, Lazarczyk said:

Przepraszam że pytam . Który to jest ten stary link ? 

Ten na poprzedniej stronie z 11 maja najprawdopodobniej.

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Jeszcze jedno pytanie do Vi lasa. Trafiałem na informacje o zapowiedzianych projektach,  i tych , które są w realizacji. Moje pytanie brzmi czy są jak projekty z warsztatu V ilas'a które gotowe w 100% i  opublikowane. (Np w Steamie ) Pytam o jego produkty, które są wysokiej jakości, ale nie można  ich znaleźć. 

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sorry for late reply , i had no time for Arma for many weeks (so called "real life") 
anyway - small update - i found few bugs:

- SMG and pistols were not showing magazines when using CBA , so i redefined magazines for weapons (CBA compatible now ) 

- added Grot A3 (prototype)

- added Grot 9mm (prototype)

- added short barrel UKM 2000S , fixed muzzle bug on UKM 2000 

- some more added/fixes 


really sorry for lack of wider updates but so called "real life" and "real jobs" are taking away all free time 😉
One Drive as previously :


@vilas.7z https://1drv.ms/u/c/ddb7ebf2c0d1e701/EQHn0cDy67cggN1uAAAAAAAB91qklpDapYNh7L4gO_1Njw?e=toTxvy 


still present bugs - lack of many icons of units and vehicles 


still yet not on steam but onedrive 

happy new year to everyone , peace, wealth, health and free time for hobby 





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I'm making a Polish army faction and I wanted to ask if I could use your mod as a foundation (vehicles and weapons). I will not reupload the content to the Steam workshop, only list it as a requirement.

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Hi borsuk ,krab k2 panther,dana,k9 thunder,rm70,bm-21,skorpion-3,Sola,Bystra,Ms-20 Daglezja,AW 101 Heli when?

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Hope someday stuff will be on steam workshop, or maybe as an apl-sa license or such.

Great stuff.

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Napisałem tu post ale po opublikowaniu widzę pozmieniane bez sensu słowa i zdania . Dlaczego ? Edytowanie nic nie daje. 

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On 4/22/2024 at 12:56 PM, Lazarczyk said:

Napisałem tu post ale po opublikowaniu widzę pozmieniane bez sensu słowa i zdania . Dlaczego ? Edytowanie nic nie daje. 

Co? Może masz w przeglądarce wtyczkę (albo opcja jest domyślnie włączona, jak np. w Chrome), która tłumaczy ci forum z angielskiego na polski i przy okazji przekłada sam polski "na nowo". Swoją drogą, forum jest po angielsku i korzystają z niego nie tylko Polacy, to wypadałoby pisać też w ingliszu, możesz wrzucić sobie w tłumacza żeby się nie męczyć.


Zresztą od zgłaszania problemów są prywatne wiadomości do moderatorów, tutaj tylko spamujesz.

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sory for long being off line and not ansering

- sorry , by mistake i deleted archive, i will add files again , maybe on steam shop - week ago Polish factory presented "Grot A3" , so i changed 2 days ago model and yesterday i made finally "more real model" of Grot A3, 

so there will be updated - adding Grot A3 and Grot PC (A3 with 20 inch barrel, marksman version)

- i cannot release for some reasons neither Borsuk nor Pilica neither Poprad + radar vehicles, sory, not at the moment 

- i have some free time , i hope to back to mod some models for Arma, previous year was very very very very busy in "real life and jobs" so i had no time and i even not loged to account for half year (i should add new pistol presented by Polish Weapon Factory FB Radom - striker fired : https://fabrykabroni.pl/aktualnosci/premiera-najnowszego-produktu-fabryki-broni-za-oceanem ) 

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On 7/9/2024 at 6:20 PM, vilas said:

sory for long being off line and not ansering

- sorry , by mistake i deleted archive, i will add files again , maybe on steam shop - week ago Polish factory presented "Grot A3" , so i changed 2 days ago model and yesterday i made finally "more real model" of Grot A3, 

so there will be updated - adding Grot A3 and Grot PC (A3 with 20 inch barrel, marksman version)

- i cannot release for some reasons neither Borsuk nor Pilica neither Poprad + radar vehicles, sory, not at the moment 

- i have some free time , i hope to back to mod some models for Arma, previous year was very very very very busy in "real life and jobs" so i had no time and i even not loged to account for half year (i should add new pistol presented by Polish Weapon Factory FB Radom - striker fired : https://fabrykabroni.pl/aktualnosci/premiera-najnowszego-produktu-fabryki-broni-za-oceanem ) 


Hey Vilas! Glad to hear that you're back. I know that keeping intellectual property in your hands is very important for you. Therefore i would suggest encrypting your .pbo files like 3CB mod team did, it should be helpful in publishing content for Steam Workshop.


Keeping my fingers crossed for new versions of the Mod (and my Beloved BWP Borsuk :3)


PS: Any chances for old-generation polish armed forces Equipment like Infamous bechatka or lubawa?

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