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Stamina & movement speed - your opinion

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Stamina and weight and movement speed , i want to hear your thoughts on these mechanics. 


Personally i liked it better before the update... After several hours playing it is my opinion that the stamina drains much to fast. Imo you also run much to slow with the crate or even without the crate and a full inventory. Personally i would like the mechanics altered to allow more than 30 steps before your gasping for air moving slower than a backwards turtle race.


Whats your opinion? Would u change or adjust any of these 3 mechanics?

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I would tend to agree. There is a case for an incremental increase in stamina in relation to inventory contents.

Whilst a agree with the concept of a bigger inventory slowing you down, it's seems a little too punitive currently.

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It works great as it is now. If you decide to pick up any and everything you can, you should be slower than someone with a half full rucksack.


Common sense tells me that if we are all the same athletes and the same height and weight and I’m carrying half of the weight in my pack as you are, I’ll finish the race first.


this concept makes you think what is absolutely necessary to leave the match with.


Crate or no crate... That is the question 

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17 minutes ago, Cry2yourMoM said:

It works great as it is now. If you decide to pick up any and everything you can, you should be slower than someone with a half full rucksack.


Common sense tells me that if we are all the same athletes and the same height and weight and I’m carrying half of the weight in my pack as you are, I’ll finish the race first.


this concept makes you think what is absolutely necessary to leave the match with.


Crate or no crate... That is the question 

I agree, I think it’s fine as it is. Think before you loot.

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right now It doesnt matter.. right now if U use a little brain and dont constatnly run from a-b like most do.. its easy.. I go where ever I want with empty bag as full.. the footsteps Are removed too so if U have a ok gun and there Are not to many rpks walking around.. U can do whatever U want.. killing just as easy AS looting a crate.. good for looters and completionists.. broken for tension and gunfights..  but why not, I ser your point... Let us flatten this "Sims" Even more out.


Good luck and never stop running

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For me the weight system was a great addition for the game. More tactics involved. Maybe a bit too punitive to see 2 cons for a full backpack (1.slower speed and 2. stamina reduced) but I tend to like it in any case. If you want to reduce just leave 1 out of the 2 cons aforementioned. What I'd like to see is a speed reduction on the transitions from stand to prone and viceversa. They are really too fast. 

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I think it’s fine how it is, it’s made combat more fair and challenging. We used to have people sprint to the crate and sprint to exit, now crate runners have to be more tactical because other players can catch up more easily now. 


Something most do not seem to know is that your running and stamina are much more efficient if you sheath your weapon. Having it drawn drains you faster and slows down the regeneration of stamina. Knowing this helps.

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