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A way for a script to pull all units name on a given side including mods

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I need a easier way to spawn random units instead of individually pulling all classes from the in game editor and pasting it while adding quotations and commas like this: ["B_mas_med_Army_ENG_F", "B_mas_med_Army_EXP_F", "B_mas_med_Army_GL_F",]. I want to use a script that when called it will pull a random unit from a given side of a given type (infantry, land, air) and spawn them in a group. The group will be filled with random units. I also want it to pull units from mods that I download. I dont want to have to keep updating the script every time I download another unit mod. The mod MMC sandbox has no problem in doing this but I dont know how they did it. 

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2 hours ago, Joedapro said:

I dont know how they did it. 

You can always open up the mod and have a look at the source

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A very basic example of sorting CfgVehicles by side and type.



//    [
//        //East
//        [
//            [], //MEN
//            [], //CARS
//            [], //TANKS
//            [], //HELICOPTERS
//            [], //PLANES
//            [], //SHIPS
//            []  //STATIC WEAPONS
//        ],
//        //WEST
//        []
//        //etc
//    ]

_data = [
	[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], //EAST
	[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], //WEST
	[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], //INDEPENDENT
	[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]  //CIVILIAN

	if ( getNumber( _x >> "scope" ) isEqualTo 2 ) then {
		_index = switch ( true ) do {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "CAManBase" ) : {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "Car_F" ) : {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "Tank" ) : {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "Helicopter" ) : {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "Plane" ) : {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "Ship" ) : {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "StaticWeapon" ) : {
			default{ -1 };

		if ( _index > -1 ) then {
			_side = getNumber( _x >> "side" );
			if ( _side in [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] ) then {
				_data select _side select _index pushBack configName _x;
}forEach ( "true" configClasses( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" ));

//Code below this set of comments just makes the data readable
//If not needed then just uncomment...
//copyToClipboard str _data
//And delete everything from here on

_RETURN = [ 13, 10 ];
_TAB = [ 09 ];

_output = "";
_tabIndent = 0;

_fnc_addTabs = {
	params[ "_numTabs" ];

	_tabs = "";
	for "_i" from 1 to _numTabs do {
		_tabs = formatText[ "%1%2", _tabs, toString _TAB ];


_fnc_output = {
	params[ "_array", "_isLast" ];

	_tabs = [ _tabIndent ] call _fnc_addTabs;
	_output = formatText[ "%1%2%3[%2", _output, toString _RETURN, _tabs ];
	_tabIndent = _tabIndent + 1;

		if ( _x isEqualType [] ) then {
			[ _x, _forEachIndex isEqualTo ( count _array - 1 ) ] call _fnc_output;
			_tabs = [ _tabIndent ] call _fnc_addTabs;
			_output = formatText[ "%1%2%3%4%5", _output, toString _RETURN, _tabs, str _x, [ "", "," ] select ( _forEachIndex < ( count _array - 1 )) ];
	}forEach _array;

	_tabIndent = _tabIndent - 1;
	_tabs = [ _tabIndent ] call _fnc_addTabs;
	_output = formatText[ "%1%2%3]%4", _output, toString _RETURN, _tabs, [ "", "," ] select !_isLast ];


[ _data, true ] call _fnc_output;

copyToClipboard str _output


A3 vanilla output






































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20 hours ago, Larrow said:

A very basic example of sorting CfgVehicles by side and type.


  Reveal hidden contents

//    [
//        //East
//        [
//            [], //MEN
//            [], //CARS
//            [], //TANKS
//            [], //HELICOPTERS
//            [], //PLANES
//            [], //SHIPS
//            []  //STATIC WEAPONS
//        ],
//        //WEST
//        []
//        //etc
//    ]

_data = [
	[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], //EAST
	[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], //WEST
	[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], //INDEPENDENT
	[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]  //CIVILIAN

	if ( getNumber( _x >> "scope" ) isEqualTo 2 ) then {
		_index = switch ( true ) do {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "CAManBase" ) : {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "Car_F" ) : {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "Tank" ) : {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "Helicopter" ) : {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "Plane" ) : {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "Ship" ) : {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "StaticWeapon" ) : {
			default{ -1 };

		if ( _index > -1 ) then {
			_side = getNumber( _x >> "side" );
			if ( _side in [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] ) then {
				_data select _side select _index pushBack configName _x;
}forEach ( "true" configClasses( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" ));

//Code below this set of comments just makes the data readable
//If not needed then just uncomment...
//copyToClipboard str _data
//And delete everything from here on

_RETURN = [ 13, 10 ];
_TAB = [ 09 ];

_output = "";
_tabIndent = 0;

_fnc_addTabs = {
	params[ "_numTabs" ];

	_tabs = "";
	for "_i" from 1 to _numTabs do {
		_tabs = formatText[ "%1%2", _tabs, toString _TAB ];


_fnc_output = {
	params[ "_array", "_isLast" ];

	_tabs = [ _tabIndent ] call _fnc_addTabs;
	_output = formatText[ "%1%2%3[%2", _output, toString _RETURN, _tabs ];
	_tabIndent = _tabIndent + 1;

		if ( _x isEqualType [] ) then {
			[ _x, _forEachIndex isEqualTo ( count _array - 1 ) ] call _fnc_output;
			_tabs = [ _tabIndent ] call _fnc_addTabs;
			_output = formatText[ "%1%2%3%4%5", _output, toString _RETURN, _tabs, str _x, [ "", "," ] select ( _forEachIndex < ( count _array - 1 )) ];
	}forEach _array;

	_tabIndent = _tabIndent - 1;
	_tabs = [ _tabIndent ] call _fnc_addTabs;
	_output = formatText[ "%1%2%3]%4", _output, toString _RETURN, _tabs, [ "", "," ] select !_isLast ];


[ _data, true ] call _fnc_output;

copyToClipboard str _output


A3 vanilla output

  Reveal hidden contents





































Great, Thank you, Ill test this out today. Do I need to execute this in the init.sqf? And where will the output be located at, just the clipboard and all I need to do is CTR + V in notepad?

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6 hours ago, Joedapro said:

Do I need to execute this in the init.sqf?

Just run it from the debugConsole in the editor to output a static array.

6 hours ago, Joedapro said:

And where will the output be located at, just the clipboard and all I need to do is CTR + V in notepad?

Yes just Ctrl+V into your editor of choice. Save it as a script and give the output a variable, and load the script at mission start to initialise the variable.


TAG_sideVehicles = /*Pasted output here*/ ;

execVM "sideVehicleClass.sqf";

Then TAG_sideVehicles is available on the server to pull your classes from.

The output would be static to whatever you paste into the file. If you need to make it update available vehicles on every mission load( maybe the user has a new mod installed ) then instead execute the script in the previous post from wherever needed( ie initServer.sqf ) and replace the copyToClipboard with

TAG_sideVehicles = _output;

This would be better done via a postInit function. More info on that can be found here CfgFunctions.



Then whenever you need something.

#define MEN		0
#define CARS		1
#define TANKS		2
#define PLANES		4
#define SHIPS		5
#define STATIC		6

//Example random West Unit
_side = west call BIS_fnc_sideID;
_type = MEN;
_randomWestMan = selectRandom ( TAG_sideVehicles select _side select _type );

//Example random East Helicopter
_side = east call BIS_fnc_sideID;
_randomEastHeli = selectRandom ( TAG_sideVehicles select _side select _type );


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17 hours ago, Larrow said:

Just run it from the debugConsole in the editor to output a static array.

Yes just Ctrl+V into your editor of choice. Save it as a script and give the output a variable, and load the script at mission start to initialise the variable.


TAG_sideVehicles = /*Pasted output here*/ ;


execVM "sideVehicleClass.sqf";

Then TAG_sideVehicles is available on the server to pull your classes from.

The output would be static to whatever you paste into the file. If you need to make it update available vehicles on every mission load( maybe the user has a new mod installed ) then instead execute the script in the previous post from wherever needed( ie initServer.sqf ) and replace the copyToClipboard with

TAG_sideVehicles = _output;

This would be better done via a postInit function. More info on that can be found here CfgFunctions.



Then whenever you need something.

#define MEN		0
#define CARS		1
#define TANKS		2
#define PLANES		4
#define SHIPS		5
#define STATIC		6

//Example random West Unit
_side = west call BIS_fnc_sideID;
_type = MEN;
_randomWestMan = selectRandom ( TAG_sideVehicles select _side select _type );

//Example random East Helicopter
_side = east call BIS_fnc_sideID;
_randomEastHeli = selectRandom ( TAG_sideVehicles select _side select _type );


Thank you, this worked for me without errors.

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On 9/14/2019 at 6:04 AM, Larrow said:

A very basic example of sorting CfgVehicles by side and type.


  Reveal hidden contents

//    [
//        //East
//        [
//            [], //MEN
//            [], //CARS
//            [], //TANKS
//            [], //HELICOPTERS
//            [], //PLANES
//            [], //SHIPS
//            []  //STATIC WEAPONS
//        ],
//        //WEST
//        []
//        //etc
//    ]

_data = [
	[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], //EAST
	[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], //WEST
	[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], //INDEPENDENT
	[ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ]  //CIVILIAN

	if ( getNumber( _x >> "scope" ) isEqualTo 2 ) then {
		_index = switch ( true ) do {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "CAManBase" ) : {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "Car_F" ) : {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "Tank" ) : {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "Helicopter" ) : {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "Plane" ) : {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "Ship" ) : {
			case ( configName _x isKindOf "StaticWeapon" ) : {
			default{ -1 };

		if ( _index > -1 ) then {
			_side = getNumber( _x >> "side" );
			if ( _side in [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] ) then {
				_data select _side select _index pushBack configName _x;
}forEach ( "true" configClasses( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" ));

//Code below this set of comments just makes the data readable
//If not needed then just uncomment...
//copyToClipboard str _data
//And delete everything from here on

_RETURN = [ 13, 10 ];
_TAB = [ 09 ];

_output = "";
_tabIndent = 0;

_fnc_addTabs = {
	params[ "_numTabs" ];

	_tabs = "";
	for "_i" from 1 to _numTabs do {
		_tabs = formatText[ "%1%2", _tabs, toString _TAB ];


_fnc_output = {
	params[ "_array", "_isLast" ];

	_tabs = [ _tabIndent ] call _fnc_addTabs;
	_output = formatText[ "%1%2%3[%2", _output, toString _RETURN, _tabs ];
	_tabIndent = _tabIndent + 1;

		if ( _x isEqualType [] ) then {
			[ _x, _forEachIndex isEqualTo ( count _array - 1 ) ] call _fnc_output;
			_tabs = [ _tabIndent ] call _fnc_addTabs;
			_output = formatText[ "%1%2%3%4%5", _output, toString _RETURN, _tabs, str _x, [ "", "," ] select ( _forEachIndex < ( count _array - 1 )) ];
	}forEach _array;

	_tabIndent = _tabIndent - 1;
	_tabs = [ _tabIndent ] call _fnc_addTabs;
	_output = formatText[ "%1%2%3]%4", _output, toString _RETURN, _tabs, [ "", "," ] select !_isLast ];


[ _data, true ] call _fnc_output;

copyToClipboard str _output


A3 vanilla output

  Reveal hidden contents





































Good day Larrow, I do have another question to this. How would I implement this into a script that would select a random unit to spawn without having to copy and past the names manually?  I do have the script that spawns the units but only if the names (strings) are already in an array.


You dont have to create it, I just need help understanding how the output works with this script without the copy to clipboard and if I can just output it to a variable (_variablename = [];). I tried to select an element from the array but got the type array, expected string error.

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On 9/15/2019 at 8:25 AM, Larrow said:

Just run it from the debugConsole in the editor to output a static array.

Yes just Ctrl+V into your editor of choice. Save it as a script and give the output a variable, and load the script at mission start to initialise the variable.


TAG_sideVehicles = /*Pasted output here*/ ;


execVM "sideVehicleClass.sqf";

Then TAG_sideVehicles is available on the server to pull your classes from.

The output would be static to whatever you paste into the file. If you need to make it update available vehicles on every mission load( maybe the user has a new mod installed ) then instead execute the script in the previous post from wherever needed( ie initServer.sqf ) and replace the copyToClipboard with

TAG_sideVehicles = _output;

This would be better done via a postInit function. More info on that can be found here CfgFunctions.



Then whenever you need something.

#define MEN		0
#define CARS		1
#define TANKS		2
#define PLANES		4
#define SHIPS		5
#define STATIC		6

//Example random West Unit
_side = west call BIS_fnc_sideID;
_type = MEN;
_randomWestMan = selectRandom ( TAG_sideVehicles select _side select _type );

//Example random East Helicopter
_side = east call BIS_fnc_sideID;
_randomEastHeli = selectRandom ( TAG_sideVehicles select _side select _type );


This is it, my apologies.

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On 9/15/2019 at 8:25 AM, Larrow said:

_randomWestMan = selectRandom ( TAG_sideVehicles select _side select _type );

My apologies, I have an issue I ran into with this. I tried using this in a script but I run into an error. I outputted the script into a global variable 


On 10/10/2019 at 7:46 PM, Joedapro said:

TAG_sideVehicles = _output;

but when I called TAG_sideVehicles select ... in a separate script I get Error select: Type Text, expected Array, String, Config entry.


How do I fix this?

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Delete everything in my script from

//Code below this set of comments just makes the data readable



Then at the end place

TAG_sideVehicles = _data;

Sorry I realise I entered the wrong info in one of my previous post telling you to use _output instead.

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