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First two days on multiplayer

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This has been a great two days, really it has. Its really fun to play online, despite having to deal with some pretty immature peeps. This is a little rundown of things I'v liked and disliked

I liked the Dedicated servers at Gamespy, giving my new Cable modem the chance it needs. I also Liked the fact they, unlike ASE's, servers were not all password locked. I played alot on a 10 min no admin server.

I did not like having to deal with a bunch of rude, impetulent 13 yr olds. i don't have time for temper tantrums, I really don't feel like playing the vengence game, I certainly don't want to repeat myself 20 times to get a message across. Part of this is, I did NOT like having to work with them..teamwork is almost nill..its a noob free for all and it usually gos to the team whos got control of some armour. Typically BMP's..

Deathmatch is a headache. Its also kinda fun, but still mostly a headache. mostly its my computers fault though, not anything eles. I only have 128 MB ram so things load very slowly.

Buggyness. I hate buggyness...at one time me and Hidden Horror had to share a body. How does this work? Think of a two headed man....

Er, as you can see, alota lows, but it still managed ot be fun..just to get out and fire a bunch of bullets and..every now and then, actually kill someone.

Any tips or suggestions that might help this New multiplayer out? i really don't want to use the search engine, don't make me ;_;

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I was thinking my multiplayer would not owrk becuase of my slow connection but I am wrong. I've had 2 good CTF sessions where I got to frag someone's tired ragged A**! tounge.gif I agree that some peeps are ruuuuuuuuuuuuuude. I have also found great match ups. I hate when I don't have an addon. Ewwww. My load is slow also [128 Ram here to]. I play between 10wow.gif0 Est [in Eastern U.S.] and 3wow.gif0 Est. Not alot of people on then, but I checked today [middle of the day here] and tons were online. Thats probably because its evening/night in Europe and elsewhere where alot of Ofp players are. Not to manny in America that I'm seeing . Every other player is foreign it seems and the play in the day time over here. Bummer. Maybe weekends are better? I hope so. smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Blademun @ Jan. 10 2003,06:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Any tips or suggestions that might help this New multiplayer out? i really don't want to use the search engine, don't make me ;_;<span id='postcolor'>

glad you had fun. smile.gif

but search. hint pinned topic, search under strategy and etc.

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I play mostly coop missions and may therefor be biased, but i think playing hard coop maps without respawn helps getting rid of the "kiddies". They rush off the first time, die in the first few minutes and have to wait 50 minutes. They won't do that very often wink.gif

The downside is that it's nearly impossible to play tough coop missions on a "public" server. I see it everytime when there are lots of "guests" (ie non-regulars) on my server, the easiest missions get botched cause of lack of communication. Most times i take the leader spot then and try to coordinate, but some players just don't listen and other times i can't give enough precise commands for everyone for the mission to work. When i play with my people (we are reluctant to call us a squad yet and maybe never will) and voicecom those missions are accomplished most of the times. So in the end, the quality of the gaming experience depends on who you play with. No surprise i guess wink.gif

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The moral of the story is join a squad or team that gets together regularly for practice, in-team coops and cross team matches.

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Hi, if your into teamwork and playing with some really nice mature ppl that don't take the game WAY TOO SERIOUSLY:)

try: Radishville.com

The server is only up between the hours of 6:30pm to 2wow.gif0am EST. and I believe 24hrs during the weekends. We play all types of missions that require no add-on's. We have alot of 56k players. All matches are 30min. Also be sure you to install 1.90, seems pings rate were dramaticly improved with this patch. If you really want to get the best out of this game as far as pure team work is concerned check the 'downloads section' on that site for a program called Roger Wilco. As the in-game chat seems to lag most ppl using modems. As you say (and I too) the most important thing about having a truely good experiance and getting the most out this game is playing with like minded ppl. 90% of time there is an official admin: look for "Produce" / "Radishville Regular" tags and they don't tolorate any... baloney:) Ohya... Buy resistance!

Looking forward to killing you...

Carol Cray

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56k's don't really effect OFP as much as it did like how in CS. In OFP the player lags like crazy, not the server.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ Jan. 11 2003,02:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The moral of the story is join a squad or team that gets together regularly for practice, in-team coops and cross team matches.<span id='postcolor'>

ezer said than done Avon, got about 0 squads in my country 1 server and well just not enough ppl.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ Jan. 11 2003,21:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">wow.gif6--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ Jan. 11 2003,02wow.gif6)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The moral of the story is join a squad or team that gets together regularly for practice, in-team coops and cross team matches.<span id='postcolor'>

ezer said than done Avon, got about 0 squads in my country 1 server and well just not enough ppl.<span id='postcolor'>

You don't need a squad that's based in you're country, I've been in a falcon 4.0 squadron that was uk based (well actually european but that's irrelevant now).

And what do you mean you got 1 server?

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If hes from New Zeland (i assume thats what the NZ in your profile stands for smile.gif) It is a problem since the ping to most other counties will prolly bee over 300ms, am i right?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Blademun @ Jan. 10 2003,06:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I liked the Dedicated servers at Gamespy, giving my new Cable modem the chance it needs. I also Liked the fact they, unlike ASE's, servers were not all password locked. I played alot on a 10 min no admin server.<span id='postcolor'>

Your not using Gamespy arcade are you? If so, stop! Uninstall it and use the ingame browser.

You should download the nampack 2, and go to Zeus dedicated nam server(if you can find it, cant remember the ip) Alot of mature fun people and the coops rock, allthough they are heavy on low end computers confused.gif

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Well, yeah, I was useing Gamespy. I guess I will join a squad, I'll need to find one.

Well, I spent another day at that server...I'm getting better..*nods*

Well, off to find a Squad

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ Jan. 11 2003,22:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">wow.gif6--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ Jan. 11 2003,02wow.gif6)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The moral of the story is join a squad or team that gets together regularly for practice, in-team coops and cross team matches.<span id='postcolor'>

ezer said than done Avon, got about 0 squads in my country 1 server and well just not enough ppl.<span id='postcolor'>

You could always move. tounge.gif

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I just got a DSL connection and I would like to try


Can you recommend something for beginner, like

some specific server (I use the in-game browser)?

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well i mean we got 1 server total for use really, every other server in the world i ping over 500 to and im on adsl, Australians and NZers just have the one server to share theres about 2-3 squads one of em with a few nzers but they just dont do anything. Also im not into joinin a squad for ofp ild rather lan or just play with my mates i see a sqad in this game as a waste of time ild rather play on pubs, games like rtcw i saw the point of a squad and we even have our own tournmanent ofp needs that sorta popularty.

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You are saying to join a squad... but żwhen?

Everytime I´ve tryed to find a server on Mp, it was... Squad owned -->you are kicked (usually with rude words mad.gif ) or closed server.

There are so, very few resistance servers if we compare with DOD or others. I don´t belive there are this minor quantity of Resistance players online on a weekend!!

That´s the reason I´m trying to set up my own server for people who just want to play like a team but don´t have time to join a squad. żdo you know other servers based on this idea?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (daram @ Jan. 13 2003,11:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You are saying to join a squad... but żwhen?

  Everytime I´ve tryed to find a server on Mp, it was... Squad owned -->you are kicked (usually with rude words mad.gif ) or closed server.<span id='postcolor'>

Look up squad's home pages and email them asking to try out for membership.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (daram @ Jan. 13 2003,10:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">żdo you know other servers based on this idea?<span id='postcolor'>

Allmost every server i´ve ever been too. I very rarely have these problems and i can almost allways find a good server to play on.

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