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AI wont get in vehicle

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So i'm trying to make a function to get AI to get in passenger in players vehicle, however ai is not getting inside vehicle if the player is the commander of the vehicle(only works when player is driver ), AI only gets in position go get in but doesn't actually load  inside, is there any way to fix this?




Extra details, AI only gets in vehicle when player is commander if the engine if off.

I'm not using any mod

The script i'm using

  	 _x assignAsCargo (vehicle player); 
  } forEach units _group; 
  (units _group) orderGetIn true; 

thanks for the help 






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Try something like,

{ _x assignAsCargo (vehicle player); _x moveinCargo (vehicle player); } forEach units _group;

I think that will work. No animation.
Not tested.

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How are you getting _group?

The following works for me regardless of where I am in the vehicle:

_group = vehCargoGroup;	//	Named the group in the editor.
_veh = objectParent player;

	_x assignAsCargo _veh;
} forEach units _group;

(units _group) orderGetIn true;


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  On 8/12/2019 at 10:39 PM, Maff said:

How are you getting _group?

The following works for me regardless of where I am in the vehicle:

_group = vehCargoGroup;	//	Named the group in the editor.
_veh = objectParent player;

	_x assignAsCargo _veh;
} forEach units _group;

(units _group) orderGetIn true;


I'm getting group pretty much same as you do, and i tried objectParent while trying to get it to work, same effect seems like it is bug, they only get in once i get as vehicle driver.

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I am stumped.

All of the methods posted work for me in vanilla.


Maybe there is something else going wrong.

I have a few hours to spare...

Can you post your entire function?

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Have you tried creating a blank mission (in virtual map) and just the vehicle and the team and see if that works? To check if it's not something in your mission, like terrain, unit behavior, other units, other scripts, that cause this behaviour.


Possibly a allowGetIn false command somewhere plays a role?

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@Maff, probably you didn't execute exactly what makes the bug take place as @kagenekosamareported. 


Below, I explain in detail a step by step to reproduce what is happening. And yes, it looks like a true bug which makes it frustrating to use mechanized infantry between player and AI in the same group.



The "solution" for keeping your Commander or Gunner position and ordering the AI members to get in again is to ask them to STOP when they are stuck right in the vehicle's rear. Immediately you ask them to stop, they get in the vehicle hehe.

Ticket already open in BIS Bug Tracker:

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