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Trait Changer by UNIT_normal
This allows you to change between default traits and custom traits.

You can define your own trait setup in TC_init.sqf.


Known Issues
- This don't change actual unit class.


1. Put Trait_Changer folder on your mission folder.
2. Put stringtable.xml or copy & paste contents to your stringtable.xml.
3. Add this to init.sqf.
[] execVM "Trait_Changer\TC_init.sqf";


4. Add this to object that you want.
0 = this execVM "Trait_Changer\functions\fnc_TC_object.sqf";


5. Add this to description.ext.
#include "Trait_Changer\defines.hpp"
#include "Trait_Changer\TC_GUI_controls.hpp"
#include "Trait_Changer\TC_GUI_classes.hpp"


- In TC_init.sqf, you can set trait limit on server.






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  On 8/13/2019 at 5:58 AM, YonV said:

Does this set ace traits? 


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Hi @UNIT_normal,


very nice work. Smart tool for big impact on mission.

I could easily made my changes as descriped in your ini. Thanks.

I don't know if you really work on this tool but if you do: A additional listbox or other kind of output per defined "Traitrole" with the names of the actual players who owned this role at the moment would be a annother very helpful part for fast ingame building of Teams, Orders and so on.


Thanks a lot.


Edited by SirBassi

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