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Thomas TKO

[Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

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@Desperta Ferro -


ExtDB2 = 32 Bit ARMA

ExtDB3 = 64 Bit ARMA


Also, not ALL SCRIPTS are 'written' for ExtDB3, so that means you will have to 're-write' them or do without them.


To ME personally, it is NOT worth the effort as well as Exile only supports ExtDB2.  To ME, ARMA has enough issues without me adding a load more on the top...  😉


You would get 'better stuff' by going to the 64 bit ARMA due to greater memory usage, I think this is about it.  Any DB 'increase' is done by the SQL engine which is NOT ExtDB3.


Just my opinion...




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Thanks for your opinion z80cpu!


I have a machine with an i7 4770 with 32Gb of ram.


I Think I have a "good" hardware for a dedicated server for arma and I would like to get the most out of the server but I don't know if it is worth the effort like you say...

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100% xD worth it indeed
i know this is an old post...

You can bassicly update from 2 too 3  and there is not many scripts or stuff you need to change...
its mostly juse exile.ini you need to remove all numbers of input..
and in some scripts u need to changed ExtDB2 to ExtDB3 ( no needed for ExtDB2 messages leave it as it is ..

64 bit  Will stop memory crashes on your server... so it will be 100% worth it
Just merging files from custom stuff u added might be some work..

Also if you upgraded to ExtDB3 make sure your database is not running in strict mod or safemode

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To disable SAFEMODE.. / Strict mode

1. Disable Strict Mode via my.cnf/my.ini

This method disables it by changing the value of  SQL_MODE in my.cnf file (for Linux) OR my.ini file (for windows server) and restarting the MySQL server.  my.cnf file can be found in one of a few locations (depending on which distribution you’re using). The most common locations are /etc/my.cnf and /etc/mysql/my.cnf .
NOTE: Make the following changes in the my.ini (for Windows Operating System) or my.cnf (for Linux Operating System). Inside that file, look for a heading like [mysqld] and then look for the value of sql_mode. It might look like this (the actual value of sql_mode may vary):

    Look for the following line:
    You can change the value of sql_mode to NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION to completely disable strict mode, but you may want to look up each mode that is configured before disabling it or you can simply change it to:
    sql-mode="" (i.e. Blank)
    If sql_mode isn’t set, you can add it under the [mysqld] heading, then save the file, and restart MySQL.
    Restart the MySQL Service.

2. To Disable Strict Mode via SQL

This method allows you to disable the strict mode on your MySQL server by running the following command.
$ mysql -u root -p -e "SET GLOBAL sql_mode = ’NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION’;"

Now, you can verify that the mode is set by running the following:
$ mysql -u root -p -e "SELECT @@GLOBAL.sql_mode;"


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