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config sound path for "FragOut"?

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For my scripted AI movement script, I've written a script that uses in-game sound files (supporting all arma languages) for the stack members.  Examples:   "RallyUp", "MoveUp", "SetCharge", etc.  This will make for nice chatter as the stack of 4 units clears a building (and it should make a player nervous when he hears an enemy AI team progress through a building he is in.).


Does anyone know the sound file path for "Frag Out"? 


Below are some example sound paths I'm using.   Frag Out is not found in any of these paths.






I found this code somewhere which I thinks lists all sound file names, but it doesn't return full path:

_cfg = configfile >> "RadioProtocolENG" >> "Words" >> "Normal"; 
_arr = []; 
for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfg)-1 do 
_word = configName(_cfg select _i); 
_arr pushback _word; 
copyToClipboard str _arr; 

That code returns a long list of what I think are sound file names, and includes these related to grenades:


I tried @Larrow's awesome utility for seeing and playing all radio commands, but did not see any  sounds related to grenades.


I also tried this code to find sounds:

_arr = [(configFile >> "RadioProtocolENG"),1, true, true ] call BIS_fnc_returnChildren; 
copyToClipboard str _arr;

And it returns these grenade related lines (but these are not paths to .ogg files, so do not help me):



How do I find the full file path for the .ogg file for "Frag Out" or "Throwing smoke" etc.?



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Crap thought i read "FrogOut!" in which case i have no less than 97 versions in various NorthEast neighborhood accents including Boston Southie, Brooklyn Irish, Baltimore Thug, and Philly HoagieMouf.


Good luck tho -sounds awesome and only know Larrows way

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I suggest using kbtell instead of playing individual sounds, since kbtell already handles sound variations (which frag out probably is) and you can (most likely) use the same voice the unit actually has, so there's one less problem when switching from a NATO to a CSAT unit.

Some reading:





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14 hours ago, johnnyboy said:


This is the config path to the command used for saying a variation of fragout/throwing frag.

If you look there ( configfile >> "RadioProtocolENG" >> "SentThrowingGrenade" ) you will find a list of child classes for each voice style combat, stealth etc and variations, these being Frag_out to Frag_out_5. Looking at the properties of each you will see...

speech[] = {"XMIT","ThrowingGrenadeE_1"};
wordsClass = "Combat";

...where ThrowingGrenadeE_1 is the actual word used and Combat the actual word style.

Looking under ( configfile >> "RadioProtocolENG" >> "Words" >> "Combat" >> "ThrowingGrenadeE_1" ) here being wordClass 'Combat' , you will see the actual sound file path.

ThrowingGrenadeE_1[] = {"RadioProtocolENG\Combat\200_CombatShouts\ThrowingGrenadeE_1.ogg"};

Just do this for each style combat, stealth etc and for each protocol RadioProtocolENG, RadioProtocolFRE etc

Surprised if it does not show in my utility function.


protocol > words > combat/stealth > ThrowingGrenadeE_3 is frag out.


You can also use the radio scripting commands with the protocol commands "Sent#" as long as they do not rely on internal engine parameters for example things like "SelectCmdMoveSentenceFar_1" do not work. This will provide a random variation on the word used, dependent on the units current behaviour mode.

player addAction[ "Frag out", {
	player sideRadio "SentThrowingGrenade";

TAG_fnc_changeBehaviour = {
	params[ "_id" ];
	_currentBehaviour = behaviour player;
	_behaviours = [ "STEALTH", "COMBAT" ];
	_behaviour = ( _behaviours - [ _currentBehaviour ] ) select 0;
	group player setBehaviour _behaviour;
	player setUserActionText[ _id, _currentBehaviour ];

group player setBehaviour "COMBAT";

player addAction[ "STEALTH", {
	params[ "_target", "_caller", "_ID", "_args" ];
	[ _id ] call TAG_fnc_changeBehaviour;


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10 hours ago, Grumpy Old Man said:

I suggest using kbtell instead of playing individual sounds, since kbtell already handles sound variations (which frag out probably is) and you can (most likely) use the same voice the unit actually has, so there's one less problem when switching from a NATO to a CSAT unit. 

Thanks for the tip Grump.  But since I've already solved using unit's native voice with string substitution in paths, I'm going to stick with playSound3d for now.


@Larrow:  Thanks much for the details on how to navigate the config.  I've now found all the correct paths for the subset of voice files I need. 


You guys are still tops in my book!

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