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I haven't really used many tanks in a mission until now. I've done some experiments in vanilla Arma just to be sure it's not a mod issue and I'm seeing 2 behaviors that are a problem with tanks and AI.


First I'm putting down a platoon of tanks (3 to 4 grouped together), and just for testing I used the Almyra desert of Altis because it's a large flat area. I give the tanks a waypoint about 1km with SAFE behavior and a LINE formation (that's everyone side by side in theory). There are no enemies on the map, just as basic as possible.


problem #1: about 50% of the time, one of the tanks in the platoon will start, turn around, and shut off its engine and go nowhere while everyone else goes to the waypoint just fine ... how is this even a thing?


problem #2: in the desert terrain, most of the time the formation works well enough, but on other terrains and sometimes here, the tanks will get into a COLUMN formation which is completely unacceptable for a tank battle ... is this normal? Any tricks on how to finesse the tanks into a good formation?


problem #3: is there a way to keep them from using roads? even though a road is out of the way, they will get in line and get on a road instead of going straight to the waypoint which starts and ends in a field. Relatedly, the team leader tank will not even wait for the others.

forget #3, I forgot SAFE behavior causes them to use roads


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For a tank platoon (at least) , the formation line :

- works more or less at limited speed,

- tries to do something at normal speed;

- fails at full speed.

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I think half of my problem was caused by using "SAFE" -- I wanted the vehicle turned out. Although depending on terrain they will often go left and right at random with each other, very weird to watch. And why the one tank sometimes won't go at all is a mystery.


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Some related tickets.

When the driver of AI, he can not walk back.



When the driver of AI, he has a problem to go to the control point from the previous task.


Lose control. I do not know how to check it, maybe AI get this problem too, just as it happens with the player. I do not know how to check it, maybe AI get this problem too, just as it happens with the player.



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The devs are not going to fix the BROKEN vehicle AI.  Might as well forget it.

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The best solution I have found for myself is to have just one tank per group. While that prevents any kind of formation movement, they are rarely doing formations anyway.


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59 minutes ago, AZCoder said:

The best solution I have found for myself is to have just one tank per group. While that prevents any kind of formation movement, they are rarely doing formations anyway.


Mein friend...this is a rule to live by.


If you think you have a headache in the Almyra desert now...just try taking your tanks playing ring around the rosie together in Fallujah 😁

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