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ctrlSetBackgroundColor RGB

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Using ctrlSetBackgroundColor Is there a way to set the color as an rgb format instead of [0,0,0,1] for example, i'd prefer _RGB = ["#(rgb,8,8,3)color(%1,%2,%3,%4)",_RED,_BLUE,_GREEN,_BRIGHT];  but i'm unable to get it to work, can someone explain if it's possible how i'm going wrong?

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_display = findDisplay 46 createDisplay 'RscCredits';
_ColorBlock = _display ctrlCreate ["RscBackground",123];  
_ColorBlock ctrlSetPosition [0.667 * safezoneW + safezoneX,0.1585 * safezoneH + safezoneY,0.10 * safezoneW,0.299 * safezoneH];  
_ColorBlock ctrlCommit 0; 

_RED = 70;
_BLUE = 90;
_GREEN = 50;
_BRIGHT = 70;
_RED = _RED  /100;
_BLUE = _BLUE / 100;
_GREEN = _GREEN / 100;
_ColorBlock ctrlSetBackgroundColor _Color;  

This is an example, the script above works. I'd like to replace it with 
_Color =  ["#(rgb,8,8,3)color(%1,%2,%3,%4)",_RED,_BLUE,_GREEN,_BRIGHT]; 
So i can display the colour brightness how ever i don't seem to know how to get it to work
Note: _RED =70; Would be replaced with a variable etc..

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As stated in https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ctrlSetBackgroundColor, _colour has to be an array in the format of colour [R,G,B,A]. Could you get away with using:


_RED = 0.7;
_BLUE = 0.9;
_GREEN = 0.5;
_ALPHA = 0.7;

_control ctrlSetBackgroundColor [_RED,_BLUE,_GREEN,_ALPHA];


The values are all between 0....1, so a value of 255 for any of the colours would be 1, and the alpha value is for transparency, so 0 being fully transparent and 1 being solid. At most you'd just have to run some simple maths to get the required values, depending on where those values are coming from.

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Huh I don't know what advantage that gives you but try the RscPicture as a control base class and then use

_ctrl ctrlSetText "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,1)";


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11 hours ago, bumyplum said:


As @7erra says this format makes little sense as this is a procedural texture format, to be used where something needs a texture not a color.


As  @beno_83au says a color in Arma is a 0-1 value for each R,G,B and A so just divide your value by 255.

_display = findDisplay 46 createDisplay 'RscCredits';
_ColorBlock = _display ctrlCreate ["RscBackground",123];  
_ColorBlock ctrlSetPosition [0.667 * safezoneW + safezoneX,0.1585 * safezoneH + safezoneY,0.10 * safezoneW,0.299 * safezoneH];  
_ColorBlock ctrlCommit 0; 

_RED = 70;
_BLUE = 90;
_GREEN = 50;
_ALPHA = 70;

_Color = [_RED/255,_BLUE/255,_GREEN/255,_ALPHA/255];
_ColorBlock ctrlSetBackgroundColor _Color;  

Or I even made a ui to help convert color formats HERE.

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