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Jubal Savid

How to make Ai talk to player

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Here is what I am wanting. Right now a man will ride in on a motor cycle and greet the players say

rider: "You have prayed and God has answered!"

player1: "What have our brought us?" 

Rider "Four grenades".

I have successfully gotten the rider to say the sentence but his name, Baschir, does not appear when he says it. 

It reads "Independent: You have prayed and God has answered!" but i want it to say "Baschir: You have prayed and God has answered!"

any tips?

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Hello there Jubal Savid  !


#First post ?!

Welcome to Bis Forums !


First , the best is to post your code or method that you are using , in order to understand how to understand the issue and help you better.


To get the name , you need to use a format and add  the : name


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Im using the trigger method 

I have a unit called "Baschir" who is coded with "setgroupID ["Baschir"]"

He drives into a trigger that has "Baschir in thisList" in the condition field

The activation field is says Baschir globalChat "You have prayed and God has answered!"

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Globalchat and more

unitName, globalChat "chatText"


player, globalChat "This is what I want to say!";

player, globalChat "What?";


Save it in a file named.     mychat.sqf  (NOT .TXT)

Put this file in the root of your mission save folder.


Set trigger Activated by Blufor.

In activation field of trigger put.

nul = execVM "mychat.sqf";




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So I have it in the missions file, but its saying "file not found" in game when the trigger activates


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1 minute ago, Jubal Savid said:

"file not found"


The file must be a .sqf and

check the name of the file , in the trigger , it should be with the extention .sqf , as the example from major-stiffy.

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its there, now i put it in the missions folder, but i didnt put it in any specific part of the missions folder.

Or did you mean the mission files itself example "tak.zargabad" 



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24 minutes ago, Jubal Savid said:

Or did you mean the mission files itself example "tak.zargabad" 

Yes. If the folder name is tak.zargabad then inside that folder should be a mission.sqm


Put the mychat.sqf inside the same folder.

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Did you save the mission in the editor called tak.zargabad ? I assume you are making a mission on the zargabad terrain. Search your c: drive for your mission as you saved it.  tak.zargabad      ???

If you did there will be a mission.sqm file inside the saved mission folder on your C drive.



I don't see a mission.sqm anywhere in the mission file

Then you either didn't save your mission in the editor or your looking in the wrong location for the folder.





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None of my missions are in file format, I have a missions folder with pbo files, thats all

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1 minute ago, Jubal Savid said:

None of my missions are in file format


are you searching in your documents , arma 3 profile ?

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I put the file in but its giving me a different error. its a gibberish error so i dont know what its called

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10 hours ago, Jubal Savid said:

its giving me a different error


Write or add a picture with the error.

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14 hours ago, major-stiffy said:

Globalchat and more

unitName, globalChat "chatText"


player, globalChat "This is what I want to say!";

player, globalChat "What?";

These will not work at all, comma has no place in .sqf syntax, not with any amount of beer.


Using sideChat you will only see the group ID and the index of the group member (Alpha 1-5 etc.), not the name.

Using globalChat you will only see the side (Civilian) in front of the message.


The only proper way using the vanilla system for having AI chatter with visible names in white font (directChat doesn't exist for some weird reason, but I'm past that...) is to use kbTell.


A quick showcase to this is to define a basic function so messages are properly transmitted for MP:

//init.sqf or wherever you seem fit
GOM_fnc_transmitMessage = {
params ["_from","_to","_sentence"];

[_from,["Randomsentence", "protocol.bikb"]] remoteExec ["kbAddtopic",0];
[_from,[_to, "Randomsentence", "Randomsentence", ["Randomsentence", {}, _sentence, [] ]]] remoteexec ["kbtell",0];

//protocol.bikb in mission root
class Sentences

		class randomsentence
		text = "%Randomsentence";
		class Arguments
			class Randomsentence {type = "simple";};

class Arguments{};
class Special{};
startWithVocal[] = {hour};
startWithConsonant[] = {europe, university};

//to make one unit speak to another:
_talk = [baschir,player,"Hello"] call GOM_fnc_transmitMessage

You can also give the unit first and last names, using setName:

this setname ["Abdullah Abd-Allah","Abdullah","Abd-Allah"]

I believe there's also a more recent function to display chat in the lower center of the screen, no idea, believe it's different from titleText or so...



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