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Jubal Savid

How to make Ai talk to player

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24 minutes ago, Grumpy Old Man said:

These will not work at all, comma has no place in .sqf syntax, not with any amount of beer.


Yup, my bad.


I've only been using this since it's for COOP:

[PlayerNamedInAttribute,"My text here."] remoteExec ["globalChat" ,0];

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27 minutes ago, Jubal Savid said:

Is that file or do i put that in a trigger or what?



init.sqf or wherever you seem fit


Create a file called init.sqf   copy/paste his code in it. Init.sqf resides in the mission root.

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I have jury rigged a solution. 

I used HQ modules to get character names to show up. For now I have all I need, but if any one knows how to make it so the triggers only activate when a particular person is present that would be nice 

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