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Moving objects via script

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I'm doing some scripting to make object move where I want it via script. But the problem I encountered was that if I use setVectorUp or setVectorDir that hinders the object's movement and I don't know why.

Alone setVelocity call would work but I need to call those two functions as well.


The object I'm trying to move is car (hunter)


Any ideas how to fix are welcome


addMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame",

_vup = vectorUp testcar;

_d = vectorDir testcar;

if(false) then // If true the movement will slow down
testcar setVectorUp _vup;
testcar setVectorDir _d;

testcar setVelocity [10,0,0];


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You should use setVelocityTransformation



addMissionEventHandler ["eachFrame", {
testcar setVelocityTransformation [getPosASLVisual testcar, getPosASLVisual testcar vectorAdd [10,0,0],[10,0,0],[10,0,0],vectorDirVisual testcar, vectorDirVisual testcar, vectorUpVisual testcar, vectorUpVisual testcar, 0.1]


Last figure is a kind of multiplier here (0 to 1).

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I'm sure pierremgi's suggestion will work.  But you can also use setVelocityModelSpace.  In my Razing Cane mission, I have an AI driven car that I want to force to accelerate quickly to 100km.  In an EachFrame eventhandler, I have the following code.  This incrementally increases forward motion (y velocity) smoothly until desired cruise speed reached.  The condition "and getposatl _veh select 2 < .1" prevents this code from making vehicle fly if it bounces off the ground.

            if (speed _veh < 100 and getposatl _veh select 2 < .1) then
                _veh setVelocityModelSpace [0, (velocityModelSpace _veh select 1)+.06, 0];  // accelerate incrementally to reach cruise speed


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if(false) then


What is this evaluating? I don't think your setVectorUp etc commands will every be run in this setup.

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  On 11/27/2018 at 7:49 PM, Ryko said:


What is this evaluating? I don't think your setVectorUp etc commands will every be run in this setup.

Imho, it's was just an example in which you had to set false then true to see the difference in preview.

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  On 11/27/2018 at 8:01 PM, pierremgi said:

Imho, it's was just an example in which you had to set false then true to see the difference in preview.



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i don't know if I'm doing this right because it's not working. I was previously using setVelocity, setVectorDir and setVectorUp to move a helo but the movement was bit choppy. So I tried to smoothen it by using setVelocityTransformation  but my code below doesn't really work as the helo travels to wrong direction...


This is my code (_velvec, _vecDir, _vecUp are calculated elsewhere, these are the new values I want to apply):


_helo setVelocityTransformation 
    getPosASL _helo,
    getPosASL _helo,  // What to put here?
    velocity _helo,
    vectorDir _helo,
    vectorUp _helo,


Also I don't know what to put as parameter for the second position?


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  On 12/17/2018 at 1:14 PM, killzone_kid said:




I put there destination and the helo crashes instantly to ground and explodes

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Thanks killzone_kid I will look into the new documentation but I have to ask one important question. Am I using the right command when I was previously using setVelocity, setVectorDir and setVectorUp and now want to archive same effect with setVelocityTransformation?

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  On 12/17/2018 at 2:51 PM, killzone_kid said:

Different commands for different things, not sure what you are trying to do so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


ok. It does seems to me as well that I cant switch the commands. I'm trying to make helo land which I got working but it's movement is bit choppy 

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BIKI: For continuous movement this command should be executed each frame while changing interval value

That probably the most difficult to understand. "Interval" here is not a simple figure (fixed part of the total value). This is a variable, sum of delay from start 0 to end 1. The BIKI gives an example using moveTime but it's not evident to catch the idea.

The help and comment could gain explaining how to obtain the same cinematic than the plane. I failed.

If the challenge is to obtain something visually credible for a plane, that's a lot of work to match, on each frame, a position with a "correct" attitude of the plane (not saying the need to end that animation).


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@pierremgi It's a nice command actually. I got it working on my test mission but couldn't use any of my old code with it. I also noticed it's possible to move helo through terrain with that command, which is bad of course.

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  On 12/17/2018 at 5:17 PM, gc8 said:

it's possible to move helo through terrain with that command

Yeah it basically grabs object and as long as you execute it each frame it doesn't let it go 

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  On 12/17/2018 at 4:37 PM, pierremgi said:

This is a variable, sum of delay from start 0 to end 1

Think of it as animation slider. in fact I think you can even hook ingame slider to it to animate your interval manually



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