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OO VITEMS - Virtual items & inventory in game

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3 hours ago, gc8 said:

@code34 I don't know if this has been done already but maybe option to give picture to the items?



Hello gc8, i add it to the todo list :)

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Cool release :)

I did not quite understand the item search on empty house without furnitures though


I also noticed it's not clear how to view your own inventory? Maybe changing the "inventory" text to "Own inventory" or something like that to make this clearer?

Also it searches when accessing own inventory... I doubt that was intent?


Here's a tip: You can get some pictures from the configs, like this:


getText(configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> "Land_DrillAku_F" >> "editorPreview")



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yes, there are still many things to polish and some of thems are broken from the last version :( (like labels) , but at the end, it will take a little time to search in your own inventory as in real life, time to empty a pocket, or a backpack



I did not quite understand the item search on empty house without furnitures though


the reason is there is no 3d object modelization. We can consider it's like items on the ground :) Items on the ground in house dont exclude item in furnitures in house, you can have both. Try to add a furniture in a house to test :)



getText(configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> "Land_DrillAku_F" >> "editorPreview")


The main reason to use vitems is to not use configfile & external mods :)

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13 hours ago, code34 said:

The main reason to use vitems is to not use configfile & external mods :)


Right, I just meant you could take the picture file :)

or use configfile for vanilla arma objects because then it wont depend on mods

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1 hour ago, gc8 said:


Right, I just meant you could take the picture file :)

or use configfile for vanilla arma objects because then it wont depend on mods


yes :) but it requires two differents methods to import the picture.


I am rethinking the declaration of objects so that it is achievable at the very least.

For example, I will delete all informative fields that are not related to the inventory. The developer can then add them himself if he really needs it by adding information at the end of the array.

Example, unlike weight, the price of an object or its owner does not contribute to inventory management.

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Are there any other feedbacks for the next release ?


I'm creating a new UI :don16:

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@code34 Really nice work there !

As for feedback/suggestions, I find that adding a new scrollwheel interaction to open the virtual inventory a bit inconvenient. I think a better way to do it would be to add a new "button" in the Arma vanilla inventory.

So first off all, let me start by saying that I am not very knowledgeable when in comes to UI editing, so I am not sure if this is doable, but this is how I see it :

  • Add an event handler to check if the player has pressed the inventory key.
  • When this happens, create an OOP_Button "Virtual Inventory", so when you click the button, you open your virtual inventory

Here's a little "backbone beginning of an implementation" to illustrate :

fn_virtualInventoryPrompt = {
	params ["_displayCode","_keyCode","_isShift","_isCtrl","_isAlt"];
	_handled = false;
	//checks if inventory key is pressed then spawns the button
	if ((_keyCode in actionKeys "Gear")) then
		//DO STUFF : add one of your OOP_Button with "Virual inventory" as text

		waitUntil {isnull (findDisplay 602)}; //Wait until the vanilla inventory is closed
		//DO STUFF : time to delete your OOP_Button

		_handled = true;

//Add an event handler that will run the code above whenever a key is pressed
(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "_this call fn_virtualInventoryPrompt;"];


On the other hand, you should not forget to handle the cases :

  • The player closes Vanilla inventory while virtual inventory is open : Maybe you should close the virtual inventory as well in that case.
  • The player closes virtual inventory but not Vanilla inventory : Maybe you should respawn an OOP_Button so the player could reopen virtual inventory without having to close the vanilla inventory first


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hello Tova :)


Thanks for the idea. I'm going to think about this.

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i just release the new 0.6 release. This version is not fully functional and should not be used in production. I added a new ui with a more user friendly system and simpliest to custom.

I explore a way, test it and tell me what you think about it

Temporarily I have also disabled some functionalities the time to clarify how should work interface. Depending on the returns, I will see how to implement the use part of the objects.



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it's sad there is no more returns :) less players on Arma than few years  ago

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