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This might be a stupid question but is it possible to do a "while{} do {}" or "for{}do{}" or "if{}then{}" loop that executes the code during a specified amount of time

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for "_i" from X to Y do {}

If X == 0, Y == 9, it'll execute 10 times

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8 minutes ago, notproplayer3 said:

This might be a stupid question but is it possible to do a "while{} do {}" or "for{}do{}" or "if{}then{}" loop that executes the code during a specified amount of time


Something like this maybe?

_test = [] spawn {

	_duration = 10;
	_timeOut = time + _duration;

	while {time < _timeOut} do {

		systemchat format ["The time is: %1",round time];
		sleep 1;
	systemchat "Done.";



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Yes, indeed it works, to be honest I thought there was some command in the game that made this more simple to do, but I won't complain more, anyways thanks a lot to all of you

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You can also use a boolean variable. Something like:

someVariable = true;
while {someVariable} do // while someVariable is true
	// code
	sleep 10;

In another file set to false. This method may not be the best approach, all depends on what you are doing and where, in which files, etc...

Another way is for loop with step (set to 10 or whatever). Check Wiki.

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