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Here's a super simple script to use when you have speaking AI and want to synchronize them moving their lips.  The parameters are the unit who is talking, and # of seconds to do do the lip animation.

// ***********************************************************************************
// JBOY_Lip.sqf
// Do random lip for X seconds
// Compile in init.sqf:    JBOY_Lip =  compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\JBOY_Lip.sqf";
// Call:                   _n = [dude, 3] call JBOY_Lip;
// ***********************************************************************************

_n = [_speaker,_seconds] spawn
    _speaker setRandomLip true;
    sleep _seconds;
    _speaker setRandomLip false;

Sample usage might go like this:

dude1 sideRadio "YouTotallySuckDude";
_n = [dude1, 3] call JBOY_Lip;
sleep 3;

dude2 sideRadio "ThanksDude";
_n = [dude2, 1.5] call JBOY_Lip;
sleep 1.5;


  • Thanks 2

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It is possible to make this into a mod so it affects AI within your visible range? This way it can work with other SP missions.

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