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FIX - how to enable your items to list in Zeus

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So thanks to Commy on Arma 3 Discord, we have finally been able to fix the issue whereby Zeus would not show some of our units, objects or buildings




Here's how to ensure your items show up in Zeus


1. make sure  each item has

scope = 2; scopecurator =2;

2. make sure in the cfgpatches class, units[] has a full set of working classes listed with no mistakes/ scope 0 objects, or incorrect classnames - see example


3. if vehicle has scopeCurator = 2 & is present in cfgPatches but crew is scope = 1; or scopeCurator = 0 or not present in cfgPatches or crew = ""; or the crew pbo is not preloaded, then the whole vehicle is not visible in zeus.


4. make sure your cfgpatches class name is in preloadaddons list[] in cfgaddons.

The downside to preloading all of your addons, is that it uses a lot of RAM. So choose the best set of mods that you really need for Zeus.


Beware in more complex mod packs, you might have multiple instances of cfgaddons throughout your config family. In this case, if you accidentally duplicate a class of cfgpatches in your list[] array, the entire list in that instance of cfgaddons will fail to load in Zeus. For this reason I recommend having only one cfgaddons class in your mod, with a full list of your correct cfgpatches classnames in the list, OR only have one cfgpatches entry in your list and have one cfgaddons class containing that list in each of your pbo /addons.

So distributed or centralised, but don't mix the two approaches.


You can use configviewer to browse cfgaddons to see which classes are loaded

In the example below, all of our cfgpatches classes are listed in one single central list in

class cfgaddons { class preloadaddons {class unsung { list[]= {etc}; }; };};




and that's it! simple.


demo example of the distributed way of doing it, (as opposed to the equally valid centralised way shown above in config editor)


class CfgPatches
	class UNS_Buildings
		units[] = 
class CfgAddons 
	class PreloadAddons 
		class UNS_Buildings
			list[] = 

class CfgVehicles
	class House;
	class LAND_UNS_Hootch: House
		scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2;
		vehicleClass = "aa_uns_buildings_W";
		editorSubcategory = "aa_uns_buildings_W";
		editorCategory = "UNS_All_Obj";
		displayName = "Hootch";



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to add your backpacks to zeus use the following code example

#define backpack_xx(a,b) class _xx_##a {backpack = a; count = b;}
class CfgVehicles 
    class Item_Base_F;
    class uns_bpack_gh_base: Item_Base_F
        scope = 0; scopeCurator = 0;
        editorCategory = "UNS_All_Obj";//EdCat_Equipment
        vehicleClass = "aa_uns_backpacks"; //Items;
        editorSubcategory = "aa_uns_backpacks";//EdSubcat_InventoryItems
        displayName = "Backpack";
        model = "\Uns_Backpacks\uns_backpack_generic.p3d";
        class TransportBackpacks
    class UNS_BA22_Para_gh: uns_bpack_gh_base
        scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2;
        displayName = "(UNS) BA-22 Parachute";
        picture = "uns_backpacks\ui\icon_ba22_ca.paa";
        class TransportBackpacks


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updated above with fix related to CREW - thanks reyhard!

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for objects it needs to be side=3, while default for some base classes is side=4

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