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Mr B

What is the slowest system running resistance?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Major Fubar @ Dec. 13 2002,02:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Take 2:

121220023080170.jpg<span id='postcolor'>

Ok, so i'm guessing hes waiting for someone to comment on this uber-hilarious picture he posted. Somehow meaning that he wants us to think plays OFP on it, thus how it is supposed to come off as funny. Ok, here we go....

*gets into "the zone"*

HAHAHA!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!!! Do you really play OFP on that!?!?! Thats just funny!!!! O man, i can't stop laughing at that. That is just plain out hilarious man....classic.


There, better?

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Well, I finally got resistance today folks (trys to get back on topic to avoid trigger happy admins biggrin.gif ). Just one problem though....

I CAN'T PLAY IT TILL CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn space time continuum. Can someone please post some more pretty (or even not so pretty smile.gif ) screenshots to help me last? Pleaseeeeeeeee biggrin.gif .

Cheers xmas.gif

Mr B

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (BLuuRKo @ Dec. 09 2002,20:15)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Played it on:

Celeron 400



Not too bad! Just don't....fire your gun or.....drive anything...or move...or look around....or exit the game...etc<span id='postcolor'>

I've tried ofp with a computer with just the same stuff. Yeah, it kinda sucks. It can be played only if you put the settings so that all objects becomes visible within 10 meters. Then the lag isn't too annoying. biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Much, I can finally get an erection again.<span id='postcolor'>

lol xmas.giftounge.gif

@ Mr B, well im sure you allready seen these but incase you havnt here is some...

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I do remember playing the demo on:

K6-2 350 MHz

192 MB RAM

16MB Voodoo Banshee

Then i got a:

Duron 700 MHz

192 MB RAM

16 MB TNT2 M64

just in time to ply the demo for a couple of weeks while waiting for the full game to be released. It was quite ok, though there might have been more RAM on the gfx-card.

After playing OFP for some time (around 1.30) i got a upgrade to 512 MB RAM.

While waiting for OFP-RES (around 1.60 MP-beta) i got a All in wonder Radeon with 32MB DDR-RAM (no not the 7500 or the 8500 or later - the original radeon chip being nearly similar to the 7200 Radeon).

Today i am still playing resistance on:

Duron 700 MHz

512 MB RAM

32 MB All in wonder Radeon.

And i am quite happy with it. I have considered picking up a duron 1300 since they are cheap as dirt, but apart from that i don't really feel the need to make any upgrades.

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I used to play on my p3-450 256mb, geforce2mx. Played half the original campaign on it. Was okay, but paused a lot. Upgrading to 1.2ghz, 512mb, geforce3 was like a different game. However, many patches and more ambitious mission later, the game seems disappointingly slow.

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I played OFP fine on this old Emachine 400 celeron, 256mb ram, tnt2, 200mb free hd space.... then I upgraded to resistance and bought a new machine... and resistance is barely playable on this machine, but I use it for low spec testing over a lan for MP maps... With the settings down, it's actually playable, and it simulates 'bad' internet conditions.

I don't like playing on it, though.

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Guys you are all talking about how you could run your computers whit ofp. Obviously Mr B allready runs ofp whit his computer and wonders: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What is the slowest system running resistance<span id='postcolor'>xmas.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SpeedyDonkey @ Dec. 13 2002,22:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Guys you are all talking about how you could run your computers whit ofp. Obviously Mr B allready runs ofp whit his computer and wonders: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What is the slowest system running resistance<span id='postcolor'>xmas.gif<span id='postcolor'>

That's correct SpeedyDonkey, but it's still interesting to know what OFP will run on as well.

Oh, and thanks for the link. That trailer is very, VERY nice

xmas.gif .


Mr B

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you know when I got resistance I thought for a seccond as I contemplated an island like negova.

well here is the first thing I did.

I set every setting down to the lowest they could go, turned off every luxury then played the first custom mission I made on nagova.. a soldier and a car.

then I went into the options (didn't leave the mission) tuned things on one at a time, then played for a bit, then options again and turned some thing else on, then got up to view distance and turned it up 100 at a time.

bassically.. the trick is getting to the point where you have the luxuries and still have the game running without lag or choppyness.

I have a pentium 3 733 Mhz

512 meg sd 133 mhz ram

64 mg geforce2 mx 400

umm thats pretty much all that matter right?

game runs pretty fine for me, it's like breaking your computer into the game, also might I throw a rench into some people's plans. windows 2k is IMO the best OS for playing OFP on and such, because of all the OS's w2k uses the least and manages ram the best.

But I have seen ofp (resistance I am talking about obviously) played on many machines.

I think my computer is the last "level" to which ofp is playable while looking pretty nice.

I have seen ofp on lower computers and well.. damn.

and higher computers I dont notice much difference between mine and thiers.. infact some times I feel like clubing half the people with these awesome computers, they have a hell of a lot under the hood and dont know the old trick of taking the brick away from behind the peddle, thier machines run like virtual crap, the people who have the crapest machines out there are the ones who deserve the best one's the most ^_^ atleast they will pull out the best of the machine's abilities..

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Hehe i am running OFP Resistance on a

PIII 700 Mhz

Geforce 256

512Mb Ram

um it doesn't always run smooth even if my view distance is like 300 biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tz0rcelan @ Dec. 15 2002,19:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hehe i am running OFP Resistance on a

PIII 700 Mhz

Geforce 256

512Mb Ram

um it doesn't always run smooth even if my view distance is like 300  biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

wow....... wow.gif:0wow.gif:0wow.gif:0wow.gif

im only on 600 MHZ, 384 ram and i can go up to 1500 view distance with little probs... i usually run it on 1000-1200 to be on the safe side though

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tuned 850 Duron

running at 1 GHz within moderate temperature area

512 MB Ram

Gf2 Mx 64


1024 x32 Bit Resolution

view distance: 900

Ground textures: normal

vehicle and object shadows disabled

runs very good.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LowLevelFunctionary @ Dec. 15 2002,21:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">wow....... wow.gif:0wow.gif:0wow.gif:0wow.gif

im only on 600 MHZ, 384 ram and i can go up to 1500 view distance with little probs... i usually run it on 1000-1200 to be on the safe side though<span id='postcolor'>

Well, are you sure u are using the same framerate and visual quality as me? This is my current settings.

Framerate: 7.13

Visual Quality: 5.17

Visibility: 557

Resolution: 800 x 600 x 32

My OS: XP Home

thats it biggrin.gif


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AMD Athlon 700Mhz, 128mb RAM, 32mb TNT2

Resistance runs just fine. I can play that 1Ghz mission (in Resistance) with practically no slowdown. And with an alright draw distance (900 I think).  smile.gif   xmas.gif

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P3 450

128mb ram

ASUS TNT 2 pure (overclocked a bit, 20% or something)

running at 800x600x32

600 viewdistance

texture limit set to 256x256

my comp doesn't really like nogova tounge.gif

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