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F-15e (strike eagle) released.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gen.Carnage @ Dec. 11 2002,12:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">/me starts working on longer ranged, more powerful russian AA and AAA systems (also thinking on creating russian ICBM to counter this.... smile.gif

good plane, but fix the missiles hitting percentage and  inside cockpit sound. I told you how earlier.

I take it you were thinking of single player missions when creating A-bomb? coz its absolutely a funkiller in MP games, remember that mission makers!<span id='postcolor'>

The nuke is also a framerate killer. My screen freezes up for like 1 minute each time a nuke is dropped....highly annoying.

Also they already said that they're leaving the cockpit with no sound. However if you told them how to get the engine sound quieter in the cockpit, then I hope that they use the information you gave them to do this, because it's just way too wierd flying around with no engine noise but hearing all the weapons and explosions at full volume. The gun sound could be improved as well. The one used by the G8 team on some of their aircraft is actually the most realistic vulcan cannon sound that I've heard so far (and yes I've heard these aircraft cannons being used in real life from first hand experience, not from movies).

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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ah, so you know they sound like shamelessly load fat farts smile.gif

cockpit sound can be adjusted to suitable volume :

correct syntax: insideSoundCoef = 0.7;

0.7 obviously is the sound volume level relative to the outside sound volume level.

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/me drops nuke during an unsuspecting multiplayer game  wow.gif


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Hey there,

Since you mentioned that you are still working on it and the fact that the model is so good already, i will be so blunt to make a (another) suggestion.

I suspect you guys know this already, but the airbrake on a F-15 is the large panel just behind the cockpit. It being such a good addon, it sports the panel there already, hinges and all.

I assume that making new animations for the object is quite time-consuming but it would be just so cool if that would be perfect to. (BTW, the colour of the fuselage beneath the panel, is often still in its original colour... dayglow orange!wink.gif

Whining on about puny colour details: The VERY subtle low res lights should be a tad greener ;-)

Thanks a bunch, again...


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hi, when i modeled the F-15, i modeled the airbrake and everythiong..it looked sweet...but then we couldn;t get it to work, just to let it open up when brakes are applied..instead it behaved like an eleron...it would go up AND down. so we decided to not use it.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (deadsoldier @ Dec. 12 2002,19:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">hi, when i modeled the F-15, i modeled the airbrake and everythiong..it looked sweet...but then we couldn;t get it to work, just to let it open up when brakes are applied..instead it behaved like an eleron...it would go up AND down. so we decided to not use it.

cheers<span id='postcolor'>

Are you planning on fixing the cockpit sound with the fix that Gen. Carnage posted?

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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No Sorry Carnage your wrong that for some reason doesnt work it would only work if you wanted to make the sound louder but not quieter and i am sure of this so dont start the big deal over it cause i tested this like a bat out of hell but it turned out it doesnt work so no sorry we arent adding sound anytime soon.

about the missiles,

for one thing we dont want the missiles hitting all the time since this is fun and its realistic, for one thing carnage dont try to shoot at a jet that is moving horizontal to you anyways its common sense duH! get behind the plane or strait ahead and get a decent lock we arent going to make unrealistic missiles like alot of other addons have done that hit 95 percent of the time like i have seen hint hint.. so get behind the plane like you would do in any other real life dog fight and do something real not a missiles shooting at a target moving 90 degrees horizontal to you! ok common sense that will do it.

have you seen stats for aa missiles ever? they are about 80 percent and that is when you are behind the target. so man we arent going to make your dream missile here we are making realistic stats.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (NAA_Us_Marine @ Dec. 12 2002,22:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">No Sorry Carnage your wrong that for some reason doesnt work it would only work if you wanted to make the sound louder but not quieter and i am sure of this so dont start the big deal over it cause i tested this like a bat out of hell but it turned out it doesnt work so no sorry we arent adding sound anytime soon.

about the missiles,

for one thing we dont want the missiles hitting all the time since this is fun and its realistic, for one thing carnage dont try to shoot at a jet that is moving horizontal to you anyways its common sense duH! get behind the plane or strait ahead and get a decent lock we arent going to make unrealistic missiles like alot of other addons have done that hit 95 percent of the time like i have seen hint hint.. so get behind the plane like you would do in any other real life dog fight and do something real not a missiles shooting at a target moving 90 degrees horizontal to you! ok common sense that will do it.

have you seen stats for aa missiles ever? they are about 80 percent and that is when you are behind the target. so man we arent going to make your dream missile here we are making realistic stats.<span id='postcolor'>

Concerning the sound... is it possible to adjust the level for the outside sound? If so, why not start off with a very quiet jet sound. Then for the outside sound, just boost the volume?

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mr ThunderMakeR @ Dec. 13 2002,05:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You dont do very well with constructive criticism Marine confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Well he does have a point about missile realism...but like most addon makers seems frustrated by all the requests to do this and that. Overall I think his missiles are ok. I haven't had too many problems scoring kills...like he said, around 80% of the time I usually score AA kills with missiles which is reasonable I think. What is more frustrating is the that the AI don't engage enemy aircraft very well, but unfortunately I think that is more of a problem with the game engine and not their addon. I think the 1.90 patch was supposed to improve AI dogfighting capability, but I haven't seen any evidence of this unless it requires a specific script in the .cpp file that they have not made available to addon makers.

At any rate, I hope he tries out my suggestion on the sound (about starting off with a quiet sound and then raising the volume for the external sound in the .cpp scripting.)

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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found a bug

I tried to make the F-15 fell from 3000 and it dropped on the ground with no damage!@@ and it can take off with no gear after it dropped on the ground! xmas.gif

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Well I keep constantly crashing the planes. - of laughter -

Try flying realy low and you will hear the birds and insects on the meadows through the all so realistic cockpit sound of silence. biggrin.gif

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a bit more CONSTRUCTIVE comments:

you need to look at the sound again, it DOES work like i explained in the bronco, so why would it not in this plane?

are you using a wav file or ogg... did you indicate the volume over environmental values or absolute volume (db+xx vs xx)

and last, it has been said by others; the base volume of the soundfile in question might be too high.

about the missile accuracy; I won't argue with you over what you think its correct for this plane, i believe this is a GAME firstly, not a sim, but hey if you think otherwise i respect that and won't ask you again. Respect my different opinion too for that matter, and don't forget, i'm only trying to help, not looking for feedback on one of our models.

Most people here are nagging for inside sounds, and i agree with that and happen to know how to fix it. The prop sound was too loud inside the cockpit too in the first bronco.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gen.Carnage @ Dec. 13 2002,12:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">a bit more CONSTRUCTIVE comments:

you need to look at the sound again, it DOES work like i explained in the bronco, so why would it not in this plane?

are you using a wav file or ogg... did you indicate the volume over environmental values or absolute volume (db+xx vs xx)

and last, it has been said by others; the base volume of the soundfile in question might be too high.

about the missile accuracy; I won't argue with you over what you think its correct for this plane, i believe this is a GAME firstly, not a sim, but hey if you think otherwise i respect that and won't ask you again. Respect my different opinion too for that matter, and don't forget, i'm only trying to help, not looking for feedback on one of our models.

Most people here are nagging for inside sounds, and i agree with that and happen to know how to fix it. The prop sound was too loud inside the cockpit too in the first bronco.<span id='postcolor'>

Carnage, perhaps you could de-pbo the addon and see if you can get it working...then if you can you can send the fixed .cpp file over to one of the F15 makers.

Just a thought.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Miles Teg @ Dec. 13 2002,14:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Carnage, perhaps you could de-pbo the addon and see if you can get it working...then if you can you can send the fixed .cpp file over to one of the F15 makers.  

Just a thought.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD><span id='postcolor'>

The pbo is binarised i think...

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I dont see where youre having problems with the accuracy of the missles? I was actually surprised at some of the angles i could hit other jets from, the accuracy is excellent.

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Not that`s important but some of us have the old version also

i`ll be glad to help anyone out who want to change it for the better xmas.giftounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (blackdog~ @ Dec. 13 2002,23:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ShadowY, no one wants your help.<span id='postcolor'>

Why such harsh reply?

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About the nuke, could you tone it down just a bit? confused.gif I mean, I'd like too see the damage it is causing. But I can't because I have to relase it a 3000 feet and then climb just so I can survive. I wanna see it dammit!! tounge.gif

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ShadowY you cant give out the old version to public since it is our plane and that would be considered stealing so stop getting mad because you made that mistake on the ofpec forums. for one thing this topic is going way off topic, i dont want to see anything more about you shadowY or anyone else for that matter taking this off topic.

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tell me, did you try to use parts of the BIS a10lgb config for those bomb-runs?

yeah i know.... now comes the old story about the f15´s bombs, not hitting targets.... but besides it, the f15 keeps crashing into buildings, trees or just the ground, when flying over rough terrain.

it´d even look better, if the f15 wouldn´t attack like a WWI bomber wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (blackdog~ @ Dec. 13 2002,23:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ShadowY, no one wants your help.<span id='postcolor'>

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">he has no life........ so let him<span id='postcolor'>

Behave children.

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I always thought stealing was something else as sharing.

If someone really wanted the file or addon then they can have it np tounge.gif

btw. get back to work and give the people enginesound and get ur name off the plane it`s kinda silly to see biggrin.gif

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