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A-6e intruder bomber public beta

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After a month of designing and fine tuning I've got to a stage where I'm happy to release this beta to the public.


There are of cause a few things that haven't been complete yet on this addon, but due to the number of request for it and the stage I'm at, I can't see any problem releasing it now.


This aircraft is a subsonic attack craft it can do NAP flying very well if handled by a good pilot wink.gif  , but the AI's not good a flying below 100m's and tend to  crash a bit! confused.gif


As you can see I've managed to fly below the 50m mark and have even got down to below 25m's at 483km/h ( only thing is at this speed and height you have watch what your doing)  wink.gif

Public Beta file of DrF_Intruder

Please also put any feed-back in the forum topic and if you have anything of major interest for me on the A-6E please post here


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The intruder looks very good from the outside, but the cockpit texture seems to be missing. Gear is down even when you start off flying in the air, and as you can see, the choice "Gear down" is on the menu instead of "Gear up".

The intruder did not want to attack any targets at all. I tried assigning both sides (East, West), I tried using Laser, and I tried as pilot, telling gunner to attack. But even then, there were no targets on the menu even though I put an East tank platoon on the ground. So I am not sure how it works?

Like I said, it looks very good from the outside! smile.gif

Images are quite heavy, res 1024x768 saved with 85% quality in ACDSEE.






Some system information:

P4 2.0 Nortwhood

512MB PC2100 DDR, Apacer

Abit Siluro GF4 Ti4200 with Nvidia 40.72

OFP 1985 and Resistance with all official patches (incl. 1.90).

It seems like the not engaging issue could be caused by something else, I just tried an A10 and laser designating target, it just did not engage on my command. Am not sure yet, though.

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It's a good choice for an attack aircraft for '85, and for 'Nam. Shape appears to be bang on, I assume you are still working on all textures. No weapons to drop, but flew quite well, though it has the common OFP aircraft problem of losing too much height when banking steeply. My first love before OFP was flight simulators which prided themselves on good flight models, So I think I can safely say the loss is 'way too much.

Dunno how far you can tweak it, but if you can improve this, it will be very cool!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Gear is down even when you start off flying in the air, and as you can see, the choice "Gear down" is on the menu instead of "Gear up".

<span id='postcolor'>

The gear takes time to go up give it at least 30 seconds to go up, as it does actually do so.

It has no bombs to drop which is why it won't attack any targets.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wardog @ Nov. 29 2002,03:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's a good choice for an attack aircraft for '85, and for 'Nam. Shape appears to be bang on, I assume you are still working on all textures. No weapons to drop, but flew quite well, though it has the common OFP aircraft problem of losing too much height when banking steeply. My first love before OFP was flight simulators which prided themselves on good flight models, So I think I can safely say the loss is 'way too much.

Dunno how far you can tweak it, but if you can improve this, it will be very cool!<span id='postcolor'>

The is a CPP command to control the amount of nose drop when banking, but I've not touched it yet, as I'm waiting for a couple of OFP player to come back to me who flought the A-6E in real-life.

As to the AI not attacking, this is something I've noticed as of late, I'm wondering if its a bug in the 1.90 patch.

And the weapons porblem I've hit this before, and I'm hot sure why it's happening, I've been asking around as to why it might be happening, but no answer yet. As you can see from my first opening post my local copy, which is the same as the beta you'll have has weapons.

Current test/model design PC

1.7Ghz Xeon

512Mb PC800 RIMM

56Gb worth of Ultra160 HDD

GeForce2 Pro 64Mb

OFP;R 1.90



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its possible you have more than one .pbo being used, so if the ammo is in a seperate pbo on your computer it will work on yours but will act like it does at the minute on people without the pbo with the ammo in, and as you have different A-6 versions, this is probably the case

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No, he creates all the ammo/weps in the cpp. I could be wrong but in the cfg vehicles you put both the weapons and magazines as Mk_81_28, but although you made a Mk_81_28 weapon, there is no Mk_81_28 ammo.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (CSO_Axrael @ Nov. 28 2002,19:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Gear is down even when you start off flying in the air, and as you can see, the choice "Gear down" is on the menu instead of "Gear up".

<span id='postcolor'>

The gear takes time to go up give it at least 30 seconds to go up, as it does actually do so.

It has no bombs to drop which is why it won't attack any targets.<span id='postcolor'>

Okay. In regards to the missing bombs, excuse me while I go hang myself in shame sad.gif should have seen that..

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Eviscerator @ Nov. 29 2002,07:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">its possible you have more than one .pbo being used, so if the ammo is in a seperate pbo on your computer it will work on yours but will act like it does at the minute on people without the pbo with the ammo in, and as you have different A-6 versions, this is probably the case<span id='postcolor'>

I've put all the .P3B files in the same .PDO and used the following referance to link to them;

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> \DrF_Intruder\*.p3b<span id='postcolor'>


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (edc @ Nov. 29 2002,08:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">No, he creates all the ammo/weps in the cpp.  I could be wrong but in the cfg vehicles you put both the weapons and magazines as Mk_81_28, but although you made a Mk_81_28 weapon, there is no Mk_81_28 ammo.<span id='postcolor'>

I've created all the Weapon and ammo in the same .CPP file as the planes.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CfgModels

{ class Default {};

class weapon: default {};

class vehicle: default {};

class Intruder_ATG: vehicle

{sectionsInherit= "Vehicle";

sections[]= {"vrtule staticka","vrtule blur"};


class Intruder_FAC: Intruder_ATG {};

class Intruder_HB: Intruder_ATG {};

class Intruder_R: Intruder_ATG {};

class Intruder_RHB: Intruder_ATG {};

class mk_81: weapon {};

class mk_82: weapon {};

class mk_83: weapon {};

class mk_84: weapon {};


class cfgammo

{ class Default {};

class AT3: Default {};

class Hellfire: AT3 {};

class CarlGustav: AT3 {};

class Mk_82: default //500 lbs

{ hit= 1400;

indirectHit= 450;

indirectHitRange= 8;

minRange= 300;

minRangeProbab= 0.50;

midRange= 800;

midRangeProbab= 0.95;

maxRange= 2000;

maxRangeProbab= 0.50;

soundHit[]= {\LaserGuided\expl2,db40,1};

soundFly[]= {"\DrF_Intruder\bmbfall.ogg",db-30,1.5};

cost= 5000;

model= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_82.p3d";

proxyShape= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_82.p3d";

irLock= 0;

laserLock= 0;

maxControlRange= 20000;

maneuvrability= 15.0;

sideAirFriction= 0.20;

simulation= shotMissile;

maxSpeed= 100;

initTime= 1000;

thrustTime= 0;

thrust= 0;


class MK_81: MK_82

{ hit= 900;

indirectHit= 250;

indirectHitRange= 5;

cost= 3000;

model= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_81.p3d";

proxyShape= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_81.p3d";


class MK_83: MK_82

{ hit= 1800;

indirectHit= 500;

indirectHitRange= 12;

cost= 7000;

model= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_83.p3d";

proxyShape= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_83.p3d";


class MK_84: MK_82

{ hit= 3600;

indirectHit= 1000;

indirectHitRange= 24;

cost= 14000;

model= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_84.p3d";

proxyShape= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_84.p3d";



class cfgweapons

{ class Default {};

class LAWLauncher: Default {};

class CarlGustavLauncher: LAWLauncher {};

class AT3Launcher: CarlGustavLauncher {};

class HellfireLauncher: AT3Launcher {};

class MaverickLauncher: HellfireLauncher {};

class Mk_82_2: HellfireLauncher

{displayName= "Mk82 500LBS";

displayNameMagazine= "Mk82";

shortNameMagazine= "Mk82";

ammo= mk82;

model= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_82.p3d";

proxyShape= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_82.p3d";

magazine= "mk82";

magazines[]= {Mk_82_2, Mk_82_6, Mk_82_12, Mk_82_24, Mk_82_28};

magazineReloadTime= 0.1;

count= 2;

initSpeed= 0;

canLock= 2;

burst= 1;

aiRateOfFire= 8.0;

aiRateOfFireDistance= 3500;

optics= 1;

sound[]= {"\sound\weapons\AK74dry",db-50,1.0};

reloadTime= 0.15;

autoFire = 1;

recoil= empty;};

class MK_82_6: MK_82_2 {count= 6;};

class MK_82_12: MK_82_2 {count= 12;};

class MK_82_24: MK_82_2 {count= 24;};

class MK_82_28: MK_82_2 {count= 28;};

class MK_81_2: MK_82_2 {displayName= "Mk81 250LBS";

displayNameMagazine= "Mk81";

shortNameMagazine= "Mk81";

model= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_81.p3d";

ammo= mk81;

proxyShape= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_81.p3d";

magazine= "mk81";

magazines[]= {MK_81_2, Mk_81_6, MK_81_12, Mk_81_24,MK_81_28};

count= 2;};

class MK_81_6: MK_81_2 {count= 6;};

class MK_81_12: MK_81_2 {count= 12;};

class MK_81_24: MK_81_2 {count= 24;};

class MK_81_28: MK_81_2 {count= 28;};

class MK_83_2: MK_82_2 {displayName= "Mk83 1000LBS";

displayNameMagazine= "Mk83";

shortNameMagazine= "Mk83";

model= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_83.p3d";

ammo= mk83;

proxyShape= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_83.p3d";

magazine= "mk83";

magazines[]= {Mk_83_2, Mk_83_3, Mk_83_6, Mk_83_8, Mk_83_10, Mk_83_13};

count= 2;

reloadTime= 0.30;};

class MK_83_3: MK_83_2 {count= 3;};

class MK_83_6: MK_83_2 {count= 6;};

class MK_83_8: MK_83_2 {count= 8;};

class MK_83_10: MK_83_2 {count= 10;};

class MK_83_13: MK_83_2 {count= 13;};

class MK_84_1: MK_82_2 {displayName= "Mk84 2000LBS";

displayNameMagazine= "Mk84";

shortNameMagazine= "Mk84";

model= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_84.p3d";

ammo= mk84;

proxyShape= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_84.p3d";

magazine= "mk84";

magazines[]= {MK_84_1, Mk_84_2, Mk_84_3, Mk_84_4, Mk_84_5};

count= 1;

reloadTime= 0.45;};

class MK_84_2: MK_84_1 {count= 2;};

class MK_84_3: MK_84_1 {count= 3;};

class MK_84_4: MK_84_1 {count= 4;};

class MK_84_5: MK_84_1 {count= 5;};

};<span id='postcolor'>

If someone can give me an answer it'd finish this problem in one hit.

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Problem found and repaired.

A new Public Beta will be released today with weapons this time.






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Have fixed a few things, the cockpit is still being worked on at the moment.

I've added  three new payload models to the following;

Rocket Gunship ( carries 6 LAU-10 5inch FFAR launchers, each holding 4 rockets & 6 LAU-61 2.75inch FFAR launchers, each holding 19 rockets)


Heavy Rocket Bomber ( carries 6 LAU-10 5inch FFAR launchers, each holding 4 rockets & 8 Mk-83 1000lbs freefall bombs)


Attack Bomber (  carries 14 Mk-83 1000lbs freefall bombs)


Heavy Bomber ( carries 5 Mk-84 2000lbs freefall bombs)



Intruder Bomber ( carries 28 Mk-81 250lbs freefall bombs)


The new payload models are the AntiShip (armed with Harpoons), late era missile carrier (armed with Mavricks) and an early era missile carrier (armed with Shirkes).

Beta file avaialbe here!

Please note that this is a 6mb+ file


Beta file avaialbe here!

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do you have any other mirror besides fileplanet? ofp.info or opflashpoint.org maybe?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Acidcrash @ Dec. 06 2002,21:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">do you have any other mirror besides fileplanet? ofp.info or opflashpoint.org maybe?<span id='postcolor'>

Just sent a copy to www.operationflashpoint.cz, so hopefully they'll host it too.

I'm just uploading

Beta File to be hosted at my ISP, this will only available till the file is hosted on FilePlanet or OperationFlashpoint.CZ


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DragoFire @ Dec. 06 2002,11:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">wow.gif6--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Acidcrash @ Dec. 06 2002,21wow.gif6)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">do you have any other mirror besides fileplanet? ofp.info or opflashpoint.org maybe?<span id='postcolor'>

Just sent a copy to www.operationflashpoint.cz, so hopefully they'll host it too.

I'm just uploading

Beta File to be hosted at my ISP, this will only available till the file is hosted on FilePlanet or OperationFlashpoint.CZ

DragoFire<span id='postcolor'>

Question.... how do you get the landing gear to go up? Or does it go up?

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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It´s a little akward, activate "Gear up" in your action menu and like 3segs after you do it it goes up. It´s not like other addon I´d ever seen...

Anyways, the plane looks great and the weapons work correctly...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (The Sharpshooter @ Dec. 07 2002,15:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It´s a little akward, activate "Gear up" in your action menu and like 3segs after you do it it goes up. It´s not like other addon I´d ever seen...

Anyways, the plane looks great and the weapons work correctly...<span id='postcolor'>

Thanks Sharpshooter, just those few things to fix/add/finish wink.gif , and then add the EA-6E to the group.

What did you think of the new engine noise?


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ok, i like the plane in general, the weapons are good, but then again i got but one beef with it... i dont like the ripple firing of weapons, its ok for the rockets, or maybe the mk81's but not good for the others...especially the MK84s since then only have 5 and it drops 4 of them... could that be fixed maybe?

also, spotted this ingame, pretty self explanetory:


the wheels coming through the top of the wing wow.gifconfused.gif

anyway, good job on that smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Acidcrash @ Dec. 07 2002,19:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ok, i like the plane in general, the weapons are good, but then again i got but one beef with it... i dont like the ripple firing of weapons, its ok for the rockets, or maybe the mk81's but not good for the others...especially the MK84s since then only have 5 and it drops 4 of them... could that be fixed maybe?

also, spotted this ingame, pretty self explanetory:


the wheels coming through the top of the wing wow.gif  confused.gif

anyway, good job on that smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I am going to reduce the ROF on the MK-83's and MK-84's.

And I know that a couple of the models have the "old" landing-gear axis. wink.gif


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DragoFire @ Dec. 07 2002,07:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">wow.gif3--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (The Sharpshooter @ Dec. 07 2002,15wow.gif3)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It´s a little akward, activate "Gear up" in your action menu and like 3segs after you do it it goes up. It´s not like other addon I´d ever seen...

Anyways, the plane looks great and the weapons work correctly...<span id='postcolor'>

Thanks Sharpshooter, just those few things to fix/add/finish  wink.gif  , and then add the EA-6E to the group.

What did you think of the new engine noise?

DragoFire<span id='postcolor'>

I really like the engine noise! Excellent job on that!!! smile.gif

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I noticed you mention in the release notes about "Gunner sight/turret ?!?"

From what I have been told and from personal experience, moveable turrets on planes cant be done.

Unless there is some kind of fix in 1.90 or 1.91.

OR, if there is some way to do it through custom animations, (like the custom landing gear) but I have no idea about this myself.

If you do get it working I would love to know! biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Skaircro @ Dec. 09 2002,05:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I noticed you mention in the release notes about "Gunner sight/turret ?!?"

From what I have been told and from personal experience, moveable turrets on planes cant be done.

Unless there is some kind of fix in 1.90 or 1.91.

OR, if there is some way to do it through custom animations, (like the custom landing gear) but I have no idea about this myself.

If you do get it working I would love to know! biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I think I may have found a way to do it, but till I'm 100% sure, I'm keeping quite. But will tell you once I've sucessed.


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Have fixed a few things, the cockpit is still being worked on at the moment.

I've added three new payload models to the following;

Rocket Gunship ( carries 6 LAU-10 5inch FFAR launchers, each holding 4 rockets & 6 LAU-61 2.75inch FFAR launchers, each holding 19 rockets)


Heavy Rocket Bomber ( carries 6 LAU-10 5inch FFAR launchers, each holding 4 rockets & 8 Mk-83 1000lbs freefall bombs)


Attack Bomber ( carries 14 Mk-83 1000lbs freefall bombs)


Heavy Bomber ( carries 5 Mk-84 2000lbs freefall bombs)



Intruder Bomber ( carries 28 Mk-81 250lbs freefall bombs)


The new payload models are the AntiShip (armed with Harpoons), late era missile carrier (armed with Mavricks) and an early era missile carrier (armed with Shirkes).

Beta file available here!

Please note that this is a 6mb+ file


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Sweet! Oh one bug I noticed that don't think was mentioned in the read me... the gear is left down if the planes start off flying...well at least it was when I was the gunner.

Other then that, the addon truly rocks. I hope you'll be releasing the dedicated wild weasel/ECM version soon that seats 4 crew members.

So far I've been using them quite successfully with the SEB NAM pack, where they do an excellent job of providing close air support for my units. They really smash the NVA/VC gun emplacements, mortars, trucks, and armor. It's nice also mixing them up with the DKM OV-10 Broncos. I hope that once you're finished with them, they are on the same level of quality as the DKM Bronco. So far they are getting close to that level of quality. Keep up the great work. These are truly superb aircraft! (By the way have you read the book "Flight of the Intruder"? That's a great book to read to get some inspiration. Damn...actually I think I'm going to re-read that book now to get some inspiration to perhaps make a mission based off of that book. smile.gif Now if only we had a working aircraft carrier. sad.gif

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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