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Mp advantages: joining a running game....

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I'm a OFP Player since Release in Europe..

And the whole day (MP gaming) I wait for Joining Players, changing maps( too small) ect. on every Public OFP Server.

Please, I want to join a running game......

BIS,Codemaster is it possible to change MP Code that we can join "online"confused.gif?

For example an entry in Server.cfg to join Online or not...

Or Admin can plug Player from Lobby into running game...

Plz do it....

MfG, Shortylaforge

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I like joining a server and waiting for a game to restart. It gives me time to read the forums.

-=Die Alive=-

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Balschoiw @ Nov. 25 2002,18:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">People dont seem to understand what makes a tactical game a tactical one...<span id='postcolor'>

I can see both sides of the argument. That's why it should be a server and map based option.

This has been discussed many times in the past. Now that I got my say, you can close this thread, moderators. tounge.gifbiggrin.gif

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It's not that the developers are philosophically opposed to the idea of JIP, but the engine wasn't designed with that feature in mind. I think we'll have to wait for OFP2 and/or an engine rewrite.

But personally, I would have no use for it, since I'm not interested in games where guys come and go at random. I want to play objective-based games with teamwork, and for me that means playing on private servers with guys I know personally, and with whom I have trained IRL.

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Hi All,

Yes I agree Mr.Frag,JIP would be nice only in Deathmatch...

but for Coop which in my opinion is the Best part of OFP does not need JIP it's better to join after the games over that way the serious Players will wait it out instead of just joining in progress and spoiling the Stealth if your playing a Spec-ops mission....maybe if they made an observer JIP so you could watch the battle while you wait... smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

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I think about an option in Server.cfg or an Admin Cmd. Whats wrong with this??

I also think that a tactical shooter must coordinate its pps, but there are many missions like Karrillions great RTS that could be played many hours a round.

This a innovative new Maps for OFP and the MP Code (lobby ect.) isn't vry usefull for these types..

Pers.: We must refresh the image of OFP!! Its a vry good game, and I want to "reanimate" it with new features.

In German:

Mann wacht mal auf! OFP braucht einen Refresh, und hat ihn auch verdient. Ich bin ein sehr großer Fan von OFP und spiele es seit dem Release der ersten Demo.....

Es gibt sehr viele neue innovative MAPs (KaRRiLLions RTS3 ist eine der besten) die zumindest eine neue Möglichkeit des "Mitspielens" verdienen.

Wenn Ihr alle so altmodisch denkt... Taktik Shooter blabla dann wird sehr bald zumindest in Germany nichts mehr von der Community übrig bleiben.

Es gibt ja jetzt schon mehr Server als Player.

Schade, wollte damit eigentlich wa sanderes erreichen.

Sry, i don't want to disturb u !


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PLEASE - NO!!!!!!!!

If there was JIP you would have Gay-Spy nOObs running Havoc on even more servers, at least with the waiting to play only those people who really want to play get in game and this makes the Games better.

Most serious players will stay on a few servers or even just one, once you have waited once for the game to start just stay on that server and your Game-Play will be more enjoyable.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Die Alive @ Nov. 25 2002,19:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I like joining a server and waiting for a game to restart.  It gives me time to read the forums.

-=Die Alive=-<span id='postcolor'>

lol that is totally true

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Die Alive @ Nov. 25 2002,19:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I like joining a server and waiting for a game to restart.  It gives me time to read the forums.

-=Die Alive=-<span id='postcolor'>

exactly thats it!!!

100% ACK!!

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It s true shorty, more mp players and squads would be nice.

JIP would be effective for long sessions etc....

But we have to think, we asked for a Linux dedi, and there is one and thats good.

And remember, BIS needs time for ofp 2 making!!

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only a matter of time before i got here, my list of reasons, i ussually have no one to play with most of the day so play other games like rtcw il2 sturmovik online, games in ofp most of the time r nothing tactical, in team vs team games 30mins long offers no time for ppl to start working together, What JIP would open up is the island war game type CTI RTS3 these modes would be awsome they r the most fun games ive played with all the stragities u can try, u cant jus waltz in with choppers cos their get blown out the sky and set u back in money etc. Also JIP opens the door for a spec mode in coops no longer in public servers would u have ppl asking how long to go etc. Pretty much all human vs human types would benefit i reckon and an option to have it disabled for those ppl that hide away on their own servers as well. It would be nice to have ofp popular enough so that the southern hemisphere could have more than one server and more than 2 squads and even jus one ladder or competition, like we have for my other game rtcw.

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