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Dedicated Server ACE3 & RHS freeze/crash.

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Not sure if this is quite the right place for it.


I'm running a liberation server running CBA, ACE3, TFAR, RHS AFRF, RHS USAF and RHS GREF. We also run a few server-side mods like Advanced Urban Rapelling, Advanced Towing, Enhanced Movement. We allow clients to use TRYK uniforms (Well right now it's passworded and checking is off but, that's all that we intend for them to run hence a few errors referencing it). The server starts and functions fine for a while but tends to crash at random while people are playing. At first we thought it was related to ACE cookoff and disabled that but it turned out to make no difference. 


I'm trying to post latest RPT but I keep getting an error on the forum so I'll try it on a reply or elsewhere in a moment. I have others after the same thing to compare if needed. Any help would be greatly appreciated as folks are getting mighty frustrated at losing all their assets because it crashed midway through an assault, or while returning to base, or just not having saved for a few minutes!


Ok, some of the RPT. It was too large for most things to handle. I also notice this one may be due to our auto restart not seeming to work. Didn't notice that at first, but sometimes this happens after only an hour or two or server uptime.





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Running nearly the same setup (mission/full stable for weeks now (even without a single restart)) but only with ACE(X), ACE-Compat and RHS USAF/AFRF/GREF/SAF.

my recommendation, remove the stuff like:



Enhanced Movement

Advanced Towing
Advanced Sling Loading
Advanced Urban Rappelling
TRYK uniforms (not allowed)



and try to reproduce, if still happen try to remove more mods, also your rpt is useless its not showing the crash(dump)

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Yeah it never seems to show it in the RPT, although it does seem to be the same few things just before the freeze/crash in every RPT. Everyone gets no message received and the server status shows like 64mb memory use and 0% CPU. I'll try removing the server side mods, but it ran just fine with those just before, adding RHS and adjusting the mission seemed to bring the problem out so it could be a conflict.


I'm also running the ACE/RHS compat files - Are they even needed if not using advanced ballistics? Might be an extra point of failure.


Edit: I had several reports of piles of civilian vehicles exploding endlessly in the mission, and the map said over 700 vehicles on map. That could be the problem maybe haha.

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hi, i saw you're running liberation as mission

it is a heavy scripted mission so it is quite normal to crash

i restart my liberation server every 24h (cause we play only at night and by daytime is running idle) but consider you can read on liberation doc itself that devs reccomend to restart every 3-4h, at least 9-10h http://greuh-liberation.wikia.com/wiki/Server_Admin#Server_restarts


btw, in your case crashing after only 12h is very little time :eh:


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Yeah it's crashing within an hour now. Every restart says 700/800+ vehicles on map. I'm removing mods and testing but it's somewhat random.


Edit: Left it running with nobody on with the default mods we're using but vehicle cleanup set to an hour. Hasn't crashed yet after 8+ hours, so seems either like it's related to that or the people and client side mods being used on the server.


Scratch that, people did play and no crash. But the map says 1000+ vehicles. Then we tried playing again and it crashed after a couple of hours. Will post results with various mods off in a bit.

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i playing liberation from a while and this amout of veh seems to be very high :eh:


how many palyers are on the server?

could you post your liberation parameters (difficulty aggressivity, etc)?

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Mostly standard settings except with ACE and the difficulty upped one.


Hm, I may have found the issue. No crashes so far. We had a customised version using a lot of GREF assets as the enemies (started out with one or two tweaks but eventually changed most units out, so somewhere along the way without noticing I may have borked it myself or it's related specifically to running GREF stuff.) Will post if it was just a fluke that it hasn't crashed today.


Edit: Well, smooth sailing so far until it's been running a long while. I'll have to do the modifications again but more carefully and narrow down if it's related to an error my end or one of the RHS GREF units I used. Probably the former, honestly.



...Still crashing. Ok, time to start removing/disallowing mods and testing more.

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