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The Rival : F-22 Raptor vs F-23A Grey Ghost Standalone

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The Rival : F-22 Raptor vs F-23A Grey Ghost



ADDON :  F-22 Raptor

[email protected]





Steam Workshop : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1114015070

- Texture Template and Config


ArmA 3




The Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is a fifth-generation, single-seat, twin-engine, all-weather stealth tactical fighter aircraft developed for the United States Air Force (USAF). The result of the USAF's Advanced Tactical Fighter program, the aircraft was designed primarily as an air superiority fighter, but also has ground attack, electronic warfare, and signal intelligence capabilities. The prime contractor, Lockheed Martin, built most of the F-22's airframe and weapons systems and did its final assembly, while Boeing provided the wings, aft fuselage, avionics integration, and training systems.

The aircraft was variously designated F-22 and F/A-22 before it formally entered service in December 2005 as the F-22A. After a protracted development and despite operational issues, the USAF considers the F-22 critical to its tactical air power, and says that the aircraft is unmatched by any known or projected fighter. The Raptor's combination of stealth, aerodynamic performance, and situational awareness gives the aircraft unprecedented air combat capabilities.

The high cost of the aircraft, a lack of clear air-to-air missions due to delays in Russian and Chinese fighter programs, a ban on exports, and development of the more versatile F-35 led to the end of F-22 production. A final procurement tally of 187 operational production aircraft was established in 2009, and the last F-22 was delivered to the USAF in 2012.

From Wikipedia

Feature :


- F-22 Raptor for USAF
- various weapon/equipment
- Low RCS for Stealth
- Change the loadout, skin with Loadout dialog
- Targeting system for precision strike.

include Texture & Config Template.

Key Feature and Simple use Guide



**Loadout Menu**

input the "Missile Carrier For Rearming" in map. it is can found Empty->FIR objects category.
if f-22 is near missile carrier and zero speed, Open Dialog action is will be activated.
press the action and configure your aircraft whatever you want.
Loadout menu is provideof select the loadout, change the skin, refuel and rearm. also loadout preset is supported.

please check the AWS Field Manual PDF File

F-22 is Support ADES, can change skin and customize decal,roundel etc.
if you want to know more detail information about ADES, please check the ADES Custom Manual in AWS Manual Folder.

**ECM System**

ECM System is Jamming for Enemy Radar-Based Missile. F-22 have internal, passive electronic countermeasure system so if aircraft keep alive, systemis keep working until engine off or crash.
(jamming fail is 10% for gaming balance.)


You must Define of Useraction key. below key list is shortcutfor function.

UserAction 1 - Afterburner ON/OFF
UserAction 3 - Open Dialog
UserAction 4 - Open I-TGT System

**Replace the Pilot**
want to replace the pilot from FIR Pilot Crew Pack, just select the type in Combo box attribute in F-22

**Disable AB Sound**
check the "disable AB sound" attribute for disable the afterburner sound.

**Custom Save/Load **
- save : select loadouts -> select custom preset in preset combo -> press diskette button
- load : select custom preset in preset combo -> press apply


Changelog / Known Issues


- hitpoints added
- ECM capability data added


- some values fixed for Lesh tow mod support.


- new pilot for basic crew
- replace pilot combo box has been changed to checkbox


- EWP remodeled

- mod size reduced


- maintenance : new wing vortice and engine exhaust effect applied from AWS(wing vortice effect is working with Dev build for now)
- new materials applied

- maintenance : new ADES Interface integrated


- maintenance : IDD for AMS gui has been changed 
  F-22 : 5170

- Arctic Front update integration
- ATA Training presets
- maintenance


- some maintenance


- maintenance(some fixes for init.sqf and ejection system)


- new sounds integrated (sounds from F/A-181 Black Wasp II)
- defaultUserMFDvalues added in config
- maintenance


- bug fixes : HUD disappear in MP client / AMS Bug etc

- AMS Integration : new integrated loadout system(see AWS readme for more detail)
- HCS(HUD Color slider System) added
- Maintenance
- Skins Categorized

- External pylons integration : Fueltank, Fueltank + AIM-120
- EWP(Enclosed Weapons Pod) integration(inspired by Ace combat 7)
- Data link is turn on by default


- HUD improvement : CCIP and etc
- HMD toggle added(HMD supported helmet required)
- maintenance


- texture updated


- maintenance


- skin and material changed


- Maintenance
- Fire Geometry fixed(AA Cannon can kill F-22 now)


- cockpit panel color adjsuted
- Maintenance
- refueling support with KC-135 from USAF mod


- Maintenance
- oxygen mask toggle action added

- Initial Release

Known Issues
- cockpit is WIP
- aircraft performance may need to adjust.


not a bug
- GBU-32/38/39/53 are can't equip with AIM-120C on AVEL 2,3,4,5. bombs will be remove if any AIM-120 on AVEL 2,3,4,5.(loadout dialog/pylon setting)





Classname /name/ Faction
FIR_F22 / F-22 Raptor/ NATO
FIR_F22_Gryphus1/ F-22 Raptor(Gryphus one - ACX)/ NATO
FIR_F22_Mobius1/ F-22 Raptor(Mobius one - AC4)/ NATO
FIR_F22_TY/ F-22 Raptor(TY/95th FS)/ NATO
FIR_F22_FF/ F-22 Raptor(FF/27th FS)/ NATO
FIR_F22_Blank/ F-22 Raptor(Blank)/ NATO




Special Thanks


Myke - i'm use his "Air vehicles instruments & gauges - Open source"

John Spartan & saul - allow for use afterburner , Ejection Script.
(Specially, John Spartan was help for my SEAD System. Thank you!)

geraldbolso1899 - allow for use kimi F-16 HUD/HMD.

fullerpj - allow for Compatible with KC-135 Stratotanker from USAF Mod.

Mr.R - he is my real friend, he contribute the F-22 model to me.

77th CFW members - Addon Tester for my addon

BIS - ArmA 3 and arma 2 sample model, texture and arma 3 function.


Supporters from Patreon

A Mann
Tyler Kimball
Shawn Semzock
Diver | TFRF
James Summerville


I take no responsibility for (im)possible damage to your game/system that may be caused
by installation of this Addon. This Addon is also prohibited to be used in any commercial product.





ADDON : F-23A Grey Ghost 





workshop : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1384712753










[email protected] (not much using)




FIR AirWeaponSystem US




F-23A Grey Ghost is fictional version of the YF-23, based on "What IF" scenario. it's focus on improve the weapon capabilites, modify the cockpit and external design. 

(YF-23 Description)
The Northrop/McDonnell Douglas YF-23 was an American single-seat, twin-engine stealth fighter aircraft technology demonstrator designed for the United States Air Force (USAF). The design was a finalist in the USAF's Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) competition, battling the Lockheed YF-22 for a production contract. Two YF-23 prototypes were built, nicknamed "Black Widow II" and "Gray Ghost".

In the 1980s, the USAF began looking for a replacement for its fighter aircraft, especially to counter the USSR's advanced Sukhoi Su-27 and Mikoyan MiG-29. Several companies submitted design proposals; the USAF selected proposals from Northrop and Lockheed. Northrop teamed with McDonnell Douglas to develop the YF-23, while Lockheed, Boeing and General Dynamics developed the YF-22.

The YF-23 was stealthier and faster, but less agile than its competitor. After a four-year development and evaluation process, the YF-22 was announced the winner in 1991 and entered production as the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. The U.S. Navy considered using the production version of the ATF as the basis for a replacement to the F-14, but these plans were later canceled. The two YF-23 prototypes were museum exhibits as of 2010.

From Wikipedia




- F-23 Grey Ghost(former YF-23 Black widow II) for USAF
- various weapon/equipment
- Low RCS for Stealth
- Change the loadout, skin with Loadout dialog
- Targeting system for precision strike.


Developer Commentary

1. this F-23A is basiaclly "fictional" aircraft. so something ,or many things are different than original YF-23. 
2. canopy is frameless bubble canopy like F-22.
3. weapons bay is follow YF-23 bay but more expand and larger.
4. this F-23A have small M61 Vulcan ammo drum because lack of space(because large weapon bay) so only can carry 280 rounds.
5. F-23A is can fly more faster and higher,but less agile and slow acceleration than F-22.
6. hope you enjoy this aircraft!


Key Feature/ Simple Guide

**AMS(previous Loadout Menu)**

input the "Missile Carrier For Rearming" in map. it is can found Empty->FIR objects category.
if f-23 is near missile carrier and zero speed, Open Dialog action is will be activated.
press the action and configure your aircraft whatever you want.
Loadout menu is provide of select the loadout, change the skin, refuel and rearm. also loadout preset is supported.


please check the AWS Field Manual PDF File


f-23 is Support ADES, can change skin and customize decal,roundel etc.
if you want to know more detail information about ADES, please check the ADES Custom Manual in AWS Manual Folder.


**ECM System**

ECM System is Jamming for Enemy Radar-Based Missile. f-23 have internal, passive electronic countermeasure system so if aircraft keep alive, system is keep working until engine off or crash.
(jamming fail is 10% for gaming balance.)



You must Define of Useraction key. below key list is shortcut for function.

UserAction 1 - Afterburner ON/OFF
UserAction 3 - Open Dialog
UserAction 4 - Open I-TGT System
UserAction 5 - Jettision Fueltank
UserAction 6 - TGP Screen ON/OFF
UserAction 7 - TGP Screen Zoom Toggle
UserAction 8 - TGP ScreenMode Toggle
UserAction 9 - MAP Screen ON/OFF


**Replace the Pilot**
want to replace the pilot from FIR Pilot Crew Pack, just select the type in Combo box attribute in f-23


**Disable AB Sound**
check the "disable AB sound" attribute for disable the afterburner sound.


- hitpoints added
- ECM capability data added


- some values fixed for Lesh tow mod support.


- new pilot for basic crew
- replace pilot combo box has been changed to checkbox

- maintenance : new wing vortice and engine exhaust effect applied from AWS(wing vortice effect is working with Dev build for now)

- maintenance : new ADES Interface integrated


- maintenance : IDD for AMS gui has been changed 
  F-23A : 5171

- Arctic Front update integration
- ATA Training presets
- maintenance


- Initial Release


Known Issues
- cockpit is WIP
- aircraft performance may need to adjust.


not a bug
- you can't equip AA and AG weapon in same internal bay. basicailly, bay has two section called front and rear. 
so if AA installed(Amraam x 3 or sidewinder x 3) on front section, you can't equip AG weapons on same position.


Classname /name/ Faction
FIR_F23A / F-23A Grey Ghost/ NATO


The PBO and Sign files in the archive need to be extracted into your ArmA 3/Addons folder.
However the mod folder method is the better solution. 



Special Thanks

Myke - i'm use his "Air vehicles instruments & gauges - Open source"

John Spartan & saul - allow for use afterburner , Ejection Script.
(Specially, John Spartan was help for my SEAD System. Thank you!)

geraldbolso1899 - allow for use kimi F-16 HUD/HMD.

fullerpj - allow for Compatible with KC-135 Stratotanker from USAF Mod.

Mr.R - he is my real friend, he contribute the f-23 model to me.

77th CFW members - Addon Tester for my addon

BIS - ArmA 3 and arma 2 sample model, texture and arma 3 function.


Supporters from Patreon
Shawn Semzock
Diver | TFRF
James Summerville
Matt Ward
Ryan Soto
Alpha 66


I take no responsibility for (im)possible damage to your game/system that may be caused 
by installation of this Addon. This Addon is also prohibited to be used in any commercial product.

This readme has been made by using the ArmedAssault.info Readme Generator.


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Finally. Can't wait to test it. Thank's for your hardwork firewill. I'll give feedback after test it :eyeheart:

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First feedback, I can't choose missile in the pylons settings. It is empty and no choices. Also in the open dialog there is no weapon selection.. 







Aaaand it is normal in all your planes except this one..

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Congrats on the release. Been looking forward to a high fidelity f22.

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I'm using the latest of your Air Weapon System (version 2.1) also. And I keep getting this messages..








and this




Hopefully you can figure it out :smile_o:

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You just made my night firewill downloading it now cant wait to fly them!!!!!!

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6 hours ago, Bergenholtz said:

I'm using the latest of your Air Weapon System (version 2.1) also. And I keep getting this messages..








and this




Hopefully you can figure it out :smile_o:

check again the AWS update. problem not found in my case.

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Thanks, it solved now. Turns out the problem is the folder name in the directory is different from the launcher.. So I had to rename and relaunch and it fixed. Thanks again :)

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First F-22 re-skin complete!



The body and wing files were very very organized inside of PhotoShop, which made everything just so much easier. Also thank you for adding a very simple and detailed config example inside, I didn't need it, but I know how hard it can be if you are brand new to re-skins, lol.


As far as the F-22 goes, it is absolutely amazing! Very well armed, and very VERY fast! Super-cruise is finally here in Arma!


Thank you very much for your hard work!

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thanks for awesome mod firewill but im getting this error and the slots where you should pick your missiles is empty.Any ideas how to fix that? sorry if its a stupid question or something im new to arma :) btw im using FIR AWS 2.1


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Oh it's wonderful! We don't deserve you, Firewill!

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On ‎8‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 3:38 AM, afterburner said:

Retextures by SimTV






Ooooh! Think you could do a ROKAF or IDF skin?

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1 hour ago, yxas said:

thanks for awesome mod firewill but im getting this error and the slots where you should pick your missiles is empty.Any ideas how to fix that? sorry if its a stupid question or something im new to arma :) btw im using FIR AWS 2.1



Check the previous answers / posts ;-)

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Just now, wiki said:

Check the previous answers / posts ;-)

??? Did I say it wrong?

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6 minutes ago, Polyus said:

??? Did I say it wrong?

Oh damn, sry, it was the previous post I wanted to quote...


Edit done ;-)

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F-22 updated


- Maintenance
- oxygen mask toggle action added

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F-22 updated


- cockpit panel color adjsuted
- Maintenance
- refueling support with KC-135 from USAF mod

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op as f... server where i played before removed it from inventory because of impossibility to shoot it down on radar they are visible only as a empty circle probably because of radarTargetSize   -.-'

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In real world they are OP as f... as well. ;)


I can imagine these radio messages during Red Flag excercises - F-22 and F-35 OP af... nerf plox! :P

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2 hours ago, Damian90 said:

In real world they are OP as f... as well. ;)


I can imagine these radio messages during Red Flag excercises - F-22 and F-35 OP af... nerf plox! :P

idk about real world 
no problem with plane at all it's still without proper opponent!  put one f22 against 5 or10 other planes in game in this case i used classic bis planes (to-199)  -.- 

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I can agree with some issues. The F-22 actually doesn't take damage on its wings. When being fired at by ground AA, the rounds will travel strait through the model. This can also be seen with any weapon, try with a rifle or anything else if you want to see.


I love the airplane and the mod is amazing, but the wing issue is kind of big to me.

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