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How to make a convoy of just 3 vehicles?

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when I place vehicles in the editor and give them a waypoint they do all sorts of crazy things but not follow the road to the waypoint. If I group several vehicles in a convoy some don't even start while others go in the wrong directions. Sometime you see vehicles just turning their weels from left to right and back. I tried different behaviour modes, added more and less waypoints etc. but no avail.

Is there any way to make vehicles in a convoy to not behave totally absurd? Some of the missions and campaign I played don't seem to have this problem but what is the solution?

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Convoys in ArmA always have been quite difficult. The simplest way is to put all vehicles in the same group, set it's behaviour to "SAFE" and set the formation to "COLUMN" or "FILE". There are also mods that improve the driving skills.

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If you want something working not too bad during combat:


{driver vehicle _x setBehaviour "CARELESS"; driver vehicle _x disableAi "autoCombat"} forEach units this // in the init field of the group (group icon), or the name of the group instead of this.


So, drivers can be "careless" while gunner are in other modes to combat. You can also apply to effectiveCommander to test (in addition of driver).


NB: it's also a good mean to keep lights on at combat by night

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The problem seems to be not related to combat nor night time. Check the following video:

Placing 3 APC in a row and get them to drive to the next waypoint simply does not work. I also tried it outside of town with more spacing and additional waypoints.


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7 hours ago, kibyde said:

The problem seems to be not related to combat nor night time. Check the following video:

Placing 3 APC in a row and get them to drive to the next waypoint simply does not work. I also tried it outside of town with more spacing and additional waypoints.



You're searching for difficulties, but yes, it's a pain in the b... to cross bridges and drive in narrow streets with APC.

You can drastically improve the situation with

this setConvoySeparation 20 (on decent paths).



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VCOM AI improves driving a lot. I also found out that the AI behaves totally different when starting a mission in spectator mode (as shown in above linked video). If I play as a unit the AI behaves better.

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if its an AI convoy you want, I'd suggest to give up and work on something else ;) or use a combo of "attachTo" and "setPos" to move the vehicles instead of allowing BIS Broken AI driving system to ruin the fun

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22 hours ago, pierremgi said:


You're searching for difficulties, but yes, it's a pain in the b... to cross bridges and drive in narrow streets with APC.

You can drastically improve the situation with

this setConvoySeparation 20 (on decent paths).




that command does effectively nothing to improve the AI wheeled vehicle driving situation

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