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Less Code & More Variables VS More Code & Less Variables

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Greetings, I'm currently working on a code that runs for each spawned entity on the map so it should be the quickest. However I'm stuck between two desicions:
First one uses less lines of code, but more private variables :

switch _cond1 do
	case 1: 
		_y = 1;_z = 3;
	case 2: 
		_y = 2;_z = 4;
switch _cond2 do
	case 1: 
		_c = 1;
	case 2: 
		_c = 3;
_n = (_y*_z)+_c;

The second one uses more lines of code, but no variables at all:

_cond1,_cond2 call
	if (_cond1 isEqualTo 1) exitWith
		_cond2 call
			if (_cond2 isEqualTo 1) exitWith {4};
		_cond2) call
			if (_cond2 isEqualTo 2) exitWith {6};
_cond1,_cond2 call
	if (_cond1 isEqualTo 2) exitWith
		_cond2 call
			if (_cond2 isEqualTo 1) exitWith {7};
		_cond2 call
			if (_cond2 isEqualTo 2) exitWith {9};


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  On 7/5/2017 at 11:05 AM, jazzraill said:

thanks for the reply! for anyone else wondering, the second code was almos 1.5 times faster .. (I'm also coding this on a core 2 duo so results may differ) 


You'll fine some useful information here https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Code_Optimisation#How_to_test_and_gain_this_information_yourself.3F

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  On 7/5/2017 at 11:05 AM, jazzraill said:

thanks for the reply! for anyone else wondering, the second code was almos 1.5 times faster .. (I'm also coding this on a core 2 duo so results may differ) 


interesting, code 2 contains a bunch of errors which should prevent it from compiling let alone running

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What KK said, got some syntax errors in there.

if then / if exitWith will always be faster than switch. exitWith in combination with call is a bit faster.



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The "no variable at all" is just excessive. But the code has no sense and the comparison is about some calculations vs some fixed values. No benchmark needed for that.

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