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I need help with scripting

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So I have succesfully made an money system in my game. but I want to add a way to get money without admin or host executing an debug console command to add money, so I thought that maybe if you kill the enemy team you get money for each kill ai or player but I have tried everything and I have googled, binged, yahood you name it and I cant find an working script or something to lead me in the right way NOTHING. so I am hoping that YOU can help me ;). 


thx in advance OpFern

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I appreciate your help, but I have tried all of the links that come up when you search anything near what you searched. 

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I am trying to make a system so for every ai or player kill you get you earn money. initServer.sqf:


{ _x addMPEventHandler ["mpkilled", {(_this select 2) execVM "scripts\moneysys\killed.sqf"}]; }forEach playableUnits - allPlayers;



player addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled", {(_this select 2) execVM "scripts\moneysys\killed.sqf"}];



params ["_killer"]; if (_killer in allPlayers) then { [[[(_this select 2)],"scripts\moneysys\asfdasadsf.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM", _killer, false, true] call BIS_fnc_MP; }



(uiNameSpace getVariable "myUI_DollarTitle") ctrlSetText format ["Money: %1",cash];
cutText "Kill +100$";


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1 hour ago, OpFern said:

I appreciate your help, but I have tried all of the links that come up when you search anything near what you searched. 

Just out of curiousity, did you get the same results?


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I found the link, thanks I will have a look here seems like there is alot of nice stuff :)

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