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Mp / coop missions

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Below is some links to some updated and new missions.

I've had most of this stuff sitting around on my hard drive for months, but havent really had time to release updates or new stuff.

As my web host shafted me recently im not sure how long these links will remain active on this secondary server.

Not everything is uploaded or quite ready yet, there is around 5 or 6 packs, but to start with here is a Guerrila pack and an updated Spec Co-op pack.

Guerrila Pack v1

(mostly updated old missions, and some new-old missions)

5C_Rapid Rescue (Gimbal planes addon)

5C_Hunter Team

9C_Long Range Guerrilas (RESISTANCE 1.85)

9C_Home Town

9C_Guerrila Raid (Kegs Ags17 GrenadeLauncher)

9C_Guerrila Farm


9C_Bottle Port

10C_Capital Defence (RESISTANCE)

12C_Capital Assault (RESISTANCE)

20C_Nogova Guerillas (RESISTANCE)

24C_Farm Fighters (RESISTANCE)

26C_Road to NoWhere (+ SP version) (RESISTANCE)

32C_Mountain Side (RESISTANCE)

Guerrila Pack v1

Spec Co-Op v2

(all updated with 1.85 weapons, Kegetys spectator mode and 5 extra missions)

(Special thanks to my mates in the 7thBattalion squad for much playtesting.)

12C_Covert Strike

9C_Sacred Ground

9C_POW Rescue

9C_Airborne Raid

9C_Mountain Rangers

12C_Assault + Destroy

7C_Urban Rescue

12C_Intel Raid

18C_Armoured Hills

8C_Castle Situation

9C_Urban Scud Hunt

4C_Urban Saboteur (somalia, hkpack, flpM4A1, bas_Mh6)

Spec Co-Op v2


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Let me know if you need a place to put them.  I can probably put it where I host my missions if you get shafted by your provider again. =)

BTW thanks again for that excellent briefing for RTS-2.

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Thanks for the offer. Im hoping this server should last till the end of the year if things go well.

And btw, thanks for RTS3 smile.gif

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The next pack is Soviet pack v1.

This pack is mainly made of the Alpha 13 campaign 1.2, which i will submit to sites soon (recently updated to work with resistance). Alpha coop is not really tested online, so i will prolly make an update at some point.

12C Soviet Suburbs (RESISTANCE)

12C Soviet Suburbs (Respawn) (RESISTANCE)

36C FarmtoNowhere (RESISTANCE)

L13_Spetsgruppe Alfa 13 Coop

Cooperative Campaign

(OfpR 1.85 and Kegetys Russian Weapons 1.1 required for all missions)

6C Alfa13 01: Bloodletting

6C Alfa13 02: Raid

6C Alfa13 03: Raid 2

6C Alfa13 04: Disgruntled

6C Alfa13 05: Road Block

6C Alfa13 06: Montignac

6C Alfa13 07: Ambush

6C Alfa13 08: Guard House

6C Alfa13 09: Raid + Anti-Tank

6C Alfa13 10: Raid + Destroy

6C Alfa13 11: Support Air Assault

6C Alfa13 12: Anti Armour

6C Alfa13 13: Defence

6C Alfa13 14: Soviet Smash

6C Alfa13 15: Anti Anti Air

6C Alfa13 16: Night Stalkers

6C Alfa13 17: Night Raid


Soviet Pack v1

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Thankyou, its quite a nice feeling in coop to look to the side and see that next you.

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Next two packs are NATO and MP VS.

Most nato missions were updated before resistance came out with server options of daytime and difficulty, and in the long run i decided to leave them compatible with 1.46.

Some of the VS maps (player vs player) require 1.85 or later.

NATO PAck v1

4C Venom

5C HKPack_HRU (The HK Pack Addon)(RESISTANCE)

6V Air Patrol (TJP_Pavehawk, TJP_DAP)

6C Anti Tankers

8C Charlies' Chopper

8C Charlies' Charge

8C LittleBird Hunt (BAS_MH6)(RESISTANCE)

9C OvertheHill  (ZWA Desert Everon 2, MAF_82ndAirborneSoldiers, uce_kuffiya)

9C Nogova Ops - Bridge Push  (RESISTANCE)

9C OFP Warriors (FLP_M4A1 Pack, TJP_Pavehawk)

9C OFP Warriors 2 (+CE2 SP version)

NATO 01: Sainte Beach (+RespawnVersion)

NATO 02: Counter

NATO 03: The Push

NATO 04: Our Regina

NATO 05: Vodka Chaser

NATO 06: Ex-traction

NATO 07: Vodka Chaser 2

NATO 08: Red Road

NATO 09: Armoured Cavalry

NATO 10: Forest Fight

NATO Pack v1

MP VS Pack v1

8V Farm ShootOut

11V Cold Night (RESISTANCE 1.85)

17V The Hunt (RESISTANCE 1.85)

17V The Hunt (Winter Nogojev)(RESISTANCE 1.85)

16V Lipany Elimination (RESISTANCE 1.85)

18V Hot Day

18V Industry Skirmish (RESISTANCE 1.85)

24V Delta Strike R (Respawn)

24V Delta Strike RS (FLP_M4A1 Pack, TJP_Pavehawk) (Respawn)

30V FarmAssualt v3 (RESISTANCE)

24V Combat 01 v1.0 (RESISTANCE)

24V Combat 02 v1.0 (RESISTANCE)

24V Northen War v1.2

24V Nogova Skirmish 1.5 (RESISTANCE)

24V Skirmish 1-3

MP VS Pack v1

Well that is the bulk of this stuff, so far ive missed a few things, like sp missions and Delta Ops coop and a few coops on addon islands.

With these packs i have organsied nearly everything ive made, as having stuff all over the place was really hard to keep track of things.

From here there is only a few things i will continue working on, but i will fix any fatal bugs that made it in to any missions above.

Making these missions has been my first experience in any sort of game/software development, so im pretty happy with things as they stand. While i could still work on any given mission listed above, i would be at it forever.

Things like the spec coop pack will still be worked on, and delta ops coop will prolly go into that pack.

Now i can focus my mission making time on things like missions for Ballistics and Delta ops part 2, and more refined missions in general.

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Nagual, haven't tried them yet but thanks for sharing all those co-op missions. Greatly appreciated!

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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Enjoy KeyCat  smile.gif,

Below is link to updated version of Combat Patrol for SEB Nam Pack 2.

I added respawn and vrs.sqs for vehicle respawn, "Drop Flare"  between 18:30 to 05:30, took out AirCav and added two more oh6/ah1 teams, and more VC.

The extra helos mean ai will have mid-air collisons more often than not. They also dont really stick to flyinheight.

In earlier versions there was 7 areas where VC could be found, now there are 16 areas. I have not had time to set up deleting dead vc, so if you go for the full 40 combat points, there will end up being alot of vc on the map.

Combat Patrol 1.3

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Heres a new nam pack mission, not quite complete but ready for testing. It is an 8 player coop, but can also be played as an SP mission.



My mission archive is going offline in a few days, and after then i will no longer be able to post missions or updates until i find a new host (if ever). As its likely that i wont be able to post the final version of SEAL Patrol, grab it while you can.


uploaded a little update since i posted it here, to fix extraction probs.

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Heres one more link. It's the Alfa 13 campaign, basically the same campaign as first version, but updated for resistance (first version didn't work properly under 1.75). This was updated a while ago.

Same as the coop, the only addons required are kegs russian weapons (not included in zip).

Not quite mp /coop, but there as the link will be down in a few days, there's no use making a thread for it.


Alfa 13 Campaign 1.2

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I just got email from webhost, and have 14 more days before shutdown. So i will upload those packs again in next few days, check back soon. When they're back up any one who wants to mirror them is welcome to.

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could I just congratulate you on your missions...we play them all the time on [VS-UK] as co-ops...

Will you be continuing to make new missions, and if so , how can we find them , given your ISP issues...

Nice one m8...you have given us hours of pleasure!!


Server manager www.vs-uk.net

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Cool, thanks for feedback padman.

Yes, i will still be making new missions, im not sure how i will get them out there though. But i will update this thread or make a new one when it comes to new stuff, so check back around this forum for updates when they happen.

And happy to hear you've been enjoying them, as thats why i made them, for a bit of fun and enjoyment of opflash. smile.gif

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I will be on the lookout too. All your maps i could get hold off are on my server. They are excellent. Thanks for making such fine maps biggrin.gif

I have searched for the other packs with google/filesearching but was unable to find them sad.gif

And unfortunately i have no ftp/webspace to offer either sad.gif

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All of Nagual's links are broken. None of the packs are on that webspace any longer.

Can anyone advise of a site to download these missions?

I will then host them at WOLF's website http://wolf.opflash.co.nz which will stay online as a reliable mirror for these missions.


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I just checked and found 3 of the mission packs in my flashpoint download folders:




I also downloaded 8C_SEALPATROL.zip and Alpha13_1.2.zip when the links appeared in this thread. But Alpha13_1.2.zip seems to contain only maps that were in SovietPackl already?!?

Lt_Damage: I can mail those to you if you like.

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Thanks LT, that will be nice.

I was hesitant about mirrors or submitting these packs to the various sites when i first released them, as it made it easier if i wanted to to quick updates just after release, but that was a month or two ago now, and no quick upadates have been done.

And Benu, you'll find a sp campaign pbo in the Alfa zip, i put coops in there as well to make it complete.

In about 2 hours from now all the packs will be up again for the last time from the old server, at the expense of Alfa zip. So all the old links will be active again for a week or so before the full shutdown.

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I guess i just found one of the

links i got some of the missions from...

Be back in 2h biggrin.gif

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Benu, that pack was first release of alot of these missions, most have been updated in the new packs.

All is uploaded now, all the links on the first page are working, enjoy.

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Creating a special page for these missions on WOLF's website. I will update shortly.

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WOLF's squad site has been updated with all Nagual's missions except the compaign - link still broken.

You can find links to it from the News, Downloads and Missions pages and on the main WOLF page.


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