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I want to randomize the damage on a car on the start of a mission, same thing with a tank and helicopter and so on. What are the codes for each part and how do 

I make it random? Is there some place to reference each part of a car/tank/helicopter like a website I could use?

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You can get the damage and the part name of each hitpoint for an object with:



You can set a specifics hitpoint's damage with:



A solution for ur problem could be this:

Saro_fnc_randomDamage =
 //get passed object and check if it is an object. If it is no object then initialize with objNull.
 params [["_obj", objNull, [objNull]]];
 if (isNull _obj) exitWith {hint "No object passed"; true};

 private _names = (getAllHitPointsDamage _obj)select 0;

 //set random damage for each hitpoint part
  _obj setHitPointDamage [_x, random 1];
 } count _names;
[YourCarsName] call Saro_fnc_randomDamage;
[YourHelisName] call Saro_fnc_randomDamage;
[YourTanksName] call Saro_fnc_randomDamage;
[YourAndsoonsName] call Saro_fnc_randomDamage;


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Or the easy, dirty and lazy, but maybe good enough:


vehicleName setDamage (random 1);


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29 minutes ago, barbolani said:

Or the easy, dirty and lazy, but maybe good enough:


vehicleName setDamage (random 1);



3 hours ago, unshadow56 said:

I want to randomize the damage on a car on the start of a mission, same thing with a tank and helicopter and so on. What are the codes for each part and how do 

I make it random? Is there some place to reference each part of a car/tank/helicopter like a website I could use?



As I understand ops request ur lazy method is no solution for it.

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