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How do i make this work if hvtarray is equal to 1

hvtarray = selectRandom [1,2];

if (hvtarray isEqualTo 1) then
hint "task1";
hvt1 = "O_officer_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos "hvt1";
"O_Soldier_AR_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos "hvt1";
"O_Soldier_AR_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos "hvt1";
thvt1 = player createSimpleTask ["Kill HVT"];
thvt1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "hvt1");
thvt1 settaskstate "Created";
else {//nothing};

if (hvtarray isEqualTo 2) then
hint "task2";
hvt2 = "O_officer_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos "hvt2";
"O_Soldier_AR_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos "hvt2";
"O_Soldier_AR_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos "hvt2";
thvt2 = player createSimpleTask ["Kill HVT"];
thvt2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "hvt2");
thvt2 settaskstate "Created";
else {//nothing};

hvtarray = 0;

The hint doesnt show up. i tried using == instead of isEqualTo but no luck.

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else {//nothing};

This breaks things. You're commenting out the end of the ELSE segment. So remove the '//nothing', or the whole else part if you don't intend to put anything in there.

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1 minute ago, Greenfist said:

else {//nothing};

This breaks things. You're commenting out the end of the ELSE segment. So remove the '//nothing', or the whole else part if you don't intend to put anything in there.

is it that simple?... different language of coding.

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9 minutes ago, Greenfist said:

else {//nothing};

This breaks things. You're commenting out the end of the ELSE segment. So remove the '//nothing', or the whole else part if you don't intend to put anything in there.

just got it working, how do i make the units become simulated?

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32 minutes ago, -NotGeorge- said:

just got it working, how do i make the units become simulated?

You try to create a unit with the createVehicle command.

Anything ring a bell?



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_asd = selectRandom [1,2];


if (_asd == 1) then 
hint "Result 1";
} else {};


if (_asd == 2) then 
hint "Result 2";
} else {};

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4 hours ago, -NotGeorge- said:

different language of coding

Huh? Even generic highlighter shows you that // comments out everything until the end of line, including closing curly bracket. Out of curiousity, what language would allow you to do this and get away with it?

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What about this code optimization:

Call {

  if (hvtarray isEqualTo 1) exitWith {< code1 >};

  < code 2 >;


I never understood the usage of "empty" else { } anyway!

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Empty else statements are actually a good coding practice. I have run into a couple of obscure coding languages(please don't ask what they were, it's been so long since I have worked with them i don't remember) that freak out if you don't have an actual else statement included.

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7 minutes ago, Squirtman said:

Empty else statements are actually a good coding practice. I have run into a couple of obscure coding languages(please don't ask what they were, it's been so long since I have worked with them i don't remember) that freak out if you don't have an actual else statement included.


Using empty else statements is also a very good indication to others that you have no clue what you are doing.

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