igneous01 19 Posted February 9, 2017 I am proud to present a new framework for mission makers to use. Thanks to the initial feedback, the framework was rewritten to utilize the latest scripting commands added for improved performance, as well as proper MP support with broadcasting / global events. Global events can be raised from any machine, and handlers registered to on client machines are remote executed when an event is raised. JIP is still being looked into for integration. IGN Event Framework gives mission makers custom event support, being able to define events, add handlers, and raising events. The framework was originally developed back in 2014 when I released Tiger Shark on the steam workshop (which heavily used it for updating tasks and controlling mission flow). Most of the 'pilot xxx' missions on Steam Workshop also use this framework. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/6c5o9louso1583o/IGN_EH_v1_1.zip The download comes with demo missions, documentation, and in 2 flavors - the typical scripted approach, and CfgFunctions approach, with instructions on how to install using both. There is also debug mode support, Documentation is included with a list of all calls and explanations for each in the Docs folder. There is a manual.pdf included, but it's not complete by any means. There are also some functions for creating functors/function objects, but this is still work in progress. Changelog: v 1.1: - added path parameter to IGN_EH_INIT.sqf, which lets you specify the path where IGN will compile scripts from. Useful if you wish to move the folder to a different directory. - compileFinal used instead of compile - rewrite of all functions to utilize new scripting commands (push, params, etc) - added proper MP support with global events and remote handlers - added new demo mission IGN_EH_MPDemo1_DedicatedServer.VR which showcases using events on dedicated server with clients - updated documentation v 1.0 - Initial Release Demo Missions: IGN_EH_SPDemo1.VR - a mission with 3 tasks using the traditional scripted approach IGN_EH_SPDemo2.VR - same mission, this time using the CfgFunctions approach IGN_EH_MPDemo1_DedicatedServer.VR - same mission, tweaked to use both Global and Local events Please feel free to leave feedback and any bugs encountered using this. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dr death jm 117 Posted February 9, 2017 ill try this out, thanks for sharing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted February 9, 2017 Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. GN Events Framework v1.0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad benson 1733 Posted February 9, 2017 looks interesting. i've been using something similar for both addon and mission stuff. your stuff looks real organised. i will probably learn some new stuff from looking through it. thank you for sharing. i was wondering since i couldn't find it yet. what method do you use to cycle through your EHs? like what kind of loop. addstacked frame EH? BIS_fnc_loop? just curious. sorry if you're not lookign to answer specific questions. np. i'll eventually find it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2728 Posted February 9, 2017 2 hours ago, bad benson said: looks interesting. i've been using something similar for both addon and mission stuff. your stuff looks real organised. i will probably learn some new stuff from looking through it. thank you for sharing. i was wondering since i couldn't find it yet. what method do you use to cycle through your EHs? like what kind of loop. addstacked frame EH? BIS_fnc_loop? just curious. sorry if you're not lookign to answer specific questions. np. i'll eventually find it As far as I can see these are not Events based on Code Conditions checked every Frame. You basically Add an Event and then raise it manually in a Trigger or something. It's basically a Signal-Slot system. See this from the functions_docs // thread 1 only tracks player death _thread_1 = spawn { waitUntil {!alive player}; [eventUnitDead, player] call IGN_fnc_raiseEvent; // this can be called at the same time as the other one! }; After a short look at the code my conclusion: Practical for some missionmakers. Code looks like its 2 years old. Performance very much not optimal. (call compile string in a couple places :/ and very old not using new engine possibilities) But probably not seriously bad. I wouldn't use it. If i need to execute a function at an event I would just call that function. If i need to execute multiple functions I would just call these functions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad benson 1733 Posted February 9, 2017 ah i see. didn't have time to look deeper. 1 hour ago, dedmen said: (call compile string in a couple places :/ and very old not using new engine possibilities) who would do such a horrible thing?! btw. i think he mentioned he wrote it a while back so tha would explain that. i think i'll go check it out and play with it a little. seems like a cool concept. EDIT: ok dedmen explained it to me. interesting. i will definately go check out your mission. i hope it's on the workshop Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larrow 2828 Posted February 9, 2017 From a quick look it does not seem that different from BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler other than for each different handle you create it adds a invisible helipad to your mission rather than using a namespace or existing object. It also does not handle returns from the events like the BI version can. TBH i doubt id use it over the BI version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
killzone_kid 1333 Posted February 9, 2017 IGN? http://uk.ign.com/ IGN? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2728 Posted February 9, 2017 47 minutes ago, killzone_kid said: IGN? http://uk.ign.com/ IGN? Igneous01 IGNeous01 IGN 1 hour ago, Larrow said: From a quick look it does not seem that different from BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler other than for each different handle you create it adds a invisible helipad to your mission rather than using a namespace or existing object. It also does not handle returns from the events like the BI version can. TBH i doubt id use it over the BI version. It really looks like it's the same just with slightly worse performance and that you have to include extra scripts instead of using the Game provided ones. BUT! the IGN system is MP compatible. From what i can see from the wiki the BIS scriptedEH's don't support remoteExec and stuff Scratch that. The IGN System has functions for Server and Client handlers but I couldn't find any remoteExec or BIS_fnc_mp or publicVariable EH. From what i can see it only executes the handlers locally no matter what you do. Well you can run a spawn loop on every client to wait for the event to have the raised variable set to true. Also I didn't know about spawning the Helipads.. If he just want's to store variables he can use a Location instead which should have lower performance impact. This Framework seems pretty useless to me. But after rewriting most of it and cleaning everything up and adding MP functionality it may be very useful to some people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad benson 1733 Posted February 9, 2017 man. now i feel like i opened a can of worms with my initial question. sorry igneous01. sorry for making everyone shit on your script. i'm sure it's just their assburgers way of giving you tipps how to improve it 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
killzone_kid 1333 Posted February 9, 2017 24 minutes ago, dedmen said: Igneous01 IGNeous01 IGN The fact that it was capitalised made me look into this thread assuming IGN network had ventured into Arma with some games related stuff ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
igneous01 19 Posted February 9, 2017 2 hours ago, dedmen said: As far as I can see these are not Events based on Code Conditions checked every Frame. You basically Add an Event and then raise it manually in a Trigger or something. It's basically a Signal-Slot system. See this from the functions_docs // thread 1 only tracks player death _thread_1 = spawn { waitUntil {!alive player}; [eventUnitDead, player] call IGN_fnc_raiseEvent; // this can be called at the same time as the other one! }; After a short look at the code my conclusion: Practical for some missionmakers. Code looks like its 2 years old. Performance very much not optimal. (call compile string in a couple places :/ and very old not using new engine possibilities) But probably not seriously bad. I wouldn't use it. If i need to execute a function at an event I would just call that function. If i need to execute multiple functions I would just call these functions. Yes, it uses some old scripting commands (I'm getting up to speed on all the new ones they added, especially the collection commands for pushback and sort). 56 minutes ago, dedmen said: Igneous01 IGNeous01 IGN It really looks like it's the same just with slightly worse performance and that you have to include extra scripts instead of using the Game provided ones. BUT! the IGN system is MP compatible. From what i can see from the wiki the BIS scriptedEH's don't support remoteExec and stuff Scratch that. The IGN System has functions for Server and Client handlers but I couldn't find any remoteExec or BIS_fnc_mp or publicVariable EH. From what i can see it only executes the handlers locally no matter what you do. Well you can run a spawn loop on every client to wait for the event to have the raised variable set to true. Also I didn't know about spawning the Helipads.. If he just want's to store variables he can use a Location instead which should have lower performance impact. This Framework seems pretty useless to me. But after rewriting most of it and cleaning everything up and adding MP functionality it may be very useful to some people. This library will be maintained, so I'm glad dedmen is being honest here, because that's what I was looking for if this is to be something widely accepted by the community. Dedman: I'm glad you mentioned location - but how would one associate new instances with locations (which I believe are static)? I'm also glad you mentioned MP - you're right that remote exec is not here (yet), so far just some local based event creations. IGN_fnc_createEventServer is the most well defined because it does a setVehicleVarInit and publicVariable so that it broadcasts across mp. The local ones with remote exec is still something to be done. This is still in its infancy, however I will be releasing some updates to this (adding support for routed events for UI) when I release my dialog framework script (which relies on this). Dedman, if you have any other concerns please voice them, so that I can properly address them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
igneous01 19 Posted February 9, 2017 1 hour ago, Larrow said: From a quick look it does not seem that different from BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler other than for each different handle you create it adds a invisible helipad to your mission rather than using a namespace or existing object. It also does not handle returns from the events like the BI version can. TBH i doubt id use it over the BI version. BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler only lets you register to predefined events. If you needed to define your own event, it will not work. Think of this as more than just Event Handling - this is signal and slots / observer pattern support for missions. If you need to notify multiple entities that something has happened, it makes sense using this lib. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
igneous01 19 Posted February 9, 2017 42 minutes ago, bad benson said: man. now i feel like i opened a can of worms with my initial question. sorry igneous01. sorry for making everyone shit on your script. i'm sure it's just their assburgers way of giving you tipps how to improve it don't worry about it, if people are willing to criticize it this much, that means that there is a need to have a robust library for doing these sorts of things. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad benson 1733 Posted February 9, 2017 yea i was half joking. just trying to lighten the mood a little . dedmen has been pretty helpful to me and others in the past. i'm sure with some pointers this could be optimised and even expanded to something beyond what BIS_fnc provide. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larrow 2828 Posted February 9, 2017 3 hours ago, igneous01 said: BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler only lets you register to predefined events. If you needed to define your own event, it will not work. Think of this as more than just Event Handling - this is signal and slots / observer pattern support for missions. If you need to notify multiple entities that something has happened, it makes sense using this lib. No you are incorrect a signal and slots / observer pattern is exactly what the BI functions are and you can definitely create your own as I have made use of it quite a lot when I need feedback from a selection of objects and you can just add the event and fire it off when needed. { [ missionNamespace, "MyEvent", compile format[ " params[ '_namePlayer' ]; systemChat format [ 'Hello %1 my names %2', _namePlayer ]; ", "%1", name _x ] ] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler; }forEach allUnits; player addAction[ "Say Hello", { systemChat format[ "Hello my names %1", name player ]; [ missionNamespace, "MyEvent", [ name player ] ] call BIS_fnc_callScriptedEventHandler; }]; Place this in init.sqf, when the player uses the action he says hello and all units will say hello back and state their name, its like a virtual armaholic meeting. :D 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
igneous01 19 Posted February 10, 2017 1 hour ago, Larrow said: No you are incorrect a signal and slots / observer pattern is exactly what the BI functions are and you can definitely create your own as I have made use of it quite a lot when I need feedback from a selection of objects and you can just add the event and fire it off when needed. { [ missionNamespace, "MyEvent", compile format[ " params[ '_namePlayer' ]; systemChat format [ 'Hello %1 my names %2', _namePlayer ]; ", "%1", name _x ] ] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler; }forEach allUnits; player addAction[ "Say Hello", { systemChat format[ "Hello my names %1", name player ]; [ missionNamespace, "MyEvent", [ name player ] ] call BIS_fnc_callScriptedEventHandler; }]; Place this in init.sqf, when the player uses the action he says hello and all units will say hello back and state their name, its like a virtual armaholic meeting. :D you're right, sorry my mistake. Well, initially it looks like I've duplicated existing code that BIS created, so I'm in the process of rewriting it (and add proper MP support). I do have a few questions for the mp scripters out there: 1. What happens if you have a function (that returns a value with call) that has checks for (isServer)? If you call the function, then all client machines will call it as well (assuming you are not doing if(isServer) call fnc) but in this case, only the server will return a proper value? I want to say that this should probably be avoided if someone forgets to wrap a call with isServer. fnc = { private _obj = locationNull; if (isServer) { _obj = createLocation[...]; }; _obj; // client will get locationNull? }; 2. is createLocation global, or local? There's no mention of this on the biki. 3. would this invoke a broadcast? _event getVariable "handlers" pushback [clientOwner, _handle]; publicVariable _event; 4. Is there a need to be able to register a handler from a client machine to a server event? 5. Is there a need for a client to be able to raise a server event? 6. Is there a need for a client to be able to raise another clients event? So far I have a broadcasting event, and a normal local event, but I'm wondering if there's more that's needed? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
killzone_kid 1333 Posted February 10, 2017 (edited) 11 minutes ago, igneous01 said: is createLocation global, or local? There's no mention of this on the biki. you can test it and update wiki EDIT: Actually it says it right there https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createLocation However you can still test it if not sure. Edited February 10, 2017 by killzone_kid biki link Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2728 Posted February 10, 2017 To your Mp questions 1. Exactly. Only the server will get a correct return Value. 2. Check CBA's code for namespaces https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/blob/master/addons/common/fnc_createNamespace.sqf So apparently Localtions are really only local. They are using an empty vehicle for Globals. 3. I'm not sure. Test it. But I think this will onl... This will not even work but I guess you mean publicVariable "_event"; and no.. you can't publicVar local variables. But I guess you just meant publicVariabling the object. I don't think that broadcasting the variable bound to an object will broadcast the objects variable. Just setVariable ["",value,true] for that. 4. Possible. But better have features that not everyone needs than missing some features 5. yes 6. Event probably not... Maybe. But Clients may want to register handlers to other clients events. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
igneous01 19 Posted February 12, 2017 Updated to 1.1 I was looking into locations, but they are seriously hindered by the fact that publicVariable wont support them. In fact to use locations on a global event each client would need to have it's own local copy of the same event with manual updating each time, which is what publicVariable helps address. The call compile format was removed, but it had its uses: Reasoning for using call compile format ["%1 = _this", _name]; This allows you to create an event, without having to specify a global variable AND the string name to match. With it, you can do the following: [[], "SAMPLE_EVENT"] call IGN_fnc_createEvent; hint SAMPLE_EVENT; // this variable is now available In my opinion this keeps things more consistent rather than having the variable and the string match exactly. Which introduces fewer bugs. But for now it's been removed for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone for the initial feedback, keep it coming! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted February 12, 2017 Updated version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. GN Events Framework v1.1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites