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How to create a custom squad?

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Hello everyone,


I am trying to  create a multiplayer mission file and for that i need to create units in scripts. So basically there is this big AO which a lot of enemies will be  randomly patrolling. These enemies will not just be default squads they are custom squads with custom gear. And not to mention the vehicles and civilians too. Some are hostages. Now I have no idea what so ever how to do that. I created some composition files with each unit's gear and his attributes. However I have no idea whats so ever how to use that to write the script I need.


If you require any other information please let me know, this is the first question and I still have many more. But just tarting small this time

Thank you in advance.

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You are a very brave man attempting to start scripting from scratch. I suggest you find a mission that looks similar to what you want, open it up, learn how it is made and then modify how you want. This way you can learn scripting much quicker.

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33 minutes ago, killzone_kid said:

You are a very brave man attempting to start scripting from scratch. I suggest you find a mission that looks similar to what you want, open it up, learn how it is made and then modify how you want. This way you can learn scripting much quicker.

Thanks bro i guess i will try that. If I manage to do this myself as well I will just post the answer here...


And thanks again for the kind words, i do feel sometimes that i am so stupid for not starting small with some little missions instead of going straight to make an invade and annex server





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Try something like this. If it's not exactly what you need it should get you started.


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4 hours ago, JD Wang said:

Try something like this. If it's not exactly what you need it should get you started.


Thanks bro, much appreciated, but I am already almost done with it.

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I don't understand you. You can custom whatever you want from the editor now directly into units vehicles ect.  You just need to find what  ever AI spawn and behavior Scripts that work for your mission.  You just have everything spawn in the AO from triggers. Why would you try to script that from a blink SQF.  Just my 2cents. Some people who are advanced scripters don't like to see any markers  triggers game logics vehicles  units and waypoints on the mission.sqm but I do it's the same thing as scripting all the stuff yes you may get overall better game performance but if you don't have everything spawn in at once and don't reach your 144 cap  you will have no real issues. I prefer to see my shit on the map you can tweak things better in my opinion.

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2 hours ago, Mr. Birdman said:

I don't understand you. You can custom whatever you want from the editor now directly into units vehicles ect.  You just need to find what  ever AI spawn and behavior Scripts that work for your mission.  You just have everything spawn in the AO from triggers. Why would you try to script that from a blink SQF.  Just my 2cents. Some people who are advanced scripters don't like to see any markers  triggers game logics vehicles  units and waypoints on the mission.sqm but I do it's the same thing as scripting all the stuff yes you may get overall better game performance but if you don't have everything spawn in at once and don't reach your 144 cap  you will have no real issues. I prefer to see my shit on the map you can tweak things better in my opinion.


Hey buddy,

when i asked this question i was still unaware of the scripting commands, no worries I have advanced and I am nearly done with my DAC. However I did pick something from you, what is the "144 cap"??

Is there a maximum number of AIs i can have active on a server??



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Yes not AI but groups of AI so if you have one armor vehicle and a squad of 25 units that would be 2 -144 group cap so you can only put down 142 more. However if you are going to script all the units from SQF's then you have no issues unless you spawn them all in at once. You should have a script to delete empty groups if you are going to have a large mission over a few hrs to  multiple days. Avibird1

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1 minute ago, Mr. Birdman said:

Yes not AI but groups of AI so if you have one armor vehicle and a squad of 25 units that would be 2 -144 group cap so you can only put down 142 more. However if you are going to script all the units from SQF's then you have no issues unless you spawn them all in at once. You should have a script to delete empty groups if you are going to have a large mission over a few hrs to  multiple days. Avibird1

hmm Thanks, appreciate it will do that

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This is what I usually did back in the day.  In the mission editor, I created a bunch of dot markers and set the transparency to 0%.  I then named the marker stuff like, p1_1, and copied it a bunch of times, making p1_2, p1_3, etc.  I copied them into waypoint positions that I wanted my patrols to go to.  For each new "random" patrol, I would add 1 to the p, IE, p2_1.  Eventually, I would have like 11 or 12 possible p#_# routes.  Then in my script, I have a switch do statement with random in my condition.  I would have random pick a number between 1 and the total number of my patrols.  That switch statement would then assign the markers as waypoint positions for my patrol.



I also reused a lot of patrol points for other patrols.  I made sure vehicle waypoints went into intersections and major road hubs.  I would name particularly important waypoints, like intersections in populated areas, uniquely.  IE: townName_intersection_1.  I also added invisible markers for AI helicopter landing zones and regroup positions.  So I would have triggers that would send special forces or counter attacks to certain waypoints if the player was detected in a certain spot, or if certain mission parameters became true.


edit2: getMarkerPos: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getMarkerPos


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1 hour ago, stuguy said:

This is what I usually did back in the day.  In the mission editor, I created a bunch of dot markers and set the transparency to 0%.  I then named the marker stuff like, p1_1, and copied it a bunch of times, making p1_2, p1_3, etc.  I copied them into waypoint positions that I wanted my patrols to go to.  For each new "random" patrol, I would add 1 to the p, IE, p2_1.  Eventually, I would have like 11 or 12 possible p#_# routes.  Then in my script, I have a switch do statement with random in my condition.  I would have random pick a number between 1 and the total number of my patrols.  That switch statement would then assign the markers as waypoint positions for my patrol.



I also reused a lot of patrol points for other patrols.  I made sure vehicle waypoints went into intersections and major road hubs.  I would name particularly important waypoints, like intersections in populated areas, uniquely.  IE: townName_intersection_1.  I also added invisible markers for AI helicopter landing zones and regroup positions.  So I would have triggers that would send special forces or counter attacks to certain waypoints if the player was detected in a certain spot, or if certain mission parameters became true.


edit2: getMarkerPos: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getMarkerPos


wow that's a a lot of work. I set mine up this way:

private _RandomPatrol = [_reconsquad, getMarkerPos MAINAOLOC, 2000] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;


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fn_setPatrol = {
 params ["_reconsquad"];
 _RandomPatrol = "";
  switch (floor random 6) do{
      case 1: {_RandomPatrol = [_reconsquad, getMarkerPos "ANOTHERLOC0", 2000] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;};
      case 2: {_RandomPatrol = [_reconsquad, getMarkerPos "ANOTHERLOC1", 2000] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;};
      case 3: {_RandomPatrol = [_reconsquad, getMarkerPos "ANOTHERLOC2", 2000] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;};
      case 4: {_RandomPatrol = [_reconsquad, getMarkerPos "ANOTHERLOC3", 2000] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;};
      case 5: {_RandomPatrol = [_reconsquad, getMarkerPos "ANOTHERLOC4", 2000] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;};
      default : {_RandomPatrol = [_reconsquad, getMarkerPos "MAINAOLOC", 2000] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;};

edited to turn into a function that accepts a group.

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edit: I haven't been giving you solid programs.  So I checked all of my work and made you a script that does work, assuming the BIS randomizer doesn't give the unit an armor that isn't large enough for the loadout, in that case, make the randomizer false.

_reconGroups = [];
_reconGroups resize 4;
_reconGroups = _reconGroups apply {[grpNull]};
fn_myMarker = {
	_marker = [];
	_num = floor random 9;
	hint str _num;
	switch (_num) do{
		case 1: {_marker = getMarkerPos "p1_1";};
		case 2: {_marker = getMarkerPos "p1_2";};
		case 3: {_marker = getMarkerPos "p1_3";};
		case 4: {_marker = getMarkerPos "p1_4";};
		case 5: {_marker = getMarkerPos "p1_5";};
		case 6: {_marker = getMarkerPos "p1_6";};
		case 7: {_marker = getMarkerPos "p1_7";};
		case 8: {_marker = getMarkerPos "p1_8";};
		case 9: {_marker = getMarkerPos "p1_9";};
	_x = createGroup east;
	_marker = call fn_myMarker;
	_unit1 = _x createUnit [ "O_T_Recon_M_F", _marker, [], 0, "NONE" ];
	[_unit1] joinSilent _x;
	_unit1 setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization", true];
	_unit1 setRank "SERGEANT"; 
	comment "Exported from Arsenal by stuguy";
	comment "Remove existing items";
	removeAllWeapons _unit1;
	removeAllItems _unit1;
	removeAllAssignedItems _unit1;
	removeUniform _unit1;
	removeVest _unit1;
	removeBackpack _unit1;
	removeHeadgear _unit1;
	removeGoggles _unit1;
	comment "Add containers";
	_unit1 forceAddUniform "U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo";
	_unit1 addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit";
	for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit1 addItemToUniform "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green";};
	_unit1 addVest "V_TacVest_khk";
	_unit1 addItemToVest "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green";
	for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit1 addItemToVest "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green_mag_Tracer";};
	for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit1 addItemToVest "16Rnd_9x21_Mag";};
	for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit1 addItemToVest "HandGrenade";};
	for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit1 addItemToVest "O_IR_Grenade";};
	_unit1 addItemToVest "SmokeShell";
	_unit1 addItemToVest "SmokeShellRed";
	_unit1 addItemToVest "SmokeShellOrange";
	_unit1 addItemToVest "SmokeShellYellow";
	for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit1 addItemToVest "Chemlight_red";};
	_unit1 addHeadgear "H_HelmetLeaderO_ocamo";
	comment "Add weapons";
	_unit1 addWeapon "arifle_Katiba_F";
	_unit1 addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";
	_unit1 addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Arco_blk_F";
	_unit1 addWeapon "hgun_Rook40_F";
	_unit1 addWeapon "Binocular";
	comment "Add items";
	_unit1 linkItem "ItemMap";
	_unit1 linkItem "ItemCompass";
	_unit1 linkItem "ItemWatch";
	_unit1 linkItem "ItemRadio";
	_unit1 linkItem "ItemGPS";
	_unit1 linkItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR";
	_unit2 = _x createUnit [ "O_T_Recon_M_F", _marker, [], 0, "NONE" ];
	[_unit2] joinSilent _x;
	_unit2 setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization", true];
	_unit2 setRank "CORPORAL";
	removeAllWeapons _unit2;
	removeAllItems _unit2;
	removeAllAssignedItems _unit2;
	removeUniform _unit2;
	removeVest _unit2;
	removeBackpack _unit2;
	removeHeadgear _unit2;
	removeGoggles _unit2;
	_unit2 forceAddUniform "U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo";
	_unit2 addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit";
	for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit2 addItemToUniform "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green";};
	_unit2 addVest "V_HarnessO_brn";
	for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_unit2 addItemToVest "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green";};
	for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit2 addItemToVest "16Rnd_9x21_Mag";};
	for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit2 addItemToVest "HandGrenade";};
	_unit2 addItemToVest "SmokeShell";
	_unit2 addItemToVest "SmokeShellRed";
	_unit2 addItemToVest "SmokeShellOrange";
	_unit2 addItemToVest "SmokeShellYellow";
	for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit2 addItemToVest "Chemlight_red";};
	_unit2 addBackpack "B_FieldPack_cbr_Repair";
	for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit2 addItemToBackpack "ToolKit";};
	_unit2 addHeadgear "H_HelmetO_ocamo";
	_unit2 addWeapon "arifle_Katiba_C_F";
	_unit2 addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";
	_unit2 addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_ACO_grn";
	_unit2 addWeapon "hgun_Rook40_F";
	_unit2 linkItem "ItemMap";
	_unit2 linkItem "ItemCompass";
	_unit2 linkItem "ItemWatch";
	_unit2 linkItem "ItemRadio";
	_unit2 linkItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR";
	_unit3 = _x createUnit [ "O_T_Recon_M_F", _marker, [], 0, "NONE" ];
	[_unit3] joinSilent _x;
	_unit3 setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization", true];
	_unit3 setRank "PRIVATE";
	removeAllWeapons _unit3;
	removeAllItems _unit3;
	removeAllAssignedItems _unit3;
	removeUniform _unit3;
	removeVest _unit3;
	removeBackpack _unit3;
	removeHeadgear _unit3;
	removeGoggles _unit3;
	_unit3 forceAddUniform "U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo";
	_unit3 addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit";
	_unit3 addItemToUniform "ACE_Clacker";
	_unit3 addItemToUniform "ACE_DefusalKit";
	_unit3 addItemToUniform "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green";
	for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit3 addItemToUniform "Chemlight_red";};
	_unit3 addItemToUniform "HandGrenade";
	_unit3 addVest "V_TacVest_khk";
	for "_i" from 1 to 4 do {_unit3 addItemToVest "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green";};
	for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit3 addItemToVest "16Rnd_9x21_Mag";};
	for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_unit3 addItemToVest "APERSMine_Range_Mag";};
	_unit3 addItemToVest "HandGrenade";
	_unit3 addItemToVest "SmokeShell";
	_unit3 addItemToVest "SmokeShellRed";
	_unit3 addBackpack "B_Carryall_ocamo_Exp";
	for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit3 addItemToBackpack "MineDetector";};
	for "_i" from 1 to 6 do {_unit3 addItemToBackpack "APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag";};
	for "_i" from 1 to 4 do {_unit3 addItemToBackpack "ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag";};
	for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_unit3 addItemToBackpack "SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Mag";};
	_unit3 addItemToBackpack "DemoCharge_Remote_Mag";
	_unit3 addHeadgear "H_HelmetO_ocamo";
	_unit3 addWeapon "arifle_Katiba_C_F";
	_unit3 addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";
	_unit3 addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_ACO_grn";
	_unit3 addWeapon "hgun_Rook40_F";
	_unit3 linkItem "ItemMap";
	_unit3 linkItem "ItemCompass";
	_unit3 linkItem "ItemWatch";
	_unit3 linkItem "ItemRadio";
	_unit3 linkItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR";
	_unit4 = _x createUnit [ "O_T_Recon_M_F", _marker, [], 0, "NONE" ];
	[_unit4] joinSilent _x;
	_unit4 setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization", true];
	_unit4 setRank "PRIVATE";
	removeAllWeapons _unit4;
	removeAllItems _unit4;
	removeAllAssignedItems _unit4;
	removeUniform _unit4;
	removeVest _unit4;
	removeBackpack _unit4;
	removeHeadgear _unit4;
	removeGoggles _unit4;
	_unit4 forceAddUniform "U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo";
	_unit4 addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit";
	for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit4 addItemToUniform "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green";};
	_unit4 addVest "V_TacVest_khk";
	for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_unit4 addItemToVest "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green";};
	for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit4 addItemToVest "16Rnd_9x21_Mag";};
	_unit4 addItemToVest "SmokeShell";
	_unit4 addItemToVest "SmokeShellRed";
	_unit4 addItemToVest "SmokeShellOrange";
	_unit4 addItemToVest "SmokeShellYellow";
	for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit4 addItemToVest "Chemlight_red";};
	_unit4 addBackpack "B_FieldPack_ocamo_Medic";
	for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit4 addItemToBackpack "Medikit";};
	for "_i" from 1 to 20 do {_unit4 addItemToBackpack "FirstAidKit";};
	_unit4 addHeadgear "H_HelmetO_ocamo";
	_unit4 addWeapon "arifle_Katiba_F";
	_unit4 addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";
	_unit4 addWeapon "hgun_Rook40_F";
	_unit4 linkItem "ItemMap";
	_unit4 linkItem "ItemCompass";
	_unit4 linkItem "ItemWatch";
	_unit4 linkItem "ItemRadio";
	_unit4 linkItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR";
	[_x,_marker, 100] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;
	//_reconGroups set [_forEachIndex, _grp];
}forEach _reconGroups;

This function creates four squads of 4 and randomly places them to waypoints.  Below this post is a link for the full mission file to show how this works.  It sometimes throws errors because too many man spawn on top of each other at one spot, or the loadouts prevent the unit equipment settings from firing off.  This can be fixed by playing with the unit creation settings to spread them out a bit and setting "BIS_enableRandomization", false.  This script was just an example on how to quickly make 4 dudes in 4 recon teams and randomize their patrols and spawn locations.  Tweak it to fit your needs.

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@stuguy Thanks alot bro, however, i have solved my problem a little different since it struck me that I will need to spawn each squad multiple times in different AOs so instead i created a file and placed the following script in them

 File Name: movingSniperTeam.sqf
 Created by: Y. Ibrahim
 Community: Arma Team Play
 TS: ateamplay.clants.nl

 Use, distribution and editing of this file is authorized as long
 as the credits above are left untouched. However, if you would like
 to use multiple files wriiten by this author you are required to get
 author's permission.
_null = [];

private ["_sniperSquad","_sniper","_spotter"];
_sniperSquad = creategroup east;
private _randomspawnpos = [(getmarkerpos MAINAOLOC), random 1000, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
_randomspawnpos = [_randomspawnpos, 1, 500, 5, 0, 40, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

_sniper = _sniperSquad createUnit ["O_sniper_F", _randomspawnpos, _null, 1, "FORM"];//Sniper
_spotter = _sniperSquad createUnit ["O_spotter_F", _randomspawnpos, _null, 1, "FORM"];//Spotter

_sniperSquad selectLeader _sniper;
_sniperSquad setBehaviour "Safe";
_sniperSquad setSpeedMode "Limited";
private _RandomPatrol = [_sniperSquad, getMarkerPos MAINAOLOC, 1000] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;

{//Removing Current gear of all units

	removeallweapons _x;
	removeuniform _x;
	removeheadgear _x;
	removebackpack _x;
	removeAllAssignedItems _x;
	removeallitems _x;
	removeVest _x;
	removeGoggles _x;

}foreach units _sniperSquad;

/******************** Sniper ************************************************************/
_sniper addUniform "U_O_FullGhillie_ard";
_sniper addVest "V_BandollierB_cbr";
_sniper addWeapon "Rangefinder";

_sniper addItemToUniform "5Rnd_127x108_Mag";
_sniper addItemToUniform "5Rnd_127x108_Mag";
for "_i" from 1 to 4 do {
	_sniper addItemToUniform "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag";

//Items to be assigned
_sniper addItemtoVest "ItemMap";
_sniper assignItem "ItemMap";
_sniper addItemtovest "ItemCompass";
_sniper assignItem "ItemCompass";
_sniper addItemtovest "ItemWatch";
_sniper assignItem "ItemWatch";
_sniper addItemtovest "ItemRadio";
_sniper assignItem "ItemRadio";
_sniper addItemtovest "ItemGPS";
_sniper assignItem "ItemGPS";
_sniper addItemtovest "NVGoggles";
_sniper assignItem "NVGoggles";

for "_i" from 1 to 4 do {
	_sniper addItemToVest "5Rnd_127x108_Mag";
_sniper addItemtoVest "FirstAidKit";
_sniper addItemtoVest "FirstAidKit";

//Primary Weapon
_sniper addWeapon "srifle_GM6_camo_F";
_sniper addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_KHS_hex";
_sniper addPrimaryWeaponItem "5Rnd_127x108_Mag";

_sniper addWeapon "hgun_ACPC2_F";
_sniper addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_acp";
_sniper addHandgunItem "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag";

/******************* Spotter ************************************************************/
_spotter addUniform "U_O_FullGhillie_ard";
_spotter addVest "V_Chestrig_khk";
_spotter addHeadgear "";
_spotter addGoggles "";
_spotter addWeapon "Laserdesignator_02";

_spotter addItemToUniform "Chemlight_red";
_spotter addItemToUniform "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green";
_spotter addItemToUniform "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green";
_spotter addItemToUniform "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green";
_spotter addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit";

//Items to be assigned
_spotter addItemtoVest "ItemMap";
_spotter assignItem "ItemMap";
_spotter addItemtovest "ItemCompass";
_spotter assignItem "ItemCompass";
_spotter addItemtovest "ItemWatch";
_spotter assignItem "ItemWatch";
_spotter addItemtovest "ItemRadio";
_spotter assignItem "ItemRadio";
_spotter addItemtovest "ItemGPS";
_spotter assignItem "ItemGPS";
_spotter addItemtovest "NVGoggles";
_spotter assignItem "NVGoggles";

_spotter addItemtoVest "16Rnd_9x21_Mag";
_spotter addItemtoVest "16Rnd_9x21_Mag";
_spotter addItemtoVest "ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag";
_spotter addItemtoVest "APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag";
_spotter addItemToVest "MiniGrenade";
_spotter addItemToVest "MiniGrenade";
_spotter addItemToVest "O_IR_Grenade";
_spotter addItemToVest "O_IR_Grenade";
_spotter addItemToVest "Smokeshell";
_spotter addItemToVest "SmokeshellRed";
_spotter addItemToVest "SmokeshellOrange";
_spotter addItemToVest "SmokeshellYellow";
_spotter addItemToVest "Chemlight_red";
_spotter addItemToVest "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green";
for "i" from 1 to 3 do {
	_spotter addItemToVest "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell";
_spotter addItemToVest "Laserbatteries";
_spotter addItemToVest "SmokeshellGreen";
_spotter addItemToVest "FirstAidKit";

//Primary Weapon
_spotter addWeapon "arifle_Katiba_GL_F";
_spotter addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Arco_blk_F";
_spotter addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_H";
_spotter addPrimaryWeaponItem "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green";

_spotter addWeapon "hgun_Rook40_F";
_spotter addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_L";
_spotter addHandgunItem "16Rnd_9x21_Mag";

i then just call the script from the file which will run the mission as many times as i need it and it works like a dream. Units spawn randomly in a safe location, they group up together, patrol within the area defined as they should. it is just perfect. Going to just have to add the script which will delete them once the squad is either empty or mission is over. Later tonight though :)

Anyways thanks a lot bro, you taught me a lot and you are going into the credits section right at top

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