Hello Arma Community,

I present to you:

Shock's Redressing Script Short Description: This script allows for a mission developer to essentially dress units to his/her liking, from insurgent armies, to just about anything. This script is, as far as testing can tell, mod friendly all you need are the classnames. *Confirmed compatiblity with Zeus and EOS systems. Special thanks to: Cuel - Script code Dwringer - Script code Larrow - Script Code JCae2789 - Testing (v1.5b) Usage: Place the JSHK_Redress folder in your mission file. Parameters for the script are as follows: 1- Side - (EAST, WEST, CIV, INDEPENDENT) (default: EAST) 2- Use of special units- (true/false) (default: true) 3- Check for spawned units- (true/false) (default: false) Example call lines for your init.sqf: //For only on mission start (one time redress) null = [EAST, true, false] execVM "JSHK_Redress\redressInit.sqf"; //For continuous checking to redress any "spawned" units null = [EAST, true, true] execVM "JSHK_Redress\redressInit.sqf"; Place the follwing in the descripting.ext file: class CfgFunctions { #include "JSHK_Redress\cfgfunctions.hpp" }; Then the fun part, filling out the gear and other arrays. First go into the JSHK_Redress folder, and open the file named redressInit.sqf. Within that you will see blocks of code exampled below: //Need to exclude certain units/groups, fill out the below arrays! //----------------------------- _indvUnitExclude = [indv1, indv2];//<<Put individual unit's variable names here. _grpUnitExculde = [grp1];//<<Put the group leaders' variable names here. _factionExclusion = ["rhs_faction_msv"];//<<Put faction classnames here (can be obtained using the "faction" command on a unit) //https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/faction //----------------------------- //Gear classnames go below! //----------------------------- JSHK_weaponArr = ["LMG_Zafir_F","arifle_Mk20_F"]; JSHK_uniformArr = ["U_IG_Guerilla3_1","U_IG_Guerilla3_2","U_IG_Guerilla1_1","U_IG_Guerilla2_1","U_IG_Guerilla2_2","U_IG_Guerilla2_3","U_IG_leader"]; JSHK_vestArr = ["V_BandollierB_khk", "Vest_V_BandollierB_rgr", "Vest_V_Chestrig_rgr"]; JSHK_headArr = ["H_Shemag_olive","H_ShemagOpen_khk","H_ShemagOpen_tan"]; JSHK_goggleArr = [""]; JSHK_backpackArr = ["B_FieldPack_cbr","B_OutdoorPack_tan"]; //----------------------------- //Special Units Classnames //----------------------------- JSHK_ATunits = ["O_Soldier_AT_F","I_Soldier_AT_F","B_Soldier_AT_F"]; JSHK_Medicalunits = ["O_medic_F","I_medic_F","B_medic_F"]; JSHK_AAunits = ["O_Soldier_AA_F","I_Soldier_AA_F","B_Soldier_AA_F"]; //----------------------------- In the block of code regarding exclusion, any units or factions that you don't want to be redressed place them in one of the three arrays provided. In the block that says "Gear classnames go below!", place all the gear in their respective arrays, default gear is a vanilla insurgent look. In the block entitled "Special Units Classnames", these are your support units, currently supported are AT, AA, and medical, just place the classname of these units in the array (can be mod units). (You can alter these specific loadouts in the JSHK_Redress\fn_Redress.sqf file, PM me for questions in that regard) Download: Changelog: v1.5.2 >>Added functionality to exclude factions of a certain side (so some factions are/are not redressed). v1.5.1 >>Fixed variable name error on special unit arrays in redress process causing script to not work. v1.5b(BETA) >>Added parameter for script support with systems such as MCC/Zeus/EOS/etc. (essentially when units are spawned during mission play time) >>Script structure (moved to file functions) >>Added the ability for user to define special unit (AT, AA, Medical) classnames >>Removed capability to add grenades via the call line (can be altered in the JSHK_Redress\fn_Redress.sqf file) v1.2 >>Added "exclusion" capability of individual or groups of units, so that they are not redressed. v1.17.1 >> Added a goggles array for more redressing options. v1.17 >>Fixed the uniform not being "redressed" issue. v1.15 >>Added the option to redress "special" units (AT,AA,CLS) with proper gear (launchers, medikits), based on classname of the unit. >>Added the option to provide grenades to units. >>Added a vest array, the same as the other gear arrays given. v1.1 >> Made it side dependent, not individual units. Example/shared loadout profiles for the script (please post yours :D ):