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[ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Battle of Sangin [Insurgency]

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I've updated all four of my missions with the Insurgency tag to ALiVE 1.2.9 standards (the ALiVE developers fixed a persistence issue on their end but also asked me to do something on my end just to be safe). I've also added a shooting range with Virtual Arsenal to all of them too because sometimes I like playing around with new weapons and learning how they work.


I'll get through the other releases tonight.

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Hey again! I've finally had som time to enjoy this mission and I like it alot. Now I to lure my "download mods manually-hating" friends to download the map!

Just one question though; Is there some delay before you can use Combat support after calling in CAS? The reason I ask is because I got in a pretty intense contact, and my squad was wiped including me.

When I respawned I wanted to hurry so I grabbed an "old" loadout from another mission wich included the ALiVE-tablet from the arsenal, but either the CS or LOG actions were available, but Commanders options were there, including Personel and the other stuff in there.

Anyways, looking forward to get this on the dedi, just waiting for the loooong upload speed via my slow out-line.

Cool mission and aaaages since I played Sangin. Cheers again


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@gaZthme I'm glad you're enjoying the mission. Sangin is of a class of its own, and IMO the absolute king of Afghan style maps. It's so beautiful and varied. Welcome back to Helmand Province. :)


Regarding the ability to call in CAS and Transport, no their is no delay. How are you loading your gear? From the regular old vanilla Virtual Arsenal or Spyder's "Loadout Manager?"


I haven't had your specific issue, but I have had old loadouts become corrupted due to mod and game updates. For example, I like to use the "Loadout Manager" and a few weeks back I loaded up some saved RHS Russian gear in my October Skies mission. Well, for whatever reason, doing this meant although I could load the gear just fine, I couldn't move after loading it. Lol. I was stuck in place. Deleting and replacing the saved loadout profile fixed it.


My best guess is, as the game updates and mods update, stored loadouts get outdated and need to be wiped and made fresh.


To access the Commander Tablet, and use CAS and Transport, the player must have a vanilla laser designator in their inventory. Assuming you had that, and still didn't have the options, I'm going to guess deleting and creating a new loadout in either Spyder's manager or the VA itself will fix the problem.


If not, please let me know. I haven't had this specific issue myself, but if you see it again do report back and I'll try to either fix it or report it to the ALiVE team (or Spyder if it's just his Loadout Manager and not VA) to fix.

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15 minutes ago, HeroesandvillainsOS said:

To access the Commander Tablet, and use CAS and Transport, the player must have a vanilla laser designator in their inventory. Assuming you had that, and still didn't have the options, I'm going to guess deleting and creating a new loadout in either Spyder's manager or the VA itself will fix the problem.

There we have it. I used "alive_tablet" as required equipment on the CAS and LOG modules on the mission I created the loadout in, which means it spawned without the gear needed in your mission. Thanks again, and disregard the "issue" :)

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Just wanted to say that this mission, and all your other missions, are just simply amazing. I make missions myself but suck pretty badly (and don't have nearly enough time to make them), so these missions allow me to play something with a small group of friends instead of pissing about in the editor for hours. Love the immersion and usage of @ALiVE.


Also a thanks for scaling down the mods used. I understand the need to get more things into the game (I love mods ;)) but my friends have already realized I love them a little bit too much. So perhaps not thanks from me, but from them ;).


Last but not least, getting this map from Armaholic is a pain in the ass. Why does that site hate me so much?? It used to be amazing.

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2 hours ago, dy_dead said:

Just wanted to say that this mission, and all your other missions, are just simply amazing. I make missions myself but suck pretty badly (and don't have nearly enough time to make them), so these missions allow me to play something with a small group of friends instead of pissing about in the editor for hours. Love the immersion and usage of @ALiVE.


Also a thanks for scaling down the mods used. I understand the need to get more things into the game (I love mods ;)) but my friends have already realized I love them a little bit too much. So perhaps not thanks from me, but from them ;).


Last but not least, getting this map from Armaholic is a pain in the ass. Why does that site hate me so much?? It used to be amazing.

Hey thanks for the kind words. I have another small update planned here within the next day or two. Things I'm considering (feel free to offer your thoughts):


1. I'm planning on allowing every combat support chopper one respawn. So currently, during the entire campaign, you get 3 CAS and 3 Transport choppers, other than the ones you can fly yourself of course. I feel like that puts a little too much pressure on keeping them in-tact and can really sour the experience if you lose one early, which has happened to me and SUCKS. So now you'd get 6 chances with CAS and 6 chances with Transport (which to me seems like a better idea).


2. I was thinking adding an A-10 (so now you'd have 3 attack choppers and one plane you can call for support. All with one respawn). Still undecided on that though. 


3. I feel like I may have slightly over did it with slowing the insurgency down, so I'm thinking I'll ever so slightly increase the chances of civ recruitment centers (meaning the Taliban will grow a tad faster,  and the landscape will be slightly more dangerous, but you'll have more installations to discover and blow up which I find really fun. This will be a minor tweak).


Otherwise I'll be making some slight performance adjustments and few smaller tweaks and stuff. So all in all nothing major, just a few quality of life things, which I'm definitely open to suggestions on.


Hey, regarding the Sangin download, if you're really having a hard time, PM me and I can temporarily provide you a link to it from my own Dropbox. I don't mind putting it up there for you if Armaholic is really giving you fits, though keep in mind I'd only leave it up there (privately) for a little bit, so let me know if you need me to do that.

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Update. The mission has been rebalanced slightly, and some tweaks have been made for performance purposes. Full details in the changelog.


I also updated Inshallah in a similar fashion (so feel free to grab it), but for now will be waiting to formally bump my 3CB mission threads due to what I'm assuming is an imminently pending 3CB vehicles update. At that point I plan on removing the Burnes Foxhound dependency and replacing them with the new 3CB landrovers. I'll incorporate their new medical vehicles too so stay tuned.

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The next ALiVE update will include a new indexing for CLA CLAFGHAN (by Nremik on Steam Workshop), so to celebrate, I plan on releasing an insurgency on it.


Shouldn't be long now. I'm just about done building it on my end. I tend to like to put friendly bases on most (if not all) of the military bases/outposts and this thing has like 8 of them. Wow. So yeah, you'll have plenty of places to resupply/respawn and take a breather.


There's a lot of hillside on CLAFGHAN so I'm sprinkling in some random camps to make flying around it more dangerous. Players will be able to play as USMC (including 2 pilot slots), ANA or ANP. It'll have an A-10 too for CAS because it's fun raining hell on Taliban. :)


Stay tuned. This is an amazing map.

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Sounds perfect. The respawns for CAS and transport were especially helpful as the AI can be very dumb and destroy the assets out of your control.  


(These are some random observations we made on things we found whilst playing your missions)

The hand crafted insurgent bases make for an enjoyable experience (from the Oasis of Marah mission), ALiVE is a good system for random engagement placement, but it can feel a bit chaotic/disjointed at times (especially with asymmetric warfare, even though I like it more then insurgency). Having these bases around means there are certain hotspots in the map that need to be avoided/attacked as they are most important. It creates a goal besides interacting with civilians and trying to find installations (in this map). It's cool that you make the different mission types instead of only Insurgency, variety is the spice of life ;).


I think that's why Oasis of Marah for me seems more focused and allows me to get into the action quicker and more effectively. Hand crafted stuff/specified objectives always give it that extra layer of detail. I usually try doing it myself when playing as ZEUS on your maps to flesh out the ALiVE placement/units for engagements. It makes the mission/target less random, but the unit placement and commander strategy/response dynamic. Having the map go from safe zones to extremely dangerous areas makes for a more logical campaign as you have a clear end goal (destroy assets/bases at the complete west side of the map) but it's almost impossible to do them at the start of the campaign as your reinforcement is usually nowhere near. This is more of a personal preference I suppose.


Also, the way reinforcements are handled, the friendly AI commander sometimes drops loads of troops on small objectives and starts moving all of the units on from there. This can cause some massive slowdowns if it's a battalion of tanks and infantry. I'm not sure if there's another way to handle this. Perhaps a way to divide heavy reinforcement deploying in the main base of the map and infantry and mechanized dropping in/driving in from edge of the map points? I'm not that intimate with ALiVE so I'm not sure that's even possible. Also the use of helicopters and planes, is this possible in these sort of scenarios? It should be rare of course but can add some extra danger to otherwise mostly infantry focused fights. This could also just be a complaint due to the fact I don't have a hosted dedicated server, but host my own locally (on the same machine that I play on(I'm poor)).

The CQB module (on Oasis of Marah) also places units perhaps a bit too randomly, as if you move the zeus camera over to the total west of the map, US soldiers still spawn in the middle of the enemy territory hotspots as if they were camping out there and waiting for the war to start. But that's probably something inherent to ALiVE.


I think what I like most about your maps is the sandbox feeling it has, you can mostly do what you want. This can sometimes cause a feeling of having no clear goals or targets though, so perhaps my request would be for more fixed objectives/hand crafted bases as to create both sandbox and focused styles of play?


A CLAFGHAN version would be incredible, I loved that map but never got ALiVE to function properly (due to indexing errors). That map always ran very well for me since it wasn't that large and town areas were optimized very well. Can't wait for its release! Will it be Asymmetrical warfare or Insurgency?


Thanks for your work :)



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Sounds perfect. The respawns for CAS and transport were especially helpful as the AI can be very dumb and destroy the assets out of your control.


Yeah I agree. I was losing precious CAS and Transport for very stupid reasons too and felt it needed to be more forgiving (IE giving the choppers respawns) in order to remain "fun" and also more realistic (I presume real militaries have access to more choppers than I had originally allowed in the mission).



 Having the map go from safe zones to extremely dangerous areas makes for a more logical campaign as you have a clear end goal (destroy assets/bases at the complete west side of the map) but it's almost impossible to do them at the start of the campaign as your reinforcement is usually nowhere near. This is more of a personal preference I suppose.



I want to apologize because I think I've set a bad precedent for talking about different missions of mine in various threads. I'm honestly having a hard time figuring out which mission you're referring to in some of these comments. And I really want to understand exactly what you're talking about so I can address the appropriate concerns. This was my mistake so I'm sorry for that. Let's try to keep Oasis of Marah talk in the Oasis of Marah thread (etc), it's easier for me to follow that way.


Now I'm going to break my own rule lol. 


The original idea behind Oasis of Marah was exactly that. I wanted to make something for nights when I wanted to get immediately into the action. The goal was, some tasks wouldn't be able to be tackled right away, because some areas would simply be too dangerous and you'd have to either fight your way there, or plan alternative methods for accomplishing the goal (do your risk flying over a dangerous AO to "destroy the truck," or do you patrol and fight your way to the objective? Etc).


I'm glad you're enjoying that aspect. Balancing this is not easy, and although more work needs to be done on my end to make it "perfect," I appreciate you noticing my intent. The reason I generally spread the enemies out is because I try to avoid large swaths of emptiness with nothing for the players to do. I can sympathize with preferring more concentrated areas of battle, but ALiVE doesn't handle this super well and also, especially on maps like Diyala, concentrated enemy areas can brutalize performance.


Though I agree my balancing may not be perfect in that mission, I'll see what I can do. Keep in mind I don't intend on updating Oasis of Marah until after 64-bit officially comes out (I want to see if I need to make any additional performance changes while I'm editing the mission).




The way reinforcements are handled, the friendly AI commander sometimes drops loads of troops on small objectives and starts moving all of the units on from there. This can cause some massive slowdowns if it's a battalion of tanks and infantry. I'm not sure if there's another way to handle this. Perhaps a way to divide heavy reinforcement deploying in the main base of the map and infantry and mechanized dropping in/driving in from edge of the map points?



Unfortunately no, this is not possible. I have a ticket open and several threads relating to my complaints about this system. Reinforcements work best when the player is not around the area because it all happens in a "Virtual" and invisible state. On the flip side however, if you happen to be around the Logistics dropoff point, it can be an absolute clusterfuck of exploding vehicles and choppers, and can kill performance until the logistics cycle ends.


To mitigate this, I've set it so units can reinforce frequently, in an effort that they reinforce as often as possible, and in the smallest numbers as possible. The way reinforcements work is, the side has to have possession of a "military objective" (think airport, or area with some barracks buildings, etc). On the flip side, if that group doesn't have possession of any military objectives, they can't reinforce at all! So as you play (ideally on a persistent dedicated server so you can save and load), it's critically important to take and hold these military areas. That way you can replenish your troops, and also so you can stranglehold the enemy so they can't (note: this is only referring to non-insurgency factions. Insurgent commanders replenish by recruiting civs and recruiting civs only).


This is an area I do hope to refine as more options are made available to me. I just need ALiVE to clean the reinforcements system up a bit so stay tuned and cross your fingers.




Also the use of helicopters and planes, is this possible in these sort of scenarios? It should be rare of course but can add some extra danger to otherwise mostly infantry focused fights. This could also just be a complaint due to the fact I don't have a hosted dedicated server, but host my own locally (on the same machine that I play on(I'm poor)).



In ISIS and Taliban scenarios, no. These are infantry, motorized and mechanized terrorist groups IRL. Realism is key here. Taliban will not be flying planes or choppers in my missions using these factions unless someone can prove to me they use them (frequently) IRL.


However, if you have specific requests for heavier equipment for the terrorists (such as me placing more motorized vehicles or armored vehicles in certain missions), I can certainly do that for sure!


On the BLUFOR side of things, I do totally plan on adding fixed wing aircraft for CAS support in all of my missions here soon. ALiVE is fixing a bug regarding planes right now, but stay tuned. BLUFOR will have more air assets available in my next round of updates. This should hopefully alleviate you feeling like some areas are too dangerous to pass through. See a ton of insurgents? Well soon you'll be able to bomb them with an A10 back to hell. :)



The CQB module (on Oasis of Marah) also places units perhaps a bit too randomly, as if you move the zeus camera over to the total west of the map, US soldiers still spawn in the middle of the enemy territory hotspots as if they were camping out there and waiting for the war to start. But that's probably something inherent to ALiVE.



This should absolutely not be happening. CQB on both sides are set to only spawn in held territory. Thanks for the heads up on this. I will try to see what's causing this ASAP.




I think what I like most about your maps is the sandbox feeling it has, you can mostly do what you want. This can sometimes cause a feeling of having no clear goals or targets though, so perhaps my request would be for more fixed objectives/hand crafted bases as to create both sandbox and focused styles of play?



I understand the desire for more structured objectives. Hear me out because really, insurgencies are THE BEST.


First things first, I urge you to setup a dedicated server and register it on ALiVE's War Room. Insurgencies are like a fine alcohol, and they get better and better as they age.


If you're only playing one off sessions, you are missing out dude. As the insurgent commander establishes his foothold, he'll begin placing suicide bombers, HQ's for you to blow up like civ recruitment centers , they'll lay IED's and roadblocks and generally do a bunch of cool shit.


My favorite thing to do is start the mission by patrolling and talking to civs. Once I get Intel on insurgent HQ locations, I plan my own missions around attacking and destroying these objectives and man it never gets old.


I design these to be a "slow burn." It will take quite some time for HQ's to spawn. Sometimes in the beginning I'll request a traditional "task" by using the commander tablet\commander actions\tasks and requesting a traditional "mission" just to get me going. After a bit, my goals shift focus and I spend the rest of the time hunting regular HQ's (the factories that need to be blown up).


Occasionally, your friendlies on the map will discover these for you and they'll automatically be marked on the map (though note, this Intel will fade so mark it as soon as you see it) .


I'll link you some instructions for setting up your own server and trust me it's easy as hell. You are missing out if you are not saving and loading. Trust me. I also think this will put to rest your opinion that insurgencies can feel "directionless." Over time, you'll have plenty to do. The Taliban/insurgents just needs time to establish themselves.




A CLAFGHAN version would be incredible, I loved that map but never got ALiVE to function properly (due to indexing errors). That map always ran very well for me since it wasn't that large and town areas were optimized very well. Can't wait for its release! Will it be Asymmetrical warfare or Insurgency?



I actually reindexed CLAFGHAN myself! :) It'll be in the next ALiVE release! This will be an insurgency, but will be on the slightly more "immediately dangerous" side, in comparison to my other releases.


Balancing this one has not been easy but I'm plucking away. Expect it within the next few days or so. And thanks for all the feedback dude.

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I know this is primarily MP mission.


Tried it on SP---->LAN.

As an avid Sp player, was wondering, is there a way to get in a SAVE function?
So many red squares to check and would like to make slow progression on this, that being I'm the only player on the map, besides my recruits.


This SAVE request is also being asked for your other MP missions that state SP play-ability.

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AFAIK the SP save function will def crash your Arma with an memory error when enabling and using SP save (at least in my experience). But i read on the ALiVE forums (don't remember the user who posted) that with the 64x Arma and ALiVE 64x saving have been succesfull with a couple hundred profiles active. So if you don't wan't to experiment with 64x just yet, i reccomend to host the mission with TADST (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11655) which is a great dedicated server tool and register at ALiVE warroom, but you need to make sure the correct IP is registered and update it everytime you play if it's not static.


I have rented a dedi to play ALiVE missions. It's not a "must" but it takes some load of my comp when playing and with saving enabled in the Data module, and autopause activated I can just log on the server and the mission is just like when I left it. 


Definitively exiting if SP saving will be a feature with the 64x arma and ALiVE in the future though.

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10 hours ago, Mordacai said:


I know this is primarily MP mission.


Tried it on SP---->LAN.

As an avid Sp player, was wondering, is there a way to get in a SAVE function?
So many red squares to check and would like to make slow progression on this, that being I'm the only player on the map, besides my recruits.


This SAVE request is also being asked for your other MP missions that state SP play-ability.

Like GaZthme, I'm very very hopeful SP saving will be possible once 64-bit releases. I plan on experimenting with it so I'll let you guys know how it goes. If it seems ok, I'll edit the mission to allow it (I currently disable SP saves for the reasons described above), but for now, a dedicated server is really the only choice.


The red squares are called TRACE squares, and yeah I agree, I love them. Unfortunately, they do not persist state between persistent dedicated server sessions (I have a feature request open for that), so what I like to do, at the end of every session before I "server save and exit," is manually mark the areas I patrolled myself with ALiVE advanced markers (left ctrl + alt + left click).

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Yeah sorry HaVOS, I actually talked about the Oasis or Marah mission at first, realized I was typing on the wrong thread and just started editing it to make it work for this thread xD. Probably wasn't smart haha. And yes, 64bit will hopefully make the game not run like an absolute shitshow and allow for more then 10 squads to be on a server simultaneously before it starts lagging to hell (Arma 3 is the only game I play 30fps in firefights and put up with it).


I do actually host using TADST, but play the game on the same machine which I think has a pretty negative impact on performance. I'd rent a server but it's so expensive for Arma 3 (especially if you want to use custom mods).


ALiVE seriously needs a reinforcement point or something you can place as a module to allow for different types of reinforcement to come from different points of the map (instead of EVERYTHING being airdropped). Perhaps create a custom capture zone at the edge of the map as a top priority point for BLUFOR and have a logistics module that can only use that capture zone as a drop point? Then again I'm not sure if BLUFOR would ever leave that point if that was the case. I do hope this can be improved at some point. I love your insurgency missions but would love to see something along the lines of Oasis of Marah with US vs Russia. Arma missions are mostly vs IS, but I'd say with recent world events it might be something to look into ;)


I understand the Taliban not having Mi-24's, that'd be a bit over the top ;). It was more of a wish really, helicopters and heavy equipment create obstacles that require certain tools to deal with. Perhaps a suggestion for that US vs Russia mission ;).


Once you release the Clafghan map (great job on indexing it btw) I'll have a bit more patience, hopefully I'll be able to grow the same love for Insurgency as you have ;)

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@dy_dead Thanks for the kind words. Depending on your machine, TADST should do a fine job performance-wise. Especially in these smaller scale insurgencies. The choker here I really do believe is Sangin (and for that matter, Diyala) itself. I get very high frames on Reshmaan, for example. And most places on Takistan. Depending on how 64-bit pans out, I definitely plan on continuing to make performance adjustments so stay tuned for sure.


So I think I was a little bit unclear on how reinforcements are capable of working with ALiVE. It is very much possible for me to set up a high priority Military HQ objective somewhere off the map so they don't initially spawn within the main AO. It's just I've never had any luck getting it to work the way I wanted, and this still doesn't prevent them from reinforcing a large amount profiles all at the same time (so I don't think me trying to set this up would necessarily resolve your frustration with it). Though I'll take another look-see and see what I can come up with.


What I would personally like to see is reinforcements coming in much smaller numbers (to keep performance in check), but more frequently. This is how I technically have it setup, BTW but it's never functioned the way it would in my wildest dreams.


Not to go all inside baseball, but I currently have Logistics set to resupply at the highest possible frequency, at 90% of our initial strength. So for example, let's say we begin with 50 friendly profiles (which is about right for this mission). Technically, this means we *should* see reinforcements come in once we're at around 45 friendly profiles, and logistics should give us 5 back. So in theory, not bad, right?


My experience is this never actually happens, and my best guess is this is because the OPCOM Commander cycles happen too slowly. So by the time LOGCOM can actually replenish us with troops, it's usually a much higher number than the settings I have in place. 


All in all this is a relatively minor issue, all things considered, but again, I do hope to see refinements as ALiVE continues to update and grow.


Regarding insurgencies, one thing that's important for me to balance isn't necessarily giving them heavy machinery, but by allowing them to overwhelm us with their numbers and with pure brute force if they play their cards right. The danger should come in their hit and run tactics, and through suicide bombers and IED's and RPG's. This is a balancing act on my end, though remember, regardless of improvements I can make, it will still take a few hours before the Taliban commanders can get to this point, so saving and loading in some capacity will always get you the best experience.


One neat thing coming in the next ALiVE update is a setting for CQB units to man static weapons on rooftops. Lol. Which is pretty cool. So soon you'll have a new threat to worry about. :)


I have a couple other missions in mind. One is a potential winter op on Thirsk with Russia fighting US commandos. Also, don't forget about my October Skies mission on Chernarus if you want to try something more conventional (it's the Russian army versus Ukraine). It doesn't have auto-tasking (though you can still request tasks in the Commander Tablet) but I could always add it if you want.


Anyway, sorry for the long-winded reply. Thanks for playing and thanks for your feedback. And once I feel the balancing is ok-ish, I'll have the first draft of the op on CLAFHAN out here pretty soon.

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Minor update. I've taken an interest the last couple of days in learning how to fly, so I added a few UH60M Blackhawk helicopters (which I really like) for the players to fly. I've also added a few proper 6x6 IED resistant MRAP's and made a few very small optimization tweaks. Full changelog in the first post.

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48 minutes ago, Savage_Donkey said:

Shouldn't the marines technically use the Huey or CH-53 :p

Most (not all) of the available Marines choppers don't have any passenger seats, aside from maybe a pilot/co-pilot deal (I'm talking about the available choppers under USMC in the editor). So helicopter excursions would essentially need to be done alone without any AI or friends (and note, all of the Marines CAS choppers are still available, I just added the Blackhawks).


But if it bothers you, I will change this. I'm fine with that. But I'm NOT an expert on military vehicles, so please make a list of the choppers with their IN-GAME names or classnames, and NOT their nicknames or IRL model numbers, and I will edit the mission.


Example: Don't use words like Blackhawk. It doesn't say Blackhawk in the game. I just happen to know what the UH60M is IRL lol.


So what do you want available? We need:


1. Three AI controlled CAS support choppers 

2. Three AI controlled Transport support choppers

3. Around four empty choppers players can fly themselves, ideally all of these would have some weapons attached and at least a few would have seats available for a group of players


Tell me what you want and I will do it. It doesn't bother me.

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I though you had replaced something with the uh60, but I'm mistaken.  The helicopters you picked for support are already fine.  If you wanted to get really technical you could replace the uh60 with the UH-1Y (FFAR/MG) or the UH-1Y (Ground Suppression).  It doesn't bother me.

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10 minutes ago, Savage_Donkey said:

I though you had replaced something with the uh60, but I'm mistaken.  The helicopters you picked for support are already fine.  If you wanted to get really technical you could replace the uh60 with the UH-1Y (FFAR/MG) or the UH-1Y (Ground Suppression).  It doesn't bother me.

Haha it's ok. I'll take a look. All of this is pretty easy for me to adjust/research so I don't mind tinkering for realism at all.


I just took an interest very recently in learning how to finally fly myself places, mainly because this will be critical in the upcoming Clafghan mission I'll be releasing. :)


I'll see if I like the UH-1Y's better. And thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it.

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9 hours ago, Savage_Donkey said:

Shouldn't the marines technically use the Huey or CH-53 :p

I replaced the Blackhawks with Huey's. :) Updated.

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Due to my recent interest in flying/piloting, I've increased the Virtual AI spawn distance parameter for when traveling by air, which I've done in all of my insurgency updates today (I forgot to note that change in the changlogs earlier, which I've since updated, in case you're following along at home :) ).

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Hey, Heroes, you may want to change your ALiVE Virtual AI settings to profile all but synced units. You'll notice a tremendous FPS boost. ;)

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21 hours ago, jig86 said:

Hey, Heroes, you may want to change your ALiVE Virtual AI settings to profile all but synced units. You'll notice a tremendous FPS boost. ;)

Every manually placed unit is virtualized, except for the ones I have guarding the friendly bases.


I use the option to virtualized all synced units and have it setup the way I want it. All Taliban units are profiled, and the only friendly ones that aren't are the friendly units on guard at our bases, which is intentional. Everything is currently profiled the way I have intended it to be.


That said, if performance is still not optimal with 64-bit in this mission (I've only tested Inshallah and OMG performance is so good!), if everyone agrees I should delete most or all of these ambient guards (who are really the only ones left unprofiled), I can do that, no problem.


What I can't do is just virtualize these units. If I do, OPCOM will send them off to do missions, and if they are to stay, they are to stay where they are placed. So our choices are for me to keep it the way it is, or delete some/most/all of them. 


Which of these options would you prefer? Have you tried 64-bit yet? 

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