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How to create multiple spawn locations in scenario?

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I was googling around for 30mins now and still didn't find anything about it.

So I was wondering that how could I make multiple spawn/start locations in singleplayer scenario from which player can choose only one spawn/start.


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You can use BIS template for respawn.



respawn = "BASE";
respawnDelay = 10;
respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition"};
respawnOnStart = 1;

Then on map create marker with name (according to side)



For more spawn positions just create MORE markers with prefix "respawn_west_" (for each side)





That way you will have multiple spawn positions choose from. Hope that helps.


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You probably got me wrong here.

I said spawn/start not REspawn.

It should look like in these pictures.


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There is important


respawnOnStart = 1;

Where you will use this template to SPAWN at start of mission.

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Here is a very simple start taking your picture as an example, using a scripted Strategic map( can also be done with modules ) on Stratis.



//Include A3 DIK codes for keys
#include "\a3\ui_f\hpp\definedikcodes.inc";


params[ "_player" ];

//wait for mission start - Briefing Read
waitUntil{ time > 0 };

//Get position of Girna
_posGirna = getArray( configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> "Stratis" >> "Names" >> "Girna" >> "position" );

//Setup some strategic missions
_missions = [
	//Coastal Approach
		[1832.96,2669.19,0],				//0: ARRAY - mission position in format [x,y,y] or [x,y]
		{									//1: CODE - expression executed when user clicks on mission icon
			params[ "_pos" ];
			_args = param[ 9 ];
			_args params[ "_posGirna" ];
				_pos getDir _posGirna,
			] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle params[ "_boat", "_crew", "_boatGroup" ];
			[ player ] joinSilent _boatGroup;
			player moveInCargo _boat;
			_boatGroup addWaypoint [ _posGirna, 0 ];
		"Coastal Approach",						//2: STRING - mission name
		"Assault Girna via beach landing.",		//3: STRING - short description
		"",										//4: STRING - name of mission's player
		"",										//5: STRING - path to overview image
		1,										//6: NUMBER - size multiplier, 1 means default size
		[_posGirna]								//7: ARRAY - parameters for the -on click- code; referenced from the script as (_this select 9)
	//Assault Approach
		[1955.75,2455.69,0],							//0: ARRAY - mission position in format [x,y,y] or [x,y]
		{												//1: CODE - expression executed when user clicks on mission icon
			params[ "_pos" ];
			player setPosATL _pos;
		"Assault Approach",								//2: STRING - mission name
		"Assault Girna from main route into town.",		//3: STRING - short description
		"",												//4: STRING - name of mission's player
		"",												//5: STRING - path to overview image
		1,												//6: NUMBER - size multiplier, 1 means default size
		[]												//7: ARRAY - parameters for the -on click- code; referenced from the script as (_this select 9)
	//Overwatch Approach
		[2205.1,2436.84,0],							//0: ARRAY - mission position in format [x,y,y] or [x,y]
		{											//1: CODE - expression executed when user clicks on mission icon
			params[ "_pos" ];
			player setPosATL _pos;
		"Overwatch Approach",						//2: STRING - mission name
		"Assault Girna from the high ground.",		//3: STRING - short description
		"",											//4: STRING - name of mission's player
		"",											//5: STRING - path to overview image
		1,											//6: NUMBER - size multiplier, 1 means default size
		[]											//7: ARRAY - parameters for the -on click- code; referenced from the script as (_this select 9)

//Open strategic map
_display = [
	[] call BIS_fnc_displayMission,							//0: DISPLAY - parent display. When empty, mission display is used.
	[1955.75,2455.69,0],	//Middle mission pos			//1: ARRAY - default view position in format [x,y,y] or [x,y]
	_missions,												//2: ARRAY - list of missions in format:
	[],														//3: ARRAY - list of ORBAT groups in format:
	[],														//4: ARRAY - list of markers revealed in strategic map (will be hidden when map is closed)
	[],														//5: ARRAY - list of custom images in format:
	0,														//6: NUMBER - value in range <0-1> defining weather on strategic map (i.e. density of clouds)
	false,													//7: BOOL - true for night version of strategic map (darker with blue tone)
	0.25,													//8: NUMBER - default map scale coeficient (1 is automatic scale)
	false,													//9: BOOL - true to enable simulation while the map is opened (default: false)
	"Chose Assault type",									//10: STRING - bottom bar action label text (default: "Select a mission")
	true,													//11: BOOL - true to show icon label as a mission name (default: true)
	"\A3\Ui_f\data\Map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_%1_gs.paa"	//12: STRING - path to mission icon texture (default: "\A3\Ui_f\data\Map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_%1_gs.paa")
] call BIS_fnc_StrategicMapOpen;										//%1 - animation frame from 0-6 (optional)		%2 - index from 1-9 (optional)

//Disbale CLOSE button
_display displayCtrl 2 ctrlEnable false;

//Disable ESC Key closing strategic map
_display displayAddEventHandler [ "KeyDown", {
	params[ "_display", "_keyCode" ];
	if ( _keyCode == DIK_ESCAPE ) then {
		true	//Override default behaviour


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8 hours ago, Larrow said:

Here is a very simple start taking your picture as an example, using a scripted Strategic map( can also be done with modules ) on Stratis.



//Include A3 DIK codes for keys
#include "\a3\ui_f\hpp\definedikcodes.inc";


params[ "_player" ];

//wait for mission start - Briefing Read
waitUntil{ time > 0 };

//Get position of Girna
_posGirna = getArray( configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> "Stratis" >> "Names" >> "Girna" >> "position" );

//Setup some strategic missions
_missions = [
	//Coastal Approach
		[1832.96,2669.19,0],				//0: ARRAY - mission position in format [x,y,y] or [x,y]
		{									//1: CODE - expression executed when user clicks on mission icon
			params[ "_pos" ];
			_args = param[ 9 ];
			_args params[ "_posGirna" ];
				_pos getDir _posGirna,
			] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle params[ "_boat", "_crew", "_boatGroup" ];
			[ player ] joinSilent _boatGroup;
			player moveInCargo _boat;
			_boatGroup addWaypoint [ _posGirna, 0 ];
		"Coastal Approach",						//2: STRING - mission name
		"Assault Girna via beach landing.",		//3: STRING - short description
		"",										//4: STRING - name of mission's player
		"",										//5: STRING - path to overview image
		1,										//6: NUMBER - size multiplier, 1 means default size
		[_posGirna]								//7: ARRAY - parameters for the -on click- code; referenced from the script as (_this select 9)
	//Assault Approach
		[1955.75,2455.69,0],							//0: ARRAY - mission position in format [x,y,y] or [x,y]
		{												//1: CODE - expression executed when user clicks on mission icon
			params[ "_pos" ];
			player setPosATL _pos;
		"Assault Approach",								//2: STRING - mission name
		"Assault Girna from main route into town.",		//3: STRING - short description
		"",												//4: STRING - name of mission's player
		"",												//5: STRING - path to overview image
		1,												//6: NUMBER - size multiplier, 1 means default size
		[]												//7: ARRAY - parameters for the -on click- code; referenced from the script as (_this select 9)
	//Overwatch Approach
		[2205.1,2436.84,0],							//0: ARRAY - mission position in format [x,y,y] or [x,y]
		{											//1: CODE - expression executed when user clicks on mission icon
			params[ "_pos" ];
			player setPosATL _pos;
		"Overwatch Approach",						//2: STRING - mission name
		"Assault Girna from the high ground.",		//3: STRING - short description
		"",											//4: STRING - name of mission's player
		"",											//5: STRING - path to overview image
		1,											//6: NUMBER - size multiplier, 1 means default size
		[]											//7: ARRAY - parameters for the -on click- code; referenced from the script as (_this select 9)

//Open strategic map
_display = [
	[] call BIS_fnc_displayMission,							//0: DISPLAY - parent display. When empty, mission display is used.
	[1955.75,2455.69,0],	//Middle mission pos			//1: ARRAY - default view position in format [x,y,y] or [x,y]
	_missions,												//2: ARRAY - list of missions in format:
	[],														//3: ARRAY - list of ORBAT groups in format:
	[],														//4: ARRAY - list of markers revealed in strategic map (will be hidden when map is closed)
	[],														//5: ARRAY - list of custom images in format:
	0,														//6: NUMBER - value in range <0-1> defining weather on strategic map (i.e. density of clouds)
	false,													//7: BOOL - true for night version of strategic map (darker with blue tone)
	0.25,													//8: NUMBER - default map scale coeficient (1 is automatic scale)
	false,													//9: BOOL - true to enable simulation while the map is opened (default: false)
	"Chose Assault type",									//10: STRING - bottom bar action label text (default: "Select a mission")
	true,													//11: BOOL - true to show icon label as a mission name (default: true)
	"\A3\Ui_f\data\Map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_%1_gs.paa"	//12: STRING - path to mission icon texture (default: "\A3\Ui_f\data\Map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_%1_gs.paa")
] call BIS_fnc_StrategicMapOpen;										//%1 - animation frame from 0-6 (optional)		%2 - index from 1-9 (optional)

//Disbale CLOSE button
_display displayCtrl 2 ctrlEnable false;

//Disable ESC Key closing strategic map
_display displayAddEventHandler [ "KeyDown", {
	params[ "_display", "_keyCode" ];
	if ( _keyCode == DIK_ESCAPE ) then {
		true	//Override default behaviour



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