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Unplayable multiplayer on decent/high end rig

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I've had arma 3 for quite some time now and recently upgraded my computer due to the fact that I could never play demanding games such as arma. My new computer specs are a intel i7 6700k processor with a gtx 980ti and 8gb of ram. However, even with this upgrade, I find it to be unplayable on ANY server I try, even on the lowest settings possible. I'll usually get somewhere between like 5-15 fps which makes no sense whatsoever for the specs of my computer. I have no problems getting decent frames on singleplayer or any other games such as squad or really any multiplayer game. My internet is fine and I have a decent connection so I really have no idea as to why any game I join is unplayable for me, its really frustrating. If anyone could help/provide advice that would be great, thanks.



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5 - 15 fps with a 6700K .... :glare:

here is something wrong,

memory correct clocked?

are the bios settings accurate for CPU?

bios up to date, drivers up to date?


I have nearly same specs and get usual 50 - 120 fps online with most settings on ultra

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Memory is correctly clocked, settings are accurate for the cpu, and bios and all my drivers are up to date. I have NO problem whatsoever on other high demanding multiplayer games, the only one that doesn't work is Arma. Like I said though, I have no problems getting the same frames you get when i'm in campaign mode or any other mode I try, the only issue is with multiplayer. I honestly have no idea why and its really frustrating when you pay a chunk of money for a game and it doesn't work properly when it should, hence the reason i'm on these forums lol.

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I can relate to OP, I built a new system no more than a week ago just to play this game and I get 20FPS freezes with 30FPS average inside a city.


Specs are:

-i7 6700k (Not OC'd)

-GTX 960 SLI 2GB (Yeah I'm aware Arma doesn't handle SLI well, cards were technically free, didn't OC these either.)

-16GB DDR4 3000




Urban warfare is a bitch with 5.56, need at least 6.5 or 7.62 to win the lag lottery. Outside of urban areas it's a little more manageable with 40-60FPS.


All BIOS and drivers are up to date. Pretty much the first thing I did before I even installed Steam.


What do? Waste a whole day OC'ing the i7 or sell the two 960's for a 100 a pop and get an RX290 or GTX1070?

Edited by MrBonesWildRide
Additional info.

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Might as well make use of this post since it seems I can't start new threads, how do you run Arma 3 in 64bit?

Edited by MrBonesWildRide
Double post.

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1 hour ago, MrBonesWildRide said:

Might as well make use of this post since it seems I can't start new threads, how do you run Arma 3 in 64bit?

I had the same problem about not being able to start a thread, but I believe you have to have made at least 3 replies on other peoples posts to start a new thread (dumb I know, made me frustrated why I couldn't originally create a thread but that should make the start new topic button to appear)

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1 hour ago, maquez said:

are you one of these funny guys that uses 12k viewdistance ?





try these settings and report back


My VD was slightly higher than yours.


Overall by only a few hundred and object by a thousand and give or take a hundred.


All other settings I seem to have increased to match yours.


Hoping this does the "graphics card takes over for the CPU processing" trick I read somewhere about.


Anyways, going to go in game now. Will report back.

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2 hours ago, MrBonesWildRide said:


My VD was slightly higher than yours.


Overall by only a few hundred and object by a thousand and give or take a hundred.


All other settings I seem to have increased to match yours.


Hoping this does the "graphics card takes over for the CPU processing" trick I read somewhere about.


Anyways, going to go in game now. Will report back.


Okay, well tested this in two games of KOTH on a 110 player server.


While being a happy camper inside those green towers:


30 FPS with lows of 24 on original settings.

30 FPS with lows of 24 after adjusting to your settings.

30 FPS with lows of 24 after keeping my lower settings and lowering the viewing distance to your settings.


In other words, literally nothing.


What else can I do?

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i5 6600k (Overclocked to 4.6 GHz)

16 GB Memory (Corsair Vengeance LPX - 3200mhz: I run around 2800mhz I think)



I generally get 50-70 FPS on a high population KOTH match. Weird you're getting such low frames, even on base settings I was getting around 40-60 FPS.


Maybe try overclocking your pc and trying this:


-high -nosplash -world=empty -skipIntro -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -malloc=default -noLogs -noPause -maxMem=2000

Inside the ARMA 3 Launcher:
1.) Go to the PARAMETERS Tab
2.) Click All Parameters
3.) Click "Show static Background in menu"
4.) Click "Skip logos at startup"
5.) Check "CPU count" and set it to the number of CPU cores you have
6.) Click "Extra threads" and select all 3 options
7.) Click "Memory allocator" and type "tbbmalloc"
8.) Click "No Logs"
9.) Click "World" and set it to "empty"
							UNDER THE Author TAB
10.) Click "No Pause"
Go to your Documents folder, then go to your ARMA 3 folder. Inside there you should fine a file called ARMA3.cfg; open it with notepad.
Look for the settings: 


Change them to:


Make sure vsync=0; and make sure refresh=144;


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2 hours ago, pierremgi said:

For sure 30 FPS is ridiculously "unplayable".


30 FPS is when I'm standing still. 24 as soon as I turn or have to move. You ever set up an ambush at 24 FPS? Everyone sees you before you see them. 

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2 hours ago, DaveTheGreat said:

i5 6600k (Overclocked to 4.6 GHz)

16 GB Memory (Corsair Vengeance LPX - 3200mhz: I run around 2800mhz I think)



I generally get 50-70 FPS on a high population KOTH match. Weird you're getting such low frames, even on base settings I was getting around 40-60 FPS.


Maybe try overclocking your pc and trying this:


-high -nosplash -world=empty -skipIntro -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -malloc=default -noLogs -noPause -maxMem=2000

Inside the ARMA 3 Launcher:
1.) Go to the PARAMETERS Tab
2.) Click All Parameters
3.) Click "Show static Background in menu"
4.) Click "Skip logos at startup"
5.) Check "CPU count" and set it to the number of CPU cores you have
6.) Click "Extra threads" and select all 3 options
7.) Click "Memory allocator" and type "tbbmalloc"
8.) Click "No Logs"
9.) Click "World" and set it to "empty"
							UNDER THE Author TAB
10.) Click "No Pause"
Go to your Documents folder, then go to your ARMA 3 folder. Inside there you should fine a file called ARMA3.cfg; open it with notepad.
Look for the settings: 


Change them to:


Make sure vsync=0; and make sure refresh=144;


Was hoping to avoid overclocking because well, I never done that before. I'll try the other stuff.

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7 hours ago, maquez said:

are you one of these funny guys that uses 12k viewdistance ?





try these settings and report back

Just tried these settings and on the first server it was great! I got a steady 60 frames with those settings, the second server i'm guessing the problem was due to their end or something because I only was getting like 15-20 frames which isn't absolutely unplayable but not the nicest..

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3 hours ago, DaveTheGreat said:

i5 6600k (Overclocked to 4.6 GHz)

16 GB Memory (Corsair Vengeance LPX - 3200mhz: I run around 2800mhz I think)



I generally get 50-70 FPS on a high population KOTH match. Weird you're getting such low frames, even on base settings I was getting around 40-60 FPS.


Maybe try overclocking your pc and trying this:


-high -nosplash -world=empty -skipIntro -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -malloc=default -noLogs -noPause -maxMem=2000

Inside the ARMA 3 Launcher:
1.) Go to the PARAMETERS Tab
2.) Click All Parameters
3.) Click "Show static Background in menu"
4.) Click "Skip logos at startup"
5.) Check "CPU count" and set it to the number of CPU cores you have
6.) Click "Extra threads" and select all 3 options
7.) Click "Memory allocator" and type "tbbmalloc"
8.) Click "No Logs"
9.) Click "World" and set it to "empty"
							UNDER THE Author TAB
10.) Click "No Pause"
Go to your Documents folder, then go to your ARMA 3 folder. Inside there you should fine a file called ARMA3.cfg; open it with notepad.
Look for the settings: 


Change them to:


Make sure vsync=0; and make sure refresh=144;


That seemed to help me a lot, now on king of the hill im gettin like a solid 60 frames with occasional drops in the 40's

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2 hours ago, MrBonesWildRide said:


30 FPS is when I'm standing still. 24 as soon as I turn or have to move. You ever set up an ambush at 24 FPS? Everyone sees you before you see them. 

I guess you're mixing up FPS and ping. 24 FPS is a standard for fluid video animations. Not sure your eyes can make difference between 1/24 sec and 1/30 sec, until your'e a cyborg (or a monkey). On the other hand pings can make a difference.

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there are many bad servers around, unfortunately


and by the way apart of:




you don't need any other start parameters, arma3 sets them correct for your system by default !

all other so called performance tweaks you will find are placebo and do nothing


there is also absolute no need to overclock the 6700K :rofl:



if you still struggle with your fps then you can disable ATOC,

this setting is quite performance heavy and depends a lot of your GPU's capability


this is my YAAB result:


you should reach with your system similar results


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On 12/18/2016 at 9:39 PM, randomhunterdude said:

That seemed to help me a lot, now on king of the hill im gettin like a solid 60 frames with occasional drops in the 40's


Can confirm, jumped up 5 FPS doing this. Still haven't OC'd the i7 though. Still putting that off...

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OC your cpu. I have a Haswell 4790K @ 4.5 GHZ all cores and before that i5-750 @ 4.2 GHZ all cores. ARMA is mainly cpu based so it needs all the cpu it can get and because it is mostly single threaded when it comes to AI, you need more speed to enjoy the game.


Online, it is because of the SERVER CPU being overloaded or not fast enough for the mission that YOU the client slows down. It is synchronized to the server FPS.


If you slow down online, yet your offline game play is good, find another server. There is no way around this until the ARMA AI becomes fully multithreaded to take advantage of modern cpus.

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