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About randomhunterdude

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    Private First Class
  1. randomhunterdude

    Unplayable multiplayer on decent/high end rig

    That seemed to help me a lot, now on king of the hill im gettin like a solid 60 frames with occasional drops in the 40's
  2. randomhunterdude

    Unplayable multiplayer on decent/high end rig

    Just tried these settings and on the first server it was great! I got a steady 60 frames with those settings, the second server i'm guessing the problem was due to their end or something because I only was getting like 15-20 frames which isn't absolutely unplayable but not the nicest..
  3. randomhunterdude

    Unplayable multiplayer on decent/high end rig

    I had the same problem about not being able to start a thread, but I believe you have to have made at least 3 replies on other peoples posts to start a new thread (dumb I know, made me frustrated why I couldn't originally create a thread but that should make the start new topic button to appear)
  4. randomhunterdude

    Unplayable multiplayer on decent/high end rig

  5. randomhunterdude

    Unplayable multiplayer on decent/high end rig

    Memory is correctly clocked, settings are accurate for the cpu, and bios and all my drivers are up to date. I have NO problem whatsoever on other high demanding multiplayer games, the only one that doesn't work is Arma. Like I said though, I have no problems getting the same frames you get when i'm in campaign mode or any other mode I try, the only issue is with multiplayer. I honestly have no idea why and its really frustrating when you pay a chunk of money for a game and it doesn't work properly when it should, hence the reason i'm on these forums lol.
  6. randomhunterdude

    thinking of upgrading GPU for arma 3...

    I understand that, actually invested in a corsair watercooler (can't remember the exact model name) just in case I decided to overclock in the near future. But still, does that at all warrant me to be getting like I said 5-15fps in multiplayer?? I understand that some of it may be server bound because in the campaign missions and stuff I easily get 50-60 frames, but when it comes to multiplayer, its just unplayable on literally ANY server I try to play. Really frustrating, you go any tips/tricks or anything to not get absolute garbage performance on multiplayer (I get poor performance on multiplayer even on low settings)
  7. randomhunterdude

    thinking of upgrading GPU for arma 3...

    Yea my 6700 isn't overclocked, the ddr4 ram is 2133Mhz, windows is installed on an ssd but arma is on an separate drive
  8. I've had arma 3 for quite some time now and recently upgraded my computer due to the fact that I could never play demanding games such as arma. My new computer specs are a intel i7 6700k processor with a gtx 980ti and 8gb of ram. However, even with this upgrade, I find it to be unplayable on ANY server I try, even on the lowest settings possible. I'll usually get somewhere between like 5-15 fps which makes no sense whatsoever for the specs of my computer. I have no problems getting decent frames on singleplayer or any other games such as squad or really any multiplayer game. My internet is fine and I have a decent connection so I really have no idea as to why any game I join is unplayable for me, its really frustrating. If anyone could help/provide advice that would be great, thanks.
  9. randomhunterdude

    thinking of upgrading GPU for arma 3...

    Some of those benchmarks are inaccurate for me, I have a gtx 980ti with a intel i7 6700k and still get horrible frame drops in singleplayer and multiplayer is just unplayable due to the amount of lag (like 5-15 fps)
  10. randomhunterdude

    Vehicle Sounds Still ON Even After Blowing Up!

    Yeah I've had this problem as well.
  11. Yes some actions/key bindings don't work at all, like changing the mouse direction for jets doesn't work for me.