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O2newbie needs help!(import in ofp)

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Please can anyone help me iam a very new o2 user and i know nothing...

How can i see textured model in bulldozer(skinned in 3dsm)?

First Iwant to import a Tank without any animations.

Contact me please

ICQ 163643679




My English is very bad biggrin.gif

CYA HUNT666 biggrin.gif

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My Model looks like this at the moment in Bulldozer!


When i make a pbo with a cpp my ofp crashs...

Pleaze help me!

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Hey hunt try to look at some other modells that helps a lot.

Can we make this in German?



Also ich empfehl dir schau dir doch ein andres modell an das hilft wirklich so kann man einiges lernen und wegen den texturen, die müssen im tga format am besten und eine grösse von 128 512 1025 usw. haben. Viel glück!!!


MAslow aka. Die KAmbodschanische Kampfsau aka. Kampfmerschwein

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Kambotscha Kampfsau!

Ich werds mir mal reinziehen nen anderes model...

Meine Textur iss im moment 800x800 gif format sag mal genau wie ich ändern muss...Weil mir jemand gesagt hat das geht so...

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guys please keep it in english

maybe other people have the same problem and cant read it

danke tounge.gif

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Textures with size of 800x800 won't work. Keep it like 128x128, 512x512, 2048x2048, and so on...

And make sure the paths are assigned correctly. For instance, if your addon PBO will be called "palladin.pbo", make the texture path prefix in Oxygene like: "\palladin\tex\". After that you need to create the same subfolders in your Bulldozer directory. Like "c:\bulldozer\palladin\tex". Store the textures in that directory and the "palladin.p3d" in the parent (c:\bulldozer\palladin). If you compress everything, select the folder "palladin" with the subfolder "tex" in it.

In the config.cpp you need to locate the model file like this:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


<span id='postcolor'>


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also check the texture filename length. If it's too long Oxygen sometimes will allow you to load them but won't apply them to the face/s



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Ok i will test it THX!

But i have another Problem!

When i import my model in o2 and press a for texture my o2 crashs? Did anyone knows what it is?


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When i press a the same happens!!

Anyone an idea?


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No idea what causes the problem. Maybe you should increase the texture memory a bit (in the options panel).

Or mark the "Fast Textures" box.

And don't forget to keep the directory/folder paths simple (store Oxygene and Bulldozer in the root directory of your harddrive).


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I have my PC installed again .

And now it works.


Sometimes come the Error when i press a.

The next Problem ihave convert my Texture to 512x512 tga and skin it with 3dsm. My Texture is in C:\stg77

In o2 in the import options the texture path is C:\stg77\

and then i import my model .

What i have to do when i want to see my texture in Buldozer(or in the game) I cant skin with o2.

And another question did anyone wrote a LOD Tutorial or a Tut for the animation?


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Nobody an idea!

Everyone who test it(model and texture) said that the model and texture ok and show me screens from o2 with my model and my texture..

I use the same way to import my model but i didnt see the texture.

I import some modelz from ofp and there is the same..

What can it happens .



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9f you trnslate the error into English I could help. I have been using Oxygen for a while and have encountered many errors biggrin.gif

Translate it and I will try to help you out. biggrin.gif


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My only Problem at the Moment is that i never get any textures into o2.

My texture path is C:\Ruger\

I have convert my texture to 512x512 tga ..

And then i import my model but i didnt see any textures..

Maslow has test my Model and it works great with the texture.

The picture in the post before is from maslow..

What can it happens..

Sometimes i see my model in red or in grey after import..


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Ok !

Texture iss in o2! biggrin.gif

But the next problem is that i didnt get it into game!

The texture is bad... This is the next problem..

How can i get it better in 3dsm it looks good..

But first i want get it into game !

the model iss white in the game!

My Texture iss in C:\MGS90\

THX for help



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Hi, little noob wink.gif

How you can get it ingame? Ask the super-god-coder of your mod-team (yes, you´re right) that´s me, and then I will write you a little nice config.cpp, make a pbo with it, and voilá... by the way, this weapon is ingame now biggrin.gif

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First of all when you get that error message and Oxygen crashes its usually because you are trying to apply a texture that Oxygen cant handle or its in the wrong directory. You must ALLWAYS keep your textures in the directory that you have assigned as texture directory in Oxygen (Options).

Second; If your model is red or grey in Bulldozer depends on if you have any faces selected. If you select one face/polygon the others will be red in Bulldozer.

When you import a model from a 3Ds file you wont see the texture (not me anyway) since there are no texture assigned to it. You cant assign new texture either without to map it again (I have not found any way to do it). I believe that Oxygen and 3Ds MAX use different mapping techniques or that ther just is a bad exporter/importer somewhere between the programs.

If anyone can solve this problem with keeping textures when importing 3Ds file please post the solution.

Good luck


When you import a 3Ds file you usually get animation keyframes with it, delete them! Save your model by writing *modelname.p3d*, if you dont write .p3d o2 will trye saving a dammaged 3Ds file since it must use its exporter to save 3ds.

You cant preview your model in Bulldozer until you have saved it correctly as a p3d file. You might have to reload the file.

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Erm, you can import .3DS models with textures.

Alpha Screen 001

(For the picture to work, wait til the page loads, then put a ? after .JPG. That should solve it.)

That is a screen grab from a model that was completely modelled and textured in 3DSM, then exported as .3DS and then I imported it into O2.

Worked like a charm.

As long as I kept all the folders under my d:\o2_viewer\ directory.

Now I have another problem though, I have this one texture with windows on it, so naturally I want it in .paa format. But when I import the model, O2 auto-converts it to .pac format, which is not good.

So, my question is:

Is there a way to change from .pac to .paa after I have imported my model?

If not, is there a way to select which format I want to convert it to when I import the model.

The thing is, when I manually import the texture alone, it converts to .paa format. But when I import it with the model (So that the model will be skinned...) it becomes .pac and the windows won't work =(

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Very good KTottE - Just what i wanted to point out - you CAN import 3ds models skinned in 3DSM into O2. smile.gif

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